So Sad Tonight


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I got a phone call at work this afternoon, my precious dog had been struck by a car. Seems my DIL had put him on his lead outside (he only went outside to do is doodie) and the clasp was half frozen and didnt close properly.

He got loose and ran out in to the roadway. He was my "baby" my best buddy, my protector. I went to the vets office but it was too late. He had passed away 10 minutes after arriving. He looked so perfect laying there. I really thought he was asleep.

His neck was broken. He never had a chance. What do I tell my 2 1/2 year old grandson? It was his buddy too.

I can't stop the tears. How do I cope with this? It seems so unreal.


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I got a phone call at work this afternoon, my precious dog had been struck by a car. Seems my DIL had put him on his lead outside (he only went outside to do is doodie) and the clasp was half frozen and didnt close properly.

He got loose and ran out in to the roadway. He was my "baby" my best buddy, my protector. I went to the vets office but it was too late. He had passed away 10 minutes after arriving. He looked so perfect laying there. I really thought he was asleep.

His neck was broken. He never had a chance. What do I tell my 2 1/2 year old grandson? It was his buddy too.

I can't stop the tears. How do I cope with this? It seems so unreal.


Marsha....I am really sorry to hear this
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Oh Marsha I am soooooooo sorry. It's hard for those that don't have an animal to realize how much a part of the family they become . I wish I had some special words to take away some of the pain but I'm at a loss. Just know that I'm thinking of you during your time of grief.

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I got a phone call at work this afternoon, my precious dog had been struck by a car. Seems my DIL had put him on his lead outside (he only went outside to do is doodie) and the clasp was half frozen and didnt close properly.

He got loose and ran out in to the roadway. He was my "baby" my best buddy, my protector. I went to the vets office but it was too late. He had passed away 10 minutes after arriving. He looked so perfect laying there. I really thought he was asleep.

His neck was broken. He never had a chance. What do I tell my 2 1/2 year old grandson? It was his buddy too.

I can't stop the tears. How do I cope with this? It seems so unreal.


Marsha I'm really sorry too...I don't know what to advise you to say to your grandson...I was very upset when my cat and later my dog passed away, I can understand your grief... :(

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Thank you all. My grandson left here this morning (he spent the night w/ grandma) and the dog was just fine. But this evening he asked his mom "wheres Quincy" No one had said anything to him about this, do you suppose he just feels something happened? He never asked about him before.

I guess I have to turn this in to a teaching lesson for him. We are just learning to stop and look both ways for cars. So I guess tell him that Quincy didn't look and he is forever gone. Is that ok? Is that bad? I just don't know. I just can't think straight. Gonna be a lonnnnnnng night I think.

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Thank you all. My grandson left here this morning (he spent the night w/ grandma) and the dog was just fine. But this evening he asked his mom "wheres Quincy" No one had said anything to him about this, do you suppose he just feels something happened? He never asked about him before.

I guess I have to turn this in to a teaching lesson for him. We are just learning to stop and look both ways for cars. So I guess tell him that Quincy didn't look and he is forever gone. Is that ok? Is that bad? I just don't know. I just can't think straight. Gonna be a lonnnnnnng night I think.

I think that sounds just fine Marsha.

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