False Promptings


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Regretfully we, instead  of establishing a relationship with the Father, simply use superstition as religion. We believe there is a list that will get us to the Father. .. like as long as we have a recommend we are where we need to be. Even if we are as mean as a rattle snake

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5 hours ago, john4truth said:

People through out the Church need to be taught Revelation doesn't appear  as black cat or owl

Although we agree, a black cat or owl wasn't what I was responding to. This is what I was responding to, "Extreme decisions may be made based on dropping a piece of paper." Nephi, who appears from scripture to have understood revelation, used (with his brothers) the casting of lots to determine who would speak with Laban. The casting of lots fell upon Jonah, and thus the men knew who was causing the storm and threw him overboard.

Extreme decisions have been made by people who know revelation, through casting (dropping) lots.

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I have learned that false promptings, or false interpretations of promptings, aren't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, they are quite useful in developing revelatory skills and growing in faith.  How else can we learn to discern, particularly the spiritually nuanced, except through experiencing the false as well as the true, except we spiritually fail as well as succeed.


In other words, @Sunday21, even if you assume that you received a false prompting, it isn't indicative that there is something spiritually, mentally, or emotionally wrong with you. Rather, take it as a sign that you are growing.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

Edited by wenglund
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On 6/12/2018 at 4:33 PM, john4truth said:

People through out the Church need to be taught Revelation doesn't appear  as black cat or owl

Casting lots throws it to chance, you should never do this unless the spirit tells to!!!!!!! Some things do not matter so they're are no promptings. 

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On 6/12/2018 at 9:46 PM, Anddenex said:

Although we agree, a black cat or owl wasn't what I was responding to. This is what I was responding to, "Extreme decisions may be made based on dropping a piece of paper." Nephi, who appears from scripture to have understood revelation, used (with his brothers) the casting of lots to determine who would speak with Laban. The casting of lots fell upon Jonah, and thus the men knew who was causing the storm and threw him overboard.

Extreme decisions have been made by people who know revelation, through casting (dropping) lots.

I don't think modern leady cast lots

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