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My name is bunnzy (well, not really) and i am a spring chicken at the baby age of 22. I have made some silly mistakes in my life, such as marrying a man with 3 children from a previous marraige, becoming a step-mum! (oh how the mighty have fallen!) I then went on and had a baby myself (not sure i'll be doing that again!) He is a beautiful little boy, nearly 9 months old, and already standing up and cruising around everywhere.

I live in Brisbane Australia, but was born in Melbourne. I also live in Urbandale, Iowa for a few months in 1997, and then drove across with my family (stopping off at Utah for Thanksgiving) to Petaluma, California (just north of San Fran) There i went to high school, and had my naive eyes opened to the world, and left the church for a while, became gothic at one point! My parents had enough of this and sent me to Church College of New Zealand, where my dad and brother went, but i hated it, and fell into a deep depression. This is when 9/11 happened, and that woke me up and i became more spiritual then.

I do still struggle with depression, but am back at church (kind of) borrowing off others testimonies, and trying to find out for myself whether the church can really work for me. I have alot of trust and faith issues.

Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie... ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

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My name is bunnzy (well, not really) and i am a spring chicken at the baby age of 22. I have made some silly mistakes in my life, such as marrying a man with 3 children from a previous marraige, becoming a step-mum! (oh how the mighty have fallen!) I then went on and had a baby myself (not sure i'll be doing that again!) He is a beautiful little boy, nearly 9 months old, and already standing up and cruising around everywhere.

I live in Brisbane Australia, but was born in Melbourne. I also live in Urbandale, Iowa for a few months in 1997, and then drove across with my family (stopping off at Utah for Thanksgiving) to Petaluma, California (just north of San Fran) There i went to high school, and had my naive eyes opened to the world, and left the church for a while, became gothic at one point! My parents had enough of this and sent me to Church College of New Zealand, where my dad and brother went, but i hated it, and fell into a deep depression. This is when 9/11 happened, and that woke me up and i became more spiritual then.

I do still struggle with depression, but am back at church (kind of) borrowing off others testimonies, and trying to find out for myself whether the church can really work for me. I have alot of trust and faith issues.

Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie... ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

Welcome to the board. There are lots of folks here who have passed through similar difficulties and have survived. I am sure some of them will pass on to you their experiences and maybe how they solved them.

Larry P

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My name is bunnzy (well, not really) and i am a spring chicken at the baby age of 22. I have made some silly mistakes in my life, such as marrying a man with 3 children from a previous marraige, becoming a step-mum! (oh how the mighty have fallen!) I then went on and had a baby myself (not sure i'll be doing that again!) He is a beautiful little boy, nearly 9 months old, and already standing up and cruising around everywhere.

I live in Brisbane Australia, but was born in Melbourne. I also live in Urbandale, Iowa for a few months in 1997, and then drove across with my family (stopping off at Utah for Thanksgiving) to Petaluma, California (just north of San Fran) There i went to high school, and had my naive eyes opened to the world, and left the church for a while, became gothic at one point! My parents had enough of this and sent me to Church College of New Zealand, where my dad and brother went, but i hated it, and fell into a deep depression. This is when 9/11 happened, and that woke me up and i became more spiritual then.

I do still struggle with depression, but am back at church (kind of) borrowing off others testimonies, and trying to find out for myself whether the church can really work for me. I have alot of trust and faith issues.

Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie... ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

Welcome Bunnzy,

I myself married a woman who had two children and one in the oven, and then later we added a fourth. So I know the step-parent two-step.

My once-and-future bride (long story, posted elsewhere on the board) also has a lot of issues with trust and faith. You may or may not want to hear it, but patience and steadfast resolve are the keys. Study your scriptures, pray at least daily (you've got an awful lot to be thankful for, and so more excuses to pray)- and pray as an individual, as a couple, and as a family.

Heavenly Father will answer your prayers and he will help you gain and confirm your testimony.

One further thing: don't expect a miracle at Lourdes or parting of the Red Sea type confirmation. The spirit speaks in a still, small, voice. Everyday miracles are far less flashy than a pillar of smoke by day or of flame by night- but they are also far more common.

Be observant and humble- and you will see the hand of God in your day-to-day life.

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My name is bunnzy (well, not really) and i am a spring chicken at the baby age of 22. I have made some silly mistakes in my life, such as marrying a man with 3 children from a previous marraige, becoming a step-mum! (oh how the mighty have fallen!) I then went on and had a baby myself (not sure i'll be doing that again!) He is a beautiful little boy, nearly 9 months old, and already standing up and cruising around everywhere.

