The Millenium


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Last night my visiting teachers were over and we got on the subject of the Millenium. One sister said her husband is three years older than her and said when he gets twinked, she'll still be a little old lady and he plans on walking her around town looking like his young self again. :lol: I never thought about that. I said when I get twinked, I still want a mock funeral. I'll lay in the casket and people can cry and say nice things about me. My husband says we're not doing that - we're just going to have a twinking party.

Anyway, I asked if they thought menopausal women would be fertile again in the Millenium and my friend looked scared. She said, "Menopause is a part of mortality." I said, "I know. But when Jesus comes back, aren't we going to be healed of all sicknesses?" She said, "I thought that was during the resurrection when we get twinked?" I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but won't everyone be healed when Christ returns? I'm pretty sure. I just wondered if part of being healed will include being fertile again. That would be sweet. I love babies. I just don't love the pain involved in having them. And the barfing (mine and theirs, actually). Right after my son was born, I thought how sad it was that I would only be able to experience this a few times and I wanted to have tons of babies! Of course, that's not practical in this life, but they are so cute!

Would someone like to answer my query? Would anyone else like to ramble about their thoughts about the Millenium? I always think about how cool it will be. There will be people on their deathbeds and Christ will come just in time to heal them. :) I really hope that it true because I have this longing to be healed in this mortal body. I know I won't suffer anymore when I'm resurrected, but I just think it would be so awesome to feel no pain in this body.

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I'm just speculating about the menopause thing, but I wanted to know if I was correct about everyone being healed when Christ returns. :)

It would be speculation to comment on the menapause thing, but we do know that there will be no sickness, no disease, and no death (as we know it.) And best of all no sin! Everyone will have to live at least a Terrestrial law or they will not be able to stay on this earth. We also know that there will still be births (of mortal children) and our bodies will be changed (thus no death, sickness, etc.) The primary work that will be accomplished during the 1,000 years will be preaching the Gospel to those righteous enough to remain and Temple work. It will be a totally different existance than what we comprehend now. I found the following in the Gospel Principles Manual:

(Gospel Principles Manual P. 284-285)

No Disease or Death

Even though mortals will live on the earth during the Millennium, they will not have diseases as we do now. There will be no death as we know it. When people have lived to an old age, they will not die and be buried. Instead, they will be changed from their mortal condition to an immortal condition in an instant (see D&C 63:51; 101:29–31).

All Things Revealed

Some truths have not been revealed to us. These will be revealed during the Millennium. The Lord said he will “reveal all things—things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven” (D&C 101:32–34).

Changes in the Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom will also be at peace. All animals, even those that are now enemies, will live together in harmony. Animals that now eat flesh will eat grass and grain (see Isaiah 11:6–7).

Other Millennial Activities

In many ways, life will be much as it is now, except that everything will be done in righteousness. People will eat and drink and will wear clothing (see Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 115). People will continue to plant and harvest crops and build houses (see Isaiah 65:21).

Actually as far as righteousness is concerned it will be simular to the 200 years of peace that the Nephites enjoyed, only there is also to be the physical changes mentioned in the above quote. Hope this helps.
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It would be speculation to comment on the menapause thing, but we do know that there will be no sickness, no disease, and no death (as we know it.) And best of all no sin! Everyone will have to live at least a Terrestrial law or they will not be able to stay on this earth. We also know that there will still be births (of mortal children) and our bodies will be changed (thus no death, sickness, etc.) The primary work that will be accomplished during the 1,000 years will be preaching the Gospel to those righteous enough to remain and Temple work. It will be a totally different existance than what we comprehend now. I found the following in the Gospel Principles Manual:Actually as far as righteousness is concerned it will be simular to the 200 years of peace that the Nephites enjoyed, only there is also to be the physical changes mentioned in the above quote. Hope this helps.

I am in agreement with you here, I believe that Satan will be "bound" during those 1000 years, but the binding will be because of the righteousness of the saints, he will be unable to do any of his evil. The "chains" that bind him will be our righteous hearts.
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That's very interesting! I remember in a visiting teaching message about temples, it said that with every temple that is built, Satan's power lessens. I'm paraphrasing there. I should look for the reference, but I think temples will play a role in Satan being bound. :)

Yediyd, I love the meaning of your name! That is so cool.

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That's very interesting! I remember in a visiting teaching message about temples, it said that with every temple that is built, Satan's power lessens. I'm paraphrasing there. I should look for the reference, but I think temples will play a role in Satan being bound. :)

Yediyd, I love the meaning of your name! That is so cool.

Thanks!! I wanted to use the name: Yediydyah, that means: Beloved of G-d...but someone on the ldstalk site already has that one!!! Besides, I am up here to be friendly and to make friends!!!:)
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I have used twinkled for 40 years. I always thought I would. Then I got old and sick. So I am not so sure. About menopause. That is part of aging, and we will be back to our perfect selves. After we are resurrected and exalted, we get to have spirit babies. But will that be during or after the Millenium?

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I would say after... when we have received our "glory"... and only those in the new and everlasting covenant in the highest of the CK will be able to continue the "seeds"...

And about having babies... I don't think it will be like this earth... that process is of this earth... I think it will be more in the "organizing" sense... Just my opinion...

Garden Girl

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:lol: Me too! And I suppose people won't need the surgery to remove their excess skin. :P

I think when we are perfected and when Jesus comes, we will be too happy and busy, yes we will be busy, to worry about the extra 10 pounds or skin. Those dilemas are part of our finite minds. There will be so much glory around us we won't need to worry about our slight physical imperfections. Besides, my testimony of the gospel isn't based on how I look, it's how I feel about the doctrine and the things we know from the scriptures and the prophets, what the Spirit has confirmed to me. I try not to worry too much about things I can't control or that I have no knowledge of.
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I think... that time we probably have already used up all spirits... so even if we were fertile again.... there would not be any babyes. :D After all there are ALL those kids that died when stil under 8 to grow up.... I think we will have our hands full of work... Probably would have to wait for our own world to have more kids by our own Adam and Eve.... Just a thought...

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I think when we are perfected and when Jesus comes, we will be too happy and busy, yes we will be busy, to worry about the extra 10 pounds or skin. Those dilemas are part of our finite minds. There will be so much glory around us we won't need to worry about our slight physical imperfections. Besides, my testimony of the gospel isn't based on how I look, it's how I feel about the doctrine and the things we know from the scriptures and the prophets, what the Spirit has confirmed to me. I try not to worry too much about things I can't control or that I have no knowledge of.

I'm not worried about looks. I just want to do backflips to celebrate. :P

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I think... that time we probably have already used up all spirits... so even if we were fertile again.... there would not be any babyes. :D After all there are ALL those kids that died when stil under 8 to grow up.... I think we will have our hands full of work... Probably would have to wait for our own world to have more kids by our own Adam and Eve.... Just a thought...

I know in the Millenium I have 3 of my own to raise. So I suppose the spirit babies happen after the Millenium.

GG, I don't think we agree on how this happens. But that is okay. It is all speculation because we haven't been given that information.

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