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Just curious: what do you love most about being a Latter-day Saint?

I love how the Church has really good ideas about the purpose of life, and how to engage ourselves in life.

And that we can embrace all truth, wherever we find it! :D


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Hi Catholic,

For me, there are lots of things.....

Foremost, I think it's having a road map for my life. I have an understanding of the purpose of life: Why I'm here and where I'm going. I have an understanding that I existed before this life, and I will exist after this life. Death is not the end. I will see my grandparents that passed away again--someday.

"Family" also takes on new meaning. I'm not just talking about the church's emphasis on building strong family ties or genealogy. I'm talking about "Family": The Human Family. When I attend church on Sunday, I feel like I'm coming home, visiting family. It's commonplace to call one another by "Brother ... " or "Sister ...". For instance, I can go on vacation to Timbuktu, show up at church, and (not knowing anyone there) be introduced to "Brother Benturk" or "Sister Assieh". Church is a great melting pot where the emphasis lies on our common tie--As offspring of a loving Heavenly Father, literally being brothers and sisters.

There's a large sense of community in the church. The old African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child." applies to how the church functions. The church has many programs and activities. Members of the church are given "Callings" ("invited to accept volunteer, non-compensated positions") to serve one another as teachers, presidents, counselors, bishops, home teachers, visiting teachers, etc. Church programs are designed to make husbands better husbands, wives better wives, and children better children (if that's possible). ;)

Kind Regards,



Here're some great articles about the family (if interested):

* "Set in Order Thy House" Russell M. Nelson, Liahona, Jan. 2002, 80–83; or Ensign, Nov. 2001, 69–71

Our family is the focus of our greatest work and joy in this life; so will it be throughout all eternity.

* "The Eternal Family" Robert D. Hales, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 64–67

The plan of the Father is that family love and companionship will continue into the eternities.

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Thanks to all who replied to my question!

No :)

Well, in that case .....

I love our belief in the preexistence, priesthood blessings, the temple where we learn more about Jesus Christ, our belief that the Gospel will be preached to everyone whether in this life or the next - giving everyone the chance to accept it, the Word of Wisdom that gives us a better chance of being healthy and happy in this life, Home Teaching, Visiting Teaching, the Young Men and Young Women programs, seminary (where the youth learn about the scriptures every day of the week), I love that we all have callings, we all our expected to be knowledgable and resourceful enough to give talks, our teachings on personal revelation, emphasis on prayer and scripture study individually and as a family, how we stress the importance of chastity, and basically everything the prophet counsels us to do like emergency preparedness. I also love the church's welfare program, missionary work, and most of all I love every opportunity to get to know my Savior more. :)

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Just curious: what do you love most about being a Latter-day Saint?

4 things...

1. That Christ is the son of God, that he atoned for my sins and provided me a way to return to my heavenly father and that He and my heavenly father are alive and love me.

2. Knowing that I can be with my wife and chidren not only 'till death do us part' but that we are sealed together for all eternity and have the chance to all live together forever.

3. Not only believing but knowing that the gospel of Christ is real but that I have to worry about knowing what is right and wrong and what my actions should be.

4. The gifts of the spirit that have helped me throughout my entire life after being given the spirit after baptism. It has been invaluable in guiding my life and making me feel whole.

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I don't know about one thing, but I love that we teach that a person can pray for themselves and receive an answer. A person can live worthily to receive more blessings than they could imagine, and to someday become as God is now, regardless of what they do for a living (with a few being a drug dealer) or what their social status is. Any average person can receive their own revelation... do work that transcends mortality... develop an unbreakable testimony of Christ... all if they are willing to do what it takes to get there. I guess the one thing that I love is potential, and that WE ARE that potential, not people who have to depend on others to pray for us or make sure we get into heaven.

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What do I love? 2 things:

1.) the fact that it makes sense, unlike any other religion I studied in my spiritual journey

2.) Most of its members actually attempt to live their beliefs (ie they walk the walk)

same here. I find it makes so much sense. Every time I have a religious 'epiphany' it slots nicely into place and the whole picture of life becomes that much clearer, and then deeper and opens a whole new level.

I love I am encouraged to search for truth, to ask questions and to ask more questions still, and that with patience the answers come.

I love that Jesus Christ is my older brother and the things he went through for me personally, to provide a way back to My Heavenly Father, and that Heavenly Father is a real father, the peace this knowledge brings is amazing.

so many other things.........

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I love learning about the gospel and growing my testimony by hearing from other members of my ward. I love knowing that everything I learn is true! I get great comfort knowing that I am a Daughter of God. :) The sense of family I get from the people around me...they are my family. I love that my husband and our children can be together for all eternity and not just until "death do us part." I would keep going for days...I love EVERYTHING!

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I love learning about the gospel and growing my testimony by hearing from other members of my ward. I love knowing that everything I learn is true!

Um, nice post, but... even at Church, not everything you hear is true. I think it is better than it used to be, but still you can get some bad info occasionally. People don't mean to be wrong, but sometimes it happens.


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