Are Non Lds "christians" Christian?

Guest Delmar

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I was listening to Glenn Beck from yesterday's show and he was ranting about Mike Huckabee saying that Mormons are not "Christian enough". It got me wondering. Do most Mormons consider non Mormon "Christians" to be Christian?

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Would believing that a particular person is "unsaved" necessarily be the result of bigotry?

No. But telling someone they are not Christian despite the fact that they strongly profess Christ as their Savior is bigotry.

What is a Christian? Someone who professes to follow Jesus.

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No. But telling someone they are not Christian despite the fact that they strongly profess Christ as their Savior is bigotry.

What is a Christian? Someone who professes to follow Jesus.

What about a person who professes to follow Jesus, but does not believe that Jesus is risen from the dead? Is such a person a Christian in your view?
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What about a person who professes to follow Jesus, but does not believe that Jesus is risen from the dead? Is such a person a Christian in your view?

A Christian isn't only who believes in Christ and follows his teachings. Anyone can believe that Jesus existed and that he was the perfect example to live by... but just because you believe those things doesn't mean that you are a Christian.

A Christian is someone who believes that Christ was resurrected from the dead, that he was the Son of God, that he was the sacrifice that through him(Christ), you might be blameless in God's eyes.

If you don't believe in the resurrection, then you're not a "Christ"ian. Because Christ means the same thing as the Messiah, and Messiah means "Savior."

If you believe those things, then you're a Christian, whether you're a LDS or any other type of Christian.

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A Christian isn't only who believes in Christ and follows his teachings.

A Christian is someone who believes that Christ was resurrected from the dead, that he was the Son of God, that he was the sacrifice that through him(Christ), you might be blameless in God's eyes.

If you don't believe in the resurrection, then you're not a "Christ"ian.

If you believe those things, then you're a Christian, whether you're a LDS or any other type of Christian.

Does Satan believe that Jesus is risen from the dead?
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I was listening to Glenn Beck from yesterday's show and he was ranting about Mike Huckabee saying that Mormons are not "Christian enough". It got me wondering. Do most Mormons consider non Mormon "Christians" to be Christian?

I will give my opinion -

I do not think Christians would wait over 1200 years to pass a law that someone could not be put to death because they did not accept the Trinity.

I do not think Christians would slaughter men, women, children and even babies (other Christians) throughout northern Europe that took more lives in Europe than the Black Plague, because they tried to live peacefully with Pagans (non-Christians)

I do not believe Christians would slaughter an entire race - 100% genocide only because none of those people would convert to their brand of Christianity.

I do not believe Christians would burn to the ground the world's largest library - kill the librarian and drag his daughter nicked through the streets of one of the worlds largest towns then skin her alive with sea shells just because they did not like the proof against their doctrine. Note that this library also contained the most accurate records of Christian scripture at the time.

Perhaps we should agree on what would make a society Christian then look at history and see if we could find any.

The Traveler

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Lol, obviously he does, or he wouldn't try to lead people away from believing in Christ. But he doesn't follow Christ, and something you have to do in addition to believing those things to be called a Christian.

Are you saying that calling yourself a Christian and going to church will no more make you a Christian than drinking gasoline and sleeping in a garage will make you a Chevy?

The Traveler

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Are you saying that calling yourself a Christian and going to church will no more make you a Christian than drinking gasoline and sleeping in a garage will make you a Chevy?

The Traveler

That is exactly what I'm saying.

Anyone can claim and pretend to be anything. But unless they believe it in their heart, and live it through their actions, it is just an act.

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I will give my opinion -

I do not think Christians would wait over 1200 years to pass a law that someone could not be put to death because they did not accept the Trinity.

I do not think Christians would slaughter men, women, children and even babies (other Christians) throughout northern Europe that took more lives in Europe than the Black Plague, because they tried to live peacefully with Pagans (non-Christians)

I do not believe Christians would slaughter an entire race - 100% genocide only because none of those people would convert to their brand of Christianity.

I do not believe Christians would burn to the ground the world's largest library - kill the librarian and drag his daughter nicked through the streets of one of the worlds largest towns then skin her alive with sea shells just because they did not like the proof against their doctrine. Note that this library also contained the most accurate records of Christian scripture at the time.

Perhaps we should agree on what would make a society Christian then look at history and see if we could find any.

The Traveler

I think that most Christians of any stripe would agree that a lot of heinous thigs have been committed by those who claim to follow Jesus.
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I think that most Christians of any stripe would agree that a lot of heinous thigs have been committed by those who claim to follow Jesus.

