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Depends what your chatting about. Never heard it called EVIL though. I could chat about walleye fishing right would that be great :)

How do you fish with an eye on the wall??
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okay..that wasn't it. it still says my browswer isn't enabled? but i followed all the steps?! what am i doing wrong?! lol

Did you clear your cache and reload your browser. The best thing to do when you clear your cache is go to or or a blank page and do it then doing it at the site you are having probs with.

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Did you clear your cache and reload your browser. The best thing to do when you clear your cache is go to or or a blank page and do it then doing it at the site you are having probs with.

I need step by step instructions to do something that complicated! :) just let me know how to clear my cache and I will. I feel like such a doofus!

and jason.. be nice! ;)

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