Has Anybody Seen Yedid?


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man! i misspelled the name in the topic?! and I can't edit it! grrrr! how embarrassing :(

I've talked with Yediyd, and I hate to say it, but she is really put-off with the things that happened at LDSTALK, and is, at the very least, taking a break from the boards for a while. She says she's quitting them completely, but I'm hoping that's not true.

It did get very ugly over there, and she wrote a post in the "Elphaba Needs Your Sincere Feedback" at LSDTALK thread that REALLY shows how she feels right now.

If you like, I will e-mail her and tell her you miss her and would like her to come back. I miss her every day. I tried very hard to convince her not to leave; at the same time, I could tell it was depressing her, and she, at the least, really needed a break.


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Oh Elphaba! Please do! I really do miss her! And I'm glad to see you're around, too! I was very touched by one of your posts today... you are a good woman.

I know how it is over at Talk. I did accidentally really offend someone over there today with a potty joke and apologized and she told me my sense of humor was disgusting. :( aaaah well. You can't please everyone now, can you?!

I decided after a point to not respond any more because I could tell that I wasn't understanding what she was saying and she wasn't understanding what I was asking for and I didn't want to make it any worse.

Well, anyway..enough of that! Please email her and let her know that I've been asking after her. Thank you so much! Can I give you big hugs and kisses for being so sweet?!


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I just got off the phone with her - she is just taking a break from here (all forums that is). She loves this forum, but she needs to concentrate on her health, her family and her testimony. The other place really robbed her of the spirit and was digging away at her testimony.

Same for me too- the other place has always been contentious - the same ol male moderators keep digging at you with their viscous nasty retorts. I had been there for nearly a year and a half. They really should just drop the lds from their title and go with talk.

If you send her a pm here - she will get an emailed notice that she has a pm. That is an easy way to communicate with her. She would love to hear from you who do miss her, and quite frankly I think she would greatly benefit from it.

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I have seen everything from taking a few hours to a year long break.

Sometimes absence can recharge your batteries. Other times you need to just get back in that saddle and tame that bronco.

Wait, I might be confusing that last part with something else....

In any case, when something gets you down, you just have to look for nourishment from another source.

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I have seen everything from taking a few hours to a year long break.

Sometimes absence can recharge your batteries. Other times you need to just get back in that saddle and tame that bronco.

Wait, I might be confusing that last part with something else....

In any case, when something gets you down, you just have to look for nourishment from another source.

When something, someplace or some person sucks the spirit right out of you -then you need to avoid that something, someplace or person.
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poor Yed, thats why i dont go to that other forum anymore... I have deleted it from my bookmarked sites, and only come here now. Its a much nicer environment.

Let's hope it stays that way. Forums tend to be more friendly when they're new and relatively small, like this one. But as the membership grows, in comes the riff-raff, and there goes the neighborhood. Seen it happen a couple times. It's up to us and the mod's to keep it friendly. B) Peer-pressure works on the internet, too ;)

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Let's hope it stays that way. Forums tend to be more friendly when they're new and relatively small, like this one. But as the membership grows, in comes the riff-raff, and there goes the neighborhood. Seen it happen a couple times. It's up to us and the mod's to keep it friendly. B) Peer-pressure works on the internet, too ;)

Also there should be a way to keep the mods in line too. Over there it is some of the mods who are the soul crushers. The owner of the site won't respond to the pms about it -

Thank heavens we have LDS Forums!!

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Also there should be a way to keep the mods in line too. Over there it is some of the mods who are the soul crushers. The owner of the site won't respond to the pms about it -

Thank heavens we have LDS Forums!!

Yeah, seen bad mod's too. Some forums there must be a revolving door, as often as they change. Sometimes that's good though. Keeps it fresh.
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Also there should be a way to keep the mods in line too. Over there it is some of the mods who are the soul crushers. The owner of the site won't respond to the pms about it -

Thank heavens we have LDS Forums!!

here here! should that be (hear hear?) (or possibley heer heer?) he he!

Thank goodness for LDSForums :)

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Let's hope it stays that way. Forums tend to be more friendly when they're new and relatively small, like this one. But as the membership grows, in comes the riff-raff, and there goes the neighborhood. Seen it happen a couple times. It's up to us and the mod's to keep it friendly. B) Peer-pressure works on the internet, too ;)

We are not interested in seeing this happen to this forum. This forum is for members of the LDS Church and honest seekers. The rest will be weeded out as they come. If you all ever have any problems please send an email to [email protected] or send me any of our moderation team a pm.

On that note. Is there anything we could do to improve this forum please feel free to let us know.


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Hi everybody! Thanks for the kind words! I have not dissapeared completely although I am thinking about disconnecting my Internet service...I just got so discusted with the contentious spirit that was over at that other site that I needed to take a break. I like this site and have no problems over here and I love all of you...I was just so disconcerted from that other stuff that it was robbing me of MY spirit, and I just can't have that! SO, I still need to take a break for a while, but I will check in every now and again. although...I am DONE with Ldstalk...at least for now anyway, at least until they can get there Mods in line with the rules that they expect everyone else to follow...the people that I was the most discusted with were fellow LDS!! The ones who should have known better! The NON-LDS people were behaving better than the ones who were supposed to be ambassadors of Christ!! It was just too much for me...I needed to get away from all that...Anyway, I am around and if you want to contact me outside of this forum my E-mail is: [email protected]

Thanks again for all the kind words...I love you, too!!!


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