The Priesthood

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The priesthood is the power and authority of God. God created the heavens and the earth by His priesthood power. By this power the universe is kept in perfect order. Through this power He accomplishes His work and glory, which is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Pearl of Great Price, Moses 1:39).

Our Heavenly Father shares His priesthood power in a limited way with worthy male members of the Mormon Church. The priesthood enables them to act in the name of Jesus Christ to help bring about the salvation of the human family. Through it, they can be authorized to preach the gospel, administer the ordinances of salvation, and govern God’s kingdom on earth. Men are ordained to the priesthood through the laying on of hands by worthy priesthood holders. As the Apostle Paul taught, "And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." (Hebrews 5:4)

Priesthood holders are divided into bodies called quorums. Through the quorums of the priesthood, men and boys strengthen each other and organize themselves to be of service in the neighborhoods and communities in which they live. Women and girls, though not receiving the priesthood, have equally important roles and responsibilities in carrying out the purposes of our loving Heavenly Father here on earth. They are entitled to all of the blessings of the priesthood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so thankful for the priesthood in my home. For a husband who has truly listened to the Spirit over the past years in regard to me and our children. As a mother I hope that I have instilled in my children the power of the priesthood and the need to use it whenever necessary and sometimes when it is not.

Many think that you can overuse the priesthood too much and that you don't have enought faith if you do. I tend to disagree! I used to think that, but when I had a serious surgery 5 months ago, I felt impressed numerous times to get a priesthood blessing. I needed the comfort that only that blessing could give me.

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This is the hardest concept for me to grasp in this church. I am a single not have the priesthood in my home and I unclear as to how it works...I am a Sunday school teacher, so I don't get much of a chance to learn about this in relief society or Sunday school. I know that each time I have heard it taught, I have had trouble understanding the whole concept and why G-d doesn't let me have that power as long as I have faith in him. I don't have a man in my home, and what makes men better than women that we are not given this power?

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I can understand why you would have a problem with women not holding the priesthood. However, as with all the aspects of the gospel, we have to look at it with an eternal perspective.

Below are a few quotes from latter-day Prophets which may help:

'In the true Patriarchal Order man holds the priesthood and is the head of the household of faith, but he cannot attain a fullness of joy here or of eternal reward hereafter alone. Woman stands at his side as joint-inheritor with him in the fullness of all things. Exaltation and eternal increase is her lot as well as his. Godhood is not for men only; it is for men and women together.'("Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R. McConkie)

'The priesthood is…the power of God delegated to man by which man can act in the earth for the salvation of the human family' (Joseph F. Smith, Mormon prophet).

'The Lord has assigned to men the chief responsibility for the governing and presiding over the affairs of the Church and the family. They in turn are to use this sacred power to bless and benefit all members of the Church – men, women, and children' (Brigham Young, Mormon prophet).

The priesthood is used to benefit the entire human family. Men have their work to do and their powers to exercise for the benefit of all the members of the Church…as it is with women. Women have their special gifts and are to be exercised for the benefit of the entire human family.

Men and women have different but equally important responsibilities in the home and the Church.

Does that help a bit?

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  • 1 month later...

I don't have a man in my home, and what makes men better than women that we are not given this power?

I hope my wife will forgive me but she actually wrote a blog post similar to this so I'm going to give you the link:

The challenge though is that you are a single mother, and there is no priesthood holder in your home. In this case, as the Family Proclamation says "...other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation". Do you have good Home Teachers that visit you regularly? The point of priesthood is service. It's your Home Teachers responsibility to ensure that your families needs are met. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance when it is required, whether it involves giving a blessing or something else that is necessary.

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This is the hardest concept for me to grasp in this church. I am a single not have the priesthood in my home and I unclear as to how it works...I am a Sunday school teacher, so I don't get much of a chance to learn about this in relief society or Sunday school. I know that each time I have heard it taught, I have had trouble understanding the whole concept and why G-d doesn't let me have that power as long as I have faith in him. I don't have a man in my home, and what makes men better than women that we are not given this power?

Women have things which are just as much a blessing to humanity as the Holy preisthood,

The preisthood is only half of which is needed, Just ask yourself, how did jesus or any other preisthood

holder get to come to this earth in the first place? If not for women non of us would be hear.

Plus lets add on all the many,many, real and sure nurturing,loving,guiding,caring, attributes that God

Gave to women in order to bless us all.

The preisthood would not excist w/out mom.


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I hope my wife will forgive me but she actually wrote a blog post similar to this so I'm going to give you the link:

The challenge though is that you are a single mother, and there is no priesthood holder in your home. In this case, as the Family Proclamation says "...other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation". Do you have good Home Teachers that visit you regularly? The point of priesthood is service. It's your Home Teachers responsibility to ensure that your families needs are met. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance when it is required, whether it involves giving a blessing or something else that is necessary.

