Count Your Blessings


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My husband came home a while ago and said our health insurance was going down. I was confused. Last month we were told the plan was changing and it was going up. It turns out they've been overcharging us $160 per month for over a year because they accidentally put him in the wrong age bracket. His company is writing us a check for about $2300 and our paycheck will be higher! The office manager was just going over some things and noticed her boo boo. I am so grateful! Last year I thought something wasn't adding up and when my husband mentioned it, they said the amount was correct. Now we are going to have better benefits at a lower rate. Woo hoo!!!!!

An even better blessing, my sister-in-law recovered from a very serious infection that her doctor said could have killed her. They thought she had appendicitis and when they did the surgery, they discovered she was filled with infection and they had to use 11 liters of saline to clean her out. She will be on bedrest for the next couple weeks, but the danger has passed. Sadly, they will be removing her uterus because it was so damaged by the infection, but she wasn't planning on having more kids. I just wish she didn't have to go through it, but grateful that she will live.

I have tried really hard to acknowledge the blessings in my life. Please share yours here.



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I didn't know they still made those! I haven't heard of anyone using one of those for 25 years!



I know! I didn't know until recently either. They make them differently now, but apparently they can still kill you. I have a few friends that have gotten them lately and I'll have to warn them about that. I know one lady whose IUD "got lost" and then she delivered it along with her daughter.

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I am grateful for my beautiful baby boy, who saved me from my suicidal ideations, and gave me a reason to live and to be happy.

I am grateful that i am going on a trip with my mum and dad and baby to visit my brother , his wife, thier twin boys and little girl in Utah next month (i also get to go to general conference) then over to california to visit my sister too, and go to a Time Out Fot Women conference. I am nervous about it, but excited too.

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My husband came home a while ago and said our health insurance was going down. I was confused. Last month we were told the plan was changing and it was going up. It turns out they've been overcharging us $160 per month for over a year because they accidentally put him in the wrong age bracket. His company is writing us a check for about $2300 and our paycheck will be higher! The office manager was just going over some things and noticed her boo boo. I am so grateful! Last year I thought something wasn't adding up and when my husband mentioned it, they said the amount was correct. Now we are going to have better benefits at a lower rate. Woo hoo!!!!!

An even better blessing, my sister-in-law recovered from a very serious infection that her doctor said could have killed her. They thought she had appendicitis and when they did the surgery, they discovered she was filled with infection and they had to use 11 liters of saline to clean her out. She will be on bedrest for the next couple weeks, but the danger has passed. Sadly, they will be removing her uterus because it was so damaged by the infection, but she wasn't planning on having more kids. I just wish she didn't have to go through it, but grateful that she will live.

I have tried really hard to acknowledge the blessings in my life. Please share yours here.



I really beleive very strongly that we need to continually thank heavenly father for all the blessings we receive from him.

Even when times get hard, sometimes its diffucult for us to see the blessings, but there are many,

And we musnt forget to thank him continually.


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I know! I didn't know until recently either. They make them differently now, but apparently they can still kill you. I have a few friends that have gotten them lately and I'll have to warn them about that. I know one lady whose IUD "got lost" and then she delivered it along with her daughter.

That is barbaric! Where does your SIL live that they gave her an IUD, if you don't mind saying. I'm serious, I really don't think they use them that much any more. There are so many advanced methods of BC.

Well, it's none of my business. It's just awful that she had to go through that. Her doctor must be . . . sigh. Shut up Elphaba.


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That is barbaric! Where does your SIL live that they gave her an IUD, if you don't mind saying. I'm serious, I really don't think they use them that much any more. There are so many advanced methods of BC.

Well, it's none of my business. It's just awful that she had to go through that. Her doctor must be . . . sigh. Shut up Elphaba.


She lives in Idaho. I just told my friend about it and she said she had one up until she decided to have her second baby and she's scheduled to have another one put in next month. I strongly advised her against it. She said she loved it because it made her periods stop. They make them now to release hormones. I live in the Seattle area and I know quite a few women who have been getting them. Not me. I am just not comfortable with the idea of having foreign objects in my body on a semi-permanent basis. Another friend though said her doctor advised against it.

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She lives in Idaho. I just told my friend about it and she said she had one up until she decided to have her second baby and she's scheduled to have another one put in next month. I strongly advised her against it. She said she loved it because it made her periods stop. They make them now to release hormones. I live in the Seattle area and I know quite a few women who have been getting them. Not me. I am just not comfortable with the idea of having foreign objects in my body on a semi-permanent basis. Another friend though said her doctor advised against it.

I had no idea. I thought they were barbaric thirty years ago, and I still think they are. I'm really stunned.


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  • 8 months later...

I forgot about this thread! Shame on me.

Ok, I just had a very nice blessing today. We got a thing in the mail saying we might qualify for financial aid from the hospital where we're having our baby. I figured they just sent that to everyone, so I called to ask why they thought we might qualify. We make a decent amount, or at least I thought. After talking to the lady, she said we qualify for 60% off our total bill! Woo hoo!!! All I have to do is send in our tax return and the bill for this baby won't be near as much as I thought. That's a load off my mind.

Who else has some recent blessings?

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I think it depends on what IUD you use. There are certain materials that should not be used and are part of what Dr.'s warn against. There are products that are safe and effective now. Not all of them are awful. It is important that they are inserted correctly and checked annually. I think it is a mistake to think you can put it in a forget about it. There are risks with everything. I think the ones 30 years ago were really awful.

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One of the blessings we received lately was our tax refund. Because we both have good paying jobs we thought we would be moved up a tax bracket and end up paying. We did our taxes and low and behold a $5000 refund!!!!!

We are taking some of that money and taking a holiday!!!! We also topped up our savings account and got some more food for our food storage.

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My daughter just recently got an IUD, I didn't realize that there was some much problem with them. I let my wife take care of this stuff and figured that she knew what was going on. Maybe I need to go do some research on this and make sure that my daughter is as safe as I originally thought. Thanks for the heads up

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