I live in Brisbane Australia, but was born in Melbourne. I also live in Urbandale, Iowa for a few months in 1997, and then drove across with my family (stopping off at Utah for Thanksgiving) to Petaluma, California (just north of San Fran) There i went to high school, and had my naive eyes opened to the world, and left the church for a while, became gothic at one point! My parents had enough of this and sent me to Church College of New Zealand, where my dad and brother went, but i hated it, and fell into a deep depression. This is when 9/11 happened, and that woke me up and i became more spiritual then.

I do still struggle with depression, but am back at church (kind of) borrowing off others testimonies, and trying to find out for myself whether the church can really work for me. I have alot of trust and faith issues.

Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie... ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

It is nice to see a familiar face (so to speak) Welcome aboard, Bunnzy! BTW...we have all been through the fire in our own ways, that is what this life is all about. You are in good company. I wish I could share my oil with you, but I cannot. You need to find your own testimony of the truth of this gospel and the Holy Spirit. I know that you will, just keep praying, stay close to him and don't sweat the small stuff. WE ARE ALL HUMAN AND WE ALL FALL SHORT. look AT MY SIGNATURE AT THE BOTTOM OF MY POST AND GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK!! Sorry for the caps, I hit the caps lock by mistake! Oops!!!! See? We ALL goof up!! Welcome to the club!!!
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fell into a deep depression. I do still struggle with depression,

Been there...done that...

but am back at church

Good for you sweetie...this is how to get beyond it, and you will

Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie...

Wait it's not over yet!

ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

I hope so too

Pa Pa :rolleyes:

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I know you will find friendship and support here... Glad you are here...

from the beautiful central Oregon coast... The Garden Girl

Garden Girl, You said you had no children? And you are 66? Well, my mother was an alcoholic and very abusive, I never had a relationship with her...I'm in the market for a new mommy...you up for the job? I can use the potty all by myself, now!!! :D
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I understand completely... I am the only active member also... my dear sis is inactive though believing of many things LDS... the rest of the extended family is not interested even though I've encouraged them to investigate... oh well. I'll just keep on.

Edit to add: What I don't understand about families who object to the Church, and particularly when they won't talk to a new member anymore, etc., is that the Church has some of the highest moral and spiritual standards you'd ever want to find. Our doctrines are all Christ centered and require much of us as followers of Christ... What's to object to?

Garden Girl

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I understand completely... I am the only active member also... my dear sis is inactive though believing of many things LDS... the rest of the extended family is not interested even though I've encouraged them to investigate... oh well. I'll just keep on.

Edit to add: What I don't understand about families who object to the Church, and particularly when they won't talk to a new member anymore, etc., is that the Church has some of the highest moral and spiritual standards you'd ever want to find. Our doctrines are all Christ centered and require much of us as followers of Christ... What's to object to?

Garden Girl

Then we need each other...ma (sis)!!!!!
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My name is bunnzy (well, not really) and i am a spring chicken at the baby age of 22. <<snip>>Well, that reads like such a soap opera! My life would make a great movie... ok, so i hope i can get the information and opinions of others here that will help me to gain my own testimoney and stand on my own two feet and help myself deal with this depression, my husband, my baby, and my step-kids.

I am an Autumn Duck at the age of 55! :P Guess what? For the most part my life reads like a Soap Opera and a "B" Movie!! I am sooo glad you made it here. Along with AnnieM, Yed and Elphie. This will be a more nourishing placed to grow.

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I am an Autumn Duck at the age of 55! :P Guess what? For the most part my life reads like a Soap Opera and a "B" Movie!! I am sooo glad you made it here. Along with AnnieM, Yed and Elphie. This will be a more nourishing placed to grow.

There are some other great people here from the Madd boards, too!!! I am thrilled to see some familiar faces!!!!! (so to speak) ;)
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I want to encourage you as you progress on your spiritual path... as you find your faith strengthening, you will find it easier to deal with your everyday life... one of the things that sustains me is to have a prayerful heart... I pray when I drive, pray when I garden, pray when I walk on the beach... not continually of course, but intermittently throughout my day. I feel the Spirit close and it gives me an inner strength. The Holy Ghost is the Comforter... and will give us peace when "our hands hang down." The other thing is the scriptures... there are so many beautiful scriptures to guide us, help us, encourage us when we are trying to follow the Savior and live the gospel.