No I do not get many visit from my home teachers and when they do visit, I feel like I am just a check on a list of things to do. I need blessings I have asked for one about three weeks ago, have yet to receive it...he keeps forgetting. I don't speak up like I should because I feel overlooked in my ward full of families. I am a single mother, I can't relate to these "ben heres" (I am a "got here" or convert)

Everybody was great when I first joined, but now that I have been around a couple of years...I have faded off and am ignored for the most part. People speak to me at church, but nobody contacts me during the week or asks me how I am doing or do I need anything...they all have busy lives and since I teach Sunday school...I don't go to relief society anymore.

I have only myself to blame, my ward members are all nice, I just have not put forth much of an effort because I don't feel like I fit in.

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No I do not get many visit from my home teachers and when they do visit, I feel like I am just a check on a list of things to do. I need blessings I have asked for one about three weeks ago, have yet to receive it...he keeps forgetting. I don't speak up like I should because I feel overlooked in my ward full of families. I am a single mother, I can't relate to these "ben heres" (I am a "got here" or convert)

Ask the High Priest group leader to give you a blessing and have your home teacher stand in the circle. That might light some fire underneath his feet. The church has always had problems with fellowshipping. Some people just do not like stepping out of their comfort zone. The good thing is church is for the people not of the people.

Quorum Prez

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Ask the High Priest group leader to give you a blessing and have your home teacher stand in the circle. That might light some fire underneath his feet. The church has always had problems with fellowshipping. Some people just do not like stepping out of their comfort zone. The good thing is church is for the people not of the people.

Quorum Prez

I am not bitter, I love this church and my ward members...we just don't fellowship...everybody has there own life and I am kind of a loner anyway.... I feel uncomfortable asking for blessing, so I just don't and when I do...I am still waiting for the one I asked for three weeks ago...

I don't like to go to ward functions because I feel like a wall flower. I sit by myself and nobody bothers to talk to me...I just don't have many friends in this ward. People are not snooty, they all smile and say "hi" and stuff, but we just do not have much in common. I am alone. At least that is how I feel. I am a convert, my family has disowned me...and I have no spouse (unless you count the one who is living with his mistress and their two children, I'm still married to that louse, too!! :angry:

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No I do not get many visit from my home teachers and when they do visit, I feel like I am just a check on a list of things to do. I need blessings I have asked for one about three weeks ago, have yet to receive it...he keeps forgetting. I don't speak up like I should because I feel overlooked in my ward full of families. I am a single mother, I can't relate to these "ben heres" (I am a "got here" or convert)

Everybody was great when I first joined, but now that I have been around a couple of years...I have faded off and am ignored for the most part. People speak to me at church, but nobody contacts me during the week or asks me how I am doing or do I need anything...they all have busy lives and since I teach Sunday school...I don't go to relief society anymore.

I have only myself to blame, my ward members are all nice, I just have not put forth much of an effort because I don't feel like I fit in.


Being a single mother in the Church is extremely difficult, especially if you dont have parents or other family in the Church, which is true of many converts. My daughter was a single mother for several years before she remarried. As a result we raised, for all practical purposes, two of our grandchildren. If I were you, I would be more demanding of help from priesthood leaders without becoming a burden or frustration to them. Another area is to get to know your visiting teachers, then ask them over for a light lunch or some other activity. If you dont know who they are, ask your Bishop or Relief Society President. Also check to see if your Stake has a single adult program where you can meet other single sisters and share experiences a solutions to problems.

As to fitting in, many of us dont seem to fit in for one reason or another. I am basically an introvert but through determined activity and acceptance of Church callings I have been able to overcome this impediment although I only have a limited number of what I would call real friends either in the Church or outside the Church. Dont let this feeling get you down or hold you back. Just remember that you are a daughter of our Heavenly Father and he wants the very best for you and your small family.

Larry P

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Being a single mother in the Church is extremely difficult, especially if you dont have parents or other family in the Church, which is true of many converts. My daughter was a single mother for several years before she remarried. As a result we raised, for all practical purposes, two of our grandchildren. If I were you, I would be more demanding of help from priesthood leaders without becoming a burden or frustration to them. Another area is to get to know your visiting teachers, then ask them over for a light lunch or some other activity. If you dont know who they are, ask your Bishop or Relief Society President. Also check to see if your Stake has a single adult program where you can meet other single sisters and share experiences a solutions to problems.

