Quick Smoking Question


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Non LDS here again, but you guys have been really helpful and friendly and for that I thank you. I was reading another post about an individual with certain vices (good to see that's going well), and Im reminded of a conundrum I've found. Im trying to find an answer online and stumbling.

Im not a smoker, but despite the smoking ban in England, people still feel the need to light up in pubs and clubs, even at some concerts. It's not just cigarettes, but the old weed too. Im a liberal, so if people want to do that, that's up to them - but keep out of my face. It seems society does not respect each other any more and the fact that their are people around them. I don't even take photographs in public in case it irritates people!

Apparently, in the UK, we're not allowed to voice our concerns over smoking because it is "gig culture", but why should I be denied the opportunity to enjoy one of my favourite bands without the risk of intoxication?

(As a sidenote, I started developing an idea about alcohol... in that with alcohol, you find abominable behaviour - people around you smoking drugs, urinating on the walls and floors, etc as acceptable - what's the point of alcohol? I get more enjoyment from food).

I digress.

What's the position of the church on passive smoking?

It's something we can't control, and might not even be aware of until too late. Even if we are aware that there is a good chance that this will happen, is there an issue with passive smoking, or should I take all efforts to avoid?



PS: Sorry if this isn't in the right area of the forum...

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Well, we figure the body is like a temple, so we should treat it like one. We're all sons and daughters of God, which means our souls have a divine nature. That forms the basis of our notions about health too. You don't do stuff that isn't good for your body, you do stuff that is good. And you stay away from addictive substances.

So, the subject becomes one of health. I know there are people who argue both sides of the issue about how dangerous 2nd hand smoking is. There are studies that say it's not good for you, and there are people that think these studies were set up wrong, or are not good science. Other studies are inconclusive, and some argue they're set up wrong and inconclusive.

So I dunno. We figure you should stay away from stuff that harms your body. So, if you figure 2nd hand smoke is harmful, stay away from it. If it's just an annoying stinky habit, then so be it.


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I work w/ 3 guys that smoke all day long. I figure I'm smoking close to 5 packs a day second hand. Not exactly good times. I stink of cigs and I get to coughing like no tomorrow after a long day. I feel your pain.

As for your question you can't stop other people from doing it but you can avoid direct contact w/ them that do. Outside concert should not be a problem.

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I work w/ 3 guys that smoke all day long. I figure I'm smoking close to 5 packs a day second hand. Not exactly good times. I stink of cigs and I get to coughing like no tomorrow after a long day. I feel your pain.

As for your question you can't stop other people from doing it but you can avoid direct contact w/ them that do. Outside concert should not be a problem.

Where do you work that they still allow smoking?? I once was a smoker, yet I was concentious enough that if those around me were bothered by my smoke- I stopped. The only office I worked in where you could still smoke (Back in 1971), I had a small desk fan to re-direct my smoke away from my co-workers and out an opened window.

F4K - your co-workers are extremely rude - I would complain to the boss. Your health is important. By the way - do you also have headaches at the end of a work day? Wouldn't surprise me if you did - that is another side effect of smoking and second hand smoke.

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When I lived in Utah, they passed a clean air act - no smoking in buildings and now we have one in Washington. I had stopped bowling because of how awful it smelled in there, but now I can bowl again. I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel the same as you and maybe you could try to get a new law started?

Don't ask, don't get. Im strongly considering writing at least a letter of complaint to the venues concerned, the health and safety executive, the newspapers and the police.

Some consider that overboard. It's only a gig. It's one cigaratee. It's one cigarette too many. It is illegal in this country to smoke indoors.



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Don't ask, don't get. Im strongly considering writing at least a letter of complaint to the venues concerned, the health and safety executive, the newspapers and the police.

Some consider that overboard. It's only a gig. It's one cigaratee. It's one cigarette too many. It is illegal in this country to smoke indoors.