Which is why "claiming" Christianity doesn't really make a person a Christian. A true Christian, because of what they believe in, knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love him back, and strive to be more like him.
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Lol, obviously he does, or he wouldn't try to lead people away from believing in Christ. But he doesn't follow Christ, and something you have to do in addition to believing those things to be called a Christian.

I believe that you also need to believe that you need a savior! How is it possible to accept Jesus sacrifice for your sins, if you won't admit your sins needed to be "paid for" in the first place?
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Which is why "claiming" Christianity doesn't really make a person a Christian. A true Christian, because of what they believe in, knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love him back, and strive to be more like him.

Ok let's get back to what drew said!

No. But telling someone they are not Christian despite the fact that they strongly profess Christ as their Savior is bigotry.

What is a Christian? Someone who professes to follow Jesus.

Can we see that this statement is not quite correct?
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Ok let's get back to what drew said!

Can we see that this statement is not quite correct?

Yeah, that's why I was trying to clarify that there is more to Christianity than simply professing that you believe it. There is indeed a whole lot more to it.

I'm sure there are people who aren't true Christians in every denomination of Christianity.

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Yeah, that's why I was trying to clarify that there is more to Christianity than simply professing that you believe it. There is indeed a whole lot more to it.

I'm sure there are people who aren't true Christians in every denomination of Christianity.

and probably a lot of them, in most denominations!
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and probably a lot of them, in most denominations!

Probably a lot of them in all of them. Claiming a religion doesn't make anyone a Christian person or a righteous person.

So anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is:

I'm not a member of the LDS church(working on that though haha. I'm going to become a member soon), but I believe that LDS members are just as Christian as anyone in my church... as long as they live the gospel.

I also believe that anyone in my church is just as much a Christian as anyone in the LDS church.... as long as they live by the gospel.

The problem is, members of my church don't know the full gospel, and so less of them actually know the extent of the love of their Father. And so a less percentage of them truly live the gospel.

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I was listening to Glenn Beck from yesterday's show and he was ranting about Mike Huckabee saying that Mormons are not "Christian enough". It got me wondering. Do most Mormons consider non Mormon "Christians" to be Christian?

Anybody whom beleives that Jesus is the Chirist is Christian, And of course we dont beleive doctrinaly all the same things, but christians yes!


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A true Christian, because of what they believe in, knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love him back, and strive to be more like him.

I would like to say shouldn't that read ...knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love Them back, and strive to be more like Them? Because you did say Father and Jesus Christ. That would be two not one! just saying

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Probably a lot of them in all of them. Claiming a religion doesn't make anyone a Christian person or a righteous person.

So anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is:

I'm not a member of the LDS church(working on that though haha. I'm going to become a member soon), but I believe that LDS members are just as Christian as anyone in my church... as long as they live the gospel.

I also believe that anyone in my church is just as much a Christian as anyone in the LDS church.... as long as they live by the gospel.

The problem is, members of my church don't know the full gospel, and so less of them actually know the extent of the love of their Father. And so a less percentage of them truly live the gospel.

Thats what i Have been sad for a long time is all that others are missing out on. If they only would try, How can it hurt someone to try? Maybe they think mormanism is evil. little do they know its excatly the opposite. and what wondefull and glorius blessings the lord has offered to us all for the taking. :blink:

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I am not LDS, but Community of Christ/RLDS. We are a seperate denomination from the LDS, but historically related to the larger church. In my belief i consider non-Latter Day Saint Christian's to be Christian. I do not recognize their exclusive claim to be the only one's who should be given Christian status.

The non-Christian label Latter-day Saints, and Reorganized LDS get is because EV people feel we should not get dignified with the label. So because we hold what to them is heretical beliefs it makes members of the restored churches non-Christian group's. It make's us to them members of pseudo-Christian churches.

I made it a habit to meet everyone locally involved in outreach to Mormon's i could find. I have not been impressed with any of their literature enough to want to be united with them in their restrictive definition of Christian. I think they made up the definition, so how could i share in the definition myself? I find much more acceptable to me a broader and liberated definition of Christian that include's group's EV people don't like as being callable Christian.

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I can't even start to tell you how other churches or other religions "feel" about Christianity. Let alone individuals. It is a person by person personal relationship with God. Personally I think your trolling but hey maybe you'll prove me wrong.

Am I a Christian? I love God and Jesus' perfect sacrifice for me. I excepted Jesus into my heart and try to follow His laws the best I can. You tell me. Am I a Christian....

Are other churches followers Christians....How would we possibly know?????

Only God knows......As for me and mine we will follow Him....

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