As to fitting in, many of us dont seem to fit in for one reason or another. I am basically an introvert but through determined activity and acceptance of Church callings I have been able to overcome this impediment although I only have a limited number of what I would call real friends either in the Church or outside the Church. Dont let this feeling get you down or hold you back. Just remember that you are a daughter of our Heavenly Father and he wants the very best for you and your small family.

Larry P

Thanks!! I am not angry with my ward family, they just do not know me well, that is all and I have fybromyalsia and I suffer from depression a lot so, I tend to be reclusive, this is MY OWN fault. I don't reach out because I just don't feel like I am worth the time...These are my issues to overcome, not the fault of my ward family. they are for the most part...really good people. Everyone is VERY friendly to me...we just have nothing in common, that is all.
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we just don't fellowship

Personally I wish this statement was false, but its so right on it kinda makes me sad. We as members should be more open especially when it comes to new members. We had a case where the older sisters were making "subtle" hints to a new convert that she should start wearing dresses to church, along with many other misc. comments. As a Priesthood Leader I get frustrated (since it could hinder my missionary efforts) since statements that people think as benign can really hurt people. They don't know everyone situation, it could have been financial or perhaps even a personal preference. In any case what should it matter she is still a daughter in Zion what she wears to church should not be an issie. Everyone's Sunday best is different. So a way I combated this was I went out and purchased a book for them introducing them to Mormon culture. The book is called Converts Guide to Mormon Life, it was recommended by a friend. I've thought about using my budget to purchase several copies of the book to give to new converts as a gift from the Quorum. Anyways back on topic. I believe we all could to better in sustaining new converts and be better at fellowshipping eachother.

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Personally I wish this statement was false, but its so right on it kinda makes me sad. We as members should be more open especially when it comes to new members. We had a case where the older sisters were making "subtle" hints to a new convert that she should start wearing dresses to church, along with many other misc. comments. As a Priesthood Leader I get frustrated (since it could hinder my missionary efforts) since statements that people think as benign can really hurt people. They don't know everyone situation, it could have been financial or perhaps even a personal preference. In any case what should it matter she is still a daughter in Zion what she wears to church should not be an issie. Everyone's Sunday best is different. So a way I combated this was I went out and purchased a book for them introducing them to Mormon culture. The book is called Converts Guide to Mormon Life, it was recommended by a friend. I've thought about using my budget to purchase several copies of the book to give to new converts as a gift from the Quorum. Anyways back on topic. I believe we all could to better in sustaining new converts and be better at fellowshipping eachother.

I like your heart!! G-d does too!!!I left the Baptist church because I hated that guilt trip that I went on every SAunday!! my heart is changing and softening since I have met the Real Jesus!!
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Hello Yediyd...

If you think it's hard being a single mom in the Church, think how I feel being a widow, 66 years old with no children... no family or relatives... Not to make light of your situation because I understand completely... but at least you have children. I'm really a left shoe in a family oriented Church. I am hard pressed to find a program on BYU-TV that doesn't have something to do with raising children, marriage, etc. A couple of years ago I was chairman of the Saturday program and speakers for our Stake RS conference. I didn't attend the previous year because there wasn't one topic that dealt with a single sister let alone one that didn't involve children/family. So when I was chairman, I had two speakers who addressed different aspects of "Being One Among Many." Very well received.

But... I am fortunate... I have faithful priesthood holders for my home teachers. THEY bring the priesthood into my home. They check on me and make sure I am spiritually and temporally okay. Today, at Church, I asked two brothers for a Priesthood blessing because I'm experiencing a health issue. We got together between Sunday School and RS and they gave me a beautiful, comforting blessing.

I am also fortunate that I speak up and participate in class, am not afraid to attend social functions alone and sit with families that have become friends. I have been given callings in RS presidency, RS teacher, Stake Missionary, etc. In other words Yediyd... don't hang back. By all means, you need faithful home teachers who will bring the priesthood into your home... that's why they were established. Talk to the bishop or the Elders quorum pres. You also need faithful sisters who will be your visiting teachers so that you can get to know some sisters and feel close... that is what they are supposed to do. The "programs" were established for a purpose and it is very important that those of us who do not have the priesthood/husbands in our homes have this spiritual support. I encourage you not to sit back. I cannot tell you the spirit that these home visits bring when they are done right. If you feel like your HTs are just "checking you off" get new ones who care... they are there... mine do and it means the world to me. Good luck...

The Garden Girl

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Ya know, aside from my confirmation and a couple of settings apart, I haven't had a single blessing since I was a baby. :( My Dad died when I was quite young and my brother never really stepped up to the plate, in that manner. Nor has a single one of the Home Teachers I have had in my entire life. HTs have always been quite scarse in my experience. If I see them more than once a year, that is a VERY big surprise! :blink:

I really wish my HTs had been more persistent or dedicated when I was growing up, I know there was more than a few times that I sorely needed help and didn't get it. <_< Part of me feels a little upset when it comes to the priesthood, but I think that is mainly because I am unfamiliar with it.