Good idea! My friend's mom died of cancer due to second hand smoke from her husband (who quit immediately when he found out then started again after she passed away). Who knows how much exposure could significantly impact a person's health? We moved out of an apartment because our downstairs neighbor smoked like crazy to the point of it being visibly smoky in our apartment, so we went to my mom's until we found a really good place. I was pregnant and lost 10 pounds the first month because it made me so sick. I worried a lot about the health of my baby. When we would go to my family's house to spend the night, our bedding stunk the place up. I was also embarrassed to have people over because I didn't want anyone to think we one of us was a closet smoker. When I told my visiting teachers about it, they were shocked when they came over. They said, "You weren't kidding about how bad it is!" That was one of those visibly smoky days. I remember when I came back from vacation, my sister was helping me carry some stuff upstairs and when we opened the door, some smoke actually wafted out. The single mom who lived downstairs would have her brother and his friends over and because she had a little boy, she had them go in the bathroom and turn the fan on, which sucked it into our apartment. Our landlord wouldn't do anything about it, saying they couldn't tell people what to do in their own home. I said, "That's nonsense. People advertise in the paper all the time 'No smoking. No pets.'" So we left.

Years later, I saw this story on the news with two homeowners who lived in a duplex. One side had smokers in it and the other side didn't. The non-smokers did everything they could to stop the smoke from coming in and it didn't work. They asked the couple to stop smoking indoors and they refused, so they took it to court and they were told they were not allowed to smoke in their house because it was a nuisance. The smoker lady said, "This is the last form of acceptable discrimination!" :rolleyes:

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Years later, I saw this story on the news with two homeowners who lived in a duplex. One side had smokers in it and the other side didn't. The non-smokers did everything they could to stop the smoke from coming in and it didn't work. They asked the couple to stop smoking indoors and they refused, so they took it to court and they were told they were not allowed to smoke in their house because it was a nuisance. The smoker lady said, "This is the last form of acceptable discrimination!" :rolleyes:

It's ridiculous isn't it. I mean I really have no problem with people who want to smoke. But people now do not have any time or consideration for anyone around them. Im allowed to smoke, Im allowed to bang on the walls, Im allowed to drive like a crazy fool, it's my right. Nuts.

And yet no one seems to share my indignation, well, apart from you guys!

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It's ridiculous isn't it. I mean I really have no problem with people who want to smoke. But people now do not have any time or consideration for anyone around them. Im allowed to smoke, Im allowed to bang on the walls, Im allowed to drive like a crazy fool, it's my right. Nuts.

And yet no one seems to share my indignation, well, apart from you guys!

I'm sure someone there shares your indignation. You just haven't met them yet. :D

Ugh. We have this neighbor two doors down who blasts music into the middle of the night with an elderly lady right next to her, other neighbors with health problems (one lady has to sleep with an oxygen machine), and this was in the summer when people were sleeping with their windows open because it was so hot. She and her friends would be outside playing drinking games and yelling and hadn't stopped even when the neighbor upstairs yelled at them to shut the **** up. So last time it happened I called the police and they said it would be a few hours because they had so many other things to respond to, but they did eventually show up. I also called our landlord and left this message on his machine, "Hi. I just wanted to let you know that this is what our neighbor sounds like in the middle of the night." Then I held the phone up to the noise. I was really mad because it was past midnight and our three boys still weren't asleep. Our landlord talked to her and she admitted the cops came by. She said she was very sorry and asked which neighbors she had offended. He said, "Why don't you just start on the left side of the building and work your way over?" Because it was her birthday, she thought she was justified in having a really loud party. She was told to go to a bar next time or buy a house with no neighbors within half a mile of it. My husband said, "Well, drunk people don't seem to be aware of how loud they are." I said, "Maybe not, but she knew before she got drunk that she was going to have a loud party and she knows that in the past, other neighbors have yelled at her for being so inconsiderate."

