Merry Christmas!


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Wishing all here a safe and happy holiday season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you Kona same to you . The family is in transit right now to get together Christmas eve and day. Looking forward to all the goodies and visiting with them all. Prayers go out to all who are traveling. Seasons greetings and blessings on you all.


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Merry Christmas, everyone! :D

I have some butter softening and I'm going to make sugar cookie dough in a while for me to roll out in the morning. My parents are coming over for Christmas Eve for dinner, we're going to their house the next day, then to my sister's the 28th where my brother's family will get to celebrate festivities with us too. I'm really excited!

It's been a busy month. Between our ward Christmas party, our sacrament program, and other musical numbers this December, I have practiced (a lot) and performed about 10 songs and have been having a great time. Last Sunday my sister and I sang our first duet in about 5 years, then we sang it in her Relief Society today. Someone there asked us when they can buy our CD and our pianist said we sound like professionals. That's always a nice compliment to receive. :)

Now I can relax (sort of), bake cookies, wrap presents, go shopping tomorrow for a yummy pot roast I'm making and other food items, and enjoy some time with my husband because he has the day off tomorrow! :D Poor guy was on call on Saturday though (when he planned on getting a lot of Christmas stuff done), and while I attended a funeral for a man in our bishopric, he got an emergency job, had to drop the kids off at the church, and worked until late. Bummer. He's going to have to fight through traffic and crowds tomorrow. I'm getting up early to grocery shop and I'm going to the least busy store.

I hope you're all having a nice time with family and friends and enjoying remembering our Savior's birth.



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