All good wishes,

The Garden Girl

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I want to encourage you as you progress on your spiritual path... as you find your faith strengthening, you will find it easier to deal with your everyday life... one of the things that sustains me is to have a prayerful heart... I pray when I drive, pray when I garden, pray when I walk on the beach... not continually of course, but intermittently throughout my day. I feel the Spirit close and it gives me an inner strength. The Holy Ghost is the Comforter... and will give us peace when "our hands hang down." The other thing is the scriptures... there are so many beautiful scriptures to guide us, help us, encourage us when we are trying to follow the Savior and live the gospel.

All good wishes,

The Garden Girl

GG, You are just as sunny as that avatar of yours!!!
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alot of you have been encouraging prayer, but i do have a hard time with feeling the spirit when i pray, i just feel kind of silly, like i am talking to myself, or that noone is listening or paying attention. What are some tips for me to get over this (maybe i should start a new topic for this... what do you guys think?)

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Hello Bunnzy...

When I really want to humble myself during prayer, I kneel, usually in front of the couch with my arms resting on the seat... I kneel quietly for a few seconds... then I begin... My dear Father... and then I pour my heart out. You see, I have a testimony that I am a spiritual daughter, as are you... he is the father of our spirits. I have a testimony that he knows us, literally, and is mindful of our prayers... our needs... our pains... our challenges... our joys... our gratitude. I pray often in gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings I know he gives to me for my benefit. I express my love for Him, for the Savior, for my life...

Then, when I've finished I continue to kneel quietly for just a minute keeping my mind open to receive any promptings... sometimes they are there... sometimes not. But always I feel better and comforted... the more you do this, the more the Spirit will fill you.

Don't give up... Look up "Prayer, Pray" in the Topical Guide (do you have an LDS bible with the Topical Guide and Bible Dictionary?). Do a scripture search on "Prayer."

You will soon receive the comfort and assurance that your prayers are indeed heard...

All good wishes

The Garden Girl

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i do know all this... i have tried it a few times, but my depressive negative thinking gets in the way. I am getting counselling for that though.

The whole thing about being more connected with HF because i am His daughter, just doesnt work for me, it doesnt make me feel 'special', everyone is a son or daughter of God, so it just makes me feel like i am 'lost in the crowd'

Its the depressionn talking though, i know that, i just dont know how to change it. I am taking meds, i am getting counselling and have been told because i am depressed, prayer and scripture reading just doesnt seem to work for me like it does for others. Feeling of the spirit is dulled. Its still there, i just cant FEEL it.

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i do know all this... i have tried it a few times, but my depressive negative thinking gets in the way. I am getting counselling for that though.

The whole thing about being more connected with HF because i am His daughter, just doesnt work for me, it doesnt make me feel 'special', everyone is a son or daughter of God, so it just makes me feel like i am 'lost in the crowd'

Its the depressionn talking though, i know that, i just dont know how to change it. I am taking meds, i am getting counselling and have been told because i am depressed, prayer and scripture reading just doesnt seem to work for me like it does for others. Feeling of the spirit is dulled. Its still there, i just cant FEEL it.

Bunnzy, I just finished listening to an AWESOME book!! It is: Bad Childhood, Good Life ... by Dr. Laura Schlessinger If you do nothing else this week...go to the library and get this book!! I found it on CD and listened to it while doing my laundry!! What an incredibly inspiring and healing experience this afternoon has been for me!!! I cried, I laughed...I saw myself and I saw hope...It was so liberating!!!! Get the book, Bunnzy...You won't regret it!!!!!
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This is why you should kneel and just start slowly... I can understand how you could feel you were lost in the multitude... but I take heed of the admonition that the Lord is mindful even of the sparrow's fall...

Maybe it will take time for you to become more comfortable in prayer... but I hope you won't give up. Do you live somewhere where you can get out in nature? Like I walk on the beach and yes I feel very small in the vastness of the sky and ocean, the expanse of the shore... yet I feel at one with it all, and I can't not pray... I just have to... in spite of the power of the ocean as I stand looking out to sea, I feel a part of it all. Maybe you could just sit quietly and say, Father, I am here.

Negativity certainly can keep you from being able to feel the Spirit... sometime when you pray, talk to Heavenly Father about it... explain how you want so much to feel near to Him, to know that He really does hear your prayers. Ask for guidance... don't press yourself... pray again soon, however brief.. in time I think you will start to feel closer... start to know that your Heavenly Father does know you (I have a testimony that he does)... try not to limit yourself by saying that prayer and the scriptures don't work for you... They may not work for you right now, but that doesn't mean they won't as you go along...

Good luck... The Garden Girl

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