It is amazing how inconsiderate and selfish people can be. We have a piano and I won't play it past 7:30 at night or before 10am. I am also very aware of the noises my sons make and tell them not to close their doors loudly, pound on the walls, throw things up in the air until they hit the ceiling, etc. When they were babies, I would move them to another location when they cried based on where I thought the neighbors were at the time (we could hear the guy upstairs sneeze, so he definitely heard the kids crying). It was fruitless, but at least I could tell them I tried. Our neighbor's office was above the kids' bedroom, so while I thought he was sleeping in his bedroom, he was actually working late upstairs. I hope the poor guy had some headphones or something. One day he said, "Someone wasn't happy last night ..." *sigh*

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I'm sure someone there shares your indignation. You just haven't met them yet. :D

Ugh. We have this neighbor two doors down who blasts music into the middle of the night with an elderly lady right next to her, other neighbors with health problems (one lady has to sleep with an oxygen machine), and this was in the summer when people were sleeping with their windows open because it was so hot. She and her friends would be outside playing drinking games and yelling and hadn't stopped even when the neighbor upstairs yelled at them to shut the **** up. So last time it happened I called the police and they said it would be a few hours because they had so many other things to respond to, but they did eventually show up. I also called our landlord and left this message on his machine, "Hi. I just wanted to let you know that this is what our neighbor sounds like in the middle of the night." Then I held the phone up to the noise. I was really mad because it was past midnight and our three boys still weren't asleep. Our landlord talked to her and she admitted the cops came by. She said she was very sorry and asked which neighbors she had offended. He said, "Why don't you just start on the left side of the building and work your way over?" Because it was her birthday, she thought she was justified in having a really loud party. She was told to go to a bar next time or buy a house with no neighbors within half a mile of it. My husband said, "Well, drunk people don't seem to be aware of how loud they are." I said, "Maybe not, but she knew before she got drunk that she was going to have a loud party and she knows that in the past, other neighbors have yelled at her for being so inconsiderate."

It is amazing how inconsiderate and selfish people can be. We have a piano and I won't play it past 7:30 at night or before 10am. I am also very aware of the noises my sons make and tell them not to close their doors loudly, pound on the walls, throw things up in the air until they hit the ceiling, etc. When they were babies, I would move them to another location when they cried based on where I thought the neighbors were at the time (we could hear the guy upstairs sneeze, so he definitely heard the kids crying). It was fruitless, but at least I could tell them I tried. Our neighbor's office was above the kids' bedroom, so while I thought he was sleeping in his bedroom, he was actually working late upstairs. I hope the poor guy had some headphones or something. One day he said, "Someone wasn't happy last night ..." *sigh*

I can so appreciate your story. I don't know where I've had my upbringing. My parents clatter around the house at all times of the day and night, louding and unloading dishwashers, clash bang clatter. If I get up early, I try to be deathly quiet. I shut the doors, take things out with microscopic touches. It's not my place to upset others for my convenience.

With regards to music, I generally don't see a problem with playing music til about 8pm - unless of course your neighbours have a problem with that. At the end of the day, we all have a right to live and enjoy our lives. But we have a requirement to ensure we don't intrude on other peoples personal space.

If having a party, why not ask the neighbours? You might be pleasantly surprised.

I like to have a drink (which is probably why I havent become a mormon yet).

It doesn't cause people to become loud, obnoxious and aggressive. They're already like that! It just makes them worse!

Even after alcohol, I still have respect and compassion for people and still carefully monitor my own behaviour.

I could start talking on a whole host of other topics about how society doesn't seem to take any personal responsibility for its own actions, preferring to blame other people or inanimate objects for their failings. About how our governments actually prevent us from taking responsibilty, which leads to no consequences, no mistakes, and no learning.

But I won't.



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Non LDS here again, but you guys have been really helpful and friendly and for that I thank you. I was reading another post about an individual with certain vices (good to see that's going well), and Im reminded of a conundrum I've found. Im trying to find an answer online and stumbling.