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Hello SMG...

Then I wll say the same thing to you that I said to Yediyd... don't hang back... if you ever feel the need for a blessing, even just a "blessing of comfort" for inner strength (to face your challenges or problems), ask for one... either ask the bishop to call in someone, or ask the elders' quorum pres... but ask... this is a privilege and gift that we should be able to enjoy. Now I don't run and ask for a blessing at the drop of a hat, but when I feel a need for added strength or like yesterday, for health issues, I will ask for a blessing. It isn't often because I am in tune with the Spirit and know my prayers are heard... but there are times I need the blessing of the priesthood.

And as I told Yediyd... we really do need our home and visiting teachers, whether we think so or not. Since I am such an outgoing, strong member, at first I thought I didn't need visiting teachers... now I look forward to it each month. So do they... we have the best time just talking, with a brief few minutes on the "message." But the sisterly conversation is priceless.

Please... take steps to talk to your RS pres about VTs who will actually visit... and EQ pres for HTs who will actually visit and be true to their stewardship.

All good wishes... The Garden Girl

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Hello Yediyd...

If you think it's hard being a single mom in the Church, think how I feel being a widow, 66 years old with no children... no family or relatives... Not to make light of your situation because I understand completely... but at least you have children. I'm really a left shoe in a family oriented Church. I am hard pressed to find a program on BYU-TV that doesn't have something to do with raising children, marriage, etc. A couple of years ago I was chairman of the Saturday program and speakers for our Stake RS conference. I didn't attend the previous year because there wasn't one topic that dealt with a single sister let alone one that didn't involve children/family. So when I was chairman, I had two speakers who addressed different aspects of "Being One Among Many." Very well received.

But... I am fortunate... I have faithful priesthood holders for my home teachers. THEY bring the priesthood into my home. They check on me and make sure I am spiritually and temporally okay. Today, at Church, I asked two brothers for a Priesthood blessing because I'm experiencing a health issue. We got together between Sunday School and RS and they gave me a beautiful, comforting blessing.

I am also fortunate that I speak up and participate in class, am not afraid to attend social functions alone and sit with families that have become friends. I have been given callings in RS presidency, RS teacher, Stake Missionary, etc. In other words Yediyd... don't hang back. By all means, you need faithful home teachers who will bring the priesthood into your home... that's why they were established. Talk to the bishop or the Elders quorum pres. You also need faithful sisters who will be your visiting teachers so that you can get to know some sisters and feel close... that is what they are supposed to do. The "programs" were established for a purpose and it is very important that those of us who do not have the priesthood/husbands in our homes have this spiritual support. I encourage you not to sit back. I cannot tell you the spirit that these home visits bring when they are done right. If you feel like your HTs are just "checking you off" get new ones who care... they are there... mine do and it means the world to me. Good luck...

The Garden Girl

Of course, you are right Garden girl...Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone!! I have some really awesome people in my ward...I am just not one to speak up much...but you are right, I need to. Thanks again for the reminder!!
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  • 4 weeks later...

No I do not get many visit from my home teachers and when they do visit, I feel like I am just a check on a list of things to do. I need blessings I have asked for one about three weeks ago, have yet to receive it...he keeps forgetting. I don't speak up like I should because I feel overlooked in my ward full of families. I am a single mother, I can't relate to these "ben heres" (I am a "got here" or convert)

Everybody was great when I first joined, but now that I have been around a couple of years...I have faded off and am ignored for the most part. People speak to me at church, but nobody contacts me during the week or asks me how I am doing or do I need anything...they all have busy lives and since I teach Sunday school...I don't go to relief society anymore.

I have only myself to blame, my ward members are all nice, I just have not put forth much of an effort because I don't feel like I fit in.

Gosh Yediyd, your post just wants to make me cry. Your situation is just to common I think. I like Garden Girls suggestion though. Try to involve yourself as much as you can in events, and never be bashful about asking for a blessing.
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Dose the priesthood give them magical powers to do things?

It's not magic. It's using the priesthood to heal and bless the faithful. No miracles occur that isn't blessed by Gods hand. Do I believe? You bet. I've seen the priesthood in action and have seen first hand the working of a miracle. I've also seen blessings of comfort given to people. The peace they get is unbelieveable. Magic no. Hand of God here on earth YES. It's hard for me to explain it. I'm sure someone else is better at describeing how it all works. I hope I've helped. :)
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