Primary Ignored


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8 minutes ago, SpiritDragon said:

Edit: I love these men dearly and admire there desire to serve and help. I don't want this to come across as a criticism of anyone, simply showcasing that is easy to be forgotten about when serving in Primary. 

Amen to that.   I don't know if primary or nursery is the best calling for new members.  The thing is though (I used to be in the bishopric), in some wards it's really hard to find primary teachers and people willing to do it.  They will basically take anyone who is willing to do it; even if they are new members.

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On 1/5/2019 at 6:08 PM, zil said:

The ones to whom you minister, or the ones who minister to you, or both?

Android or iPhone or Windows Phone?

And are you in a presidency / bishopric?

Both on the iPhone.  I'm a Primary teacher.

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On 1/5/2019 at 5:43 PM, Kidney58 said:

My wife is a primary teacher and has been for the last two years. It seems like she has been ignored especially by relief society. How can we involve primary leaders and teachers more? Especially now with the new Come Follow Me curriculum?

I don't know how it is done in the new curriculum (I went to a different ward last Sunday and did not go to Primary) but last year, we have our Primary set up like this:  There are 2 teachers for one class.  We teach in the classrooms for 50 minutes then go to the Primary room for sharing/singing time for 50 minutes.  During sharing time, only one of the teachers go to the Primary class (the person who prepared the lesson), the other one goes to RS.  My companion and I alternate preparing the lesson for the class so we get to go to RS every other Sunday.

This time, though, we have sharing/singing time every Sunday for 30 minutes and classes for 20 minutes.  So, not sure how we can swap out for RS/Gospel Doctrine.

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10 minutes ago, mordorbund said:

My current elders quorum does a rotation where members of the quorum presidency rotate in as subs and let male primary teachers come to [some of the] quorum meetings.

We used to have this until that rule came out that you have to have 2 people teach the class and it can't be male and female unless they're married.  So, all our male primary teachers are teaching with their wives and so they can't get swapped out by EQ.

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8 hours ago, anatess2 said:

We used to have this until that rule came out that you have to have 2 people teach the class and it can't be male and female unless they're married.  So, all our male primary teachers are teaching with their wives and so they can't get swapped out by EQ.

I feel like that rule may need some training and reiteration because it sure doesn't seem to be getting applied universally.

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8 hours ago, anatess2 said:

We used to have this until that rule came out that you have to have 2 people teach the class and it can't be male and female unless they're married.  So, all our male primary teachers are teaching with their wives and so they can't get swapped out by EQ.

I don't think we had any husband/wife pairs teaching in our Primary, so that made it easier. One week an elder subs for one of the teachers and the other one teaches. The next week is the second teacher's turn.

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