Im not a smoker, but despite the smoking ban in England, people still feel the need to light up in pubs and clubs, even at some concerts. It's not just cigarettes, but the old weed too. Im a liberal, so if people want to do that, that's up to them - but keep out of my face. It seems society does not respect each other any more and the fact that their are people around them. I don't even take photographs in public in case it irritates people!

Apparently, in the UK, we're not allowed to voice our concerns over smoking because it is "gig culture", but why should I be denied the opportunity to enjoy one of my favourite bands without the risk of intoxication?

(As a sidenote, I started developing an idea about alcohol... in that with alcohol, you find abominable behaviour - people around you smoking drugs, urinating on the walls and floors, etc as acceptable - what's the point of alcohol? I get more enjoyment from food).

I digress.

What's the position of the church on passive smoking?

It's something we can't control, and might not even be aware of until too late. Even if we are aware that there is a good chance that this will happen, is there an issue with passive smoking, or should I take all efforts to avoid?



PS: Sorry if this isn't in the right area of the forum...

Gettin a little picky arent we? 40 years ago smoking was allowed everywhere! in restaurants, in taxicabs, in hospitals, in offices, on buses, on trains. Everyhere!!!! If you did not smoke that was too bad for you. :mellow:
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I find that politely asking people to stop smoking helps. I don't think anybody has ever been a jerk about it if I ask nicely.

For those who have dined in "clean air" cities, isn't it lovely to go into a restaurant and not have to smell the smoke from the guy on the other side of the room??? Makes me want to go out to eat more.

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I relly hate to inhalate smoke...my eyes get irritable too, so all I can do is avoid such places. But I also have found a small maskin that helps... mail me if you need to know more. It really helped me anyway it also takes away the stink.

Well it is not always easy to awoid smoke so I just have to endure... it is their world, not mine. We have also counted that every NON smoker should have ONE day in a month free, as the smokers use so much time with their smoking in a month.... but that does not work that way either. We would be able to take a rest of 10 min every now and then, but NO FREE DAYS! WHO would need a 10 minutes break during a day every now and then... what would one do during that (unless smoke) ... a day is an other thing, you could do a LOT with a free day in a month!

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I relly hate to inhalate smoke...my eyes get irritable too, so all I can do is avoid such places. But I also have found a small maskin that helps... mail me if you need to know more. It really helped me anyway it also takes away the stink.

Well it is not always easy to awoid smoke so I just have to endure... it is their world, not mine.

I like to think of it as our world not mine. To be enjoyed by everybody and anybody.

The kind of person I am, is that if I smoked, I'd be deeply embarrassed to do it in public in case I upset others. It's for me and no one else only! It's the same reason I don't take photos in public. I worry too much about how my actions impact on others.

It's a sad sad shame that more people can't think like that.

Sadly, our world is trying to do the exact opposite and ensure people only need to think about themselves.

For the drinkers of the world, why bother to think if you're drinking too much? We're in a society that would rather ban it, or prevent you from drinking too much by raising the price and setting arbitrary limits and passing nonsensical laws rather than making you think about your actions and take responsibility for yourself.

Seems we're not teaching the right lessons.



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I like to think of it as our world not mine. To be enjoyed by everybody and anybody.

The kind of person I am, is that if I smoked, I'd be deeply embarrassed to do it in public in case I upset others. It's for me and no one else only! It's the same reason I don't take photos in public. I worry too much about how my actions impact on others.

It's a sad sad shame that more people can't think like that.

Sadly, our world is trying to do the exact opposite and ensure people only need to think about themselves.

For the drinkers of the world, why bother to think if you're drinking too much? We're in a society that would rather ban it, or prevent you from drinking too much by raising the price and setting arbitrary limits and passing nonsensical laws rather than making you think about your actions and take responsibility for yourself.

Seems we're not teaching the right lessons.



You can be my neighbor anytime. :D There should be more considerate people like you.

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