Accomplice to Murder


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:D :D :D :D :D

My friend was scheduled to go to the abortion clinic today at 7am. I didnt call her.. wasjust waiting for her to call me.

I get a call at about 5 oclock tonight and I answer the phone. She tells me "*funkyfool*, I decided you were right. I didnt get the abortion"

i felt grateful... so glad that she made this choice

Yesterday, we went to a clinic in one of the suburbs, and there were about a dozen protesters, and i was walking beside her.

Today she went alone, and had to walk through a very large crowd of protesters in center city.

She proceeded to tell me how one of the protestors approached her and spoke with her, and told her that she'd be willing to pay all medical expenses and bills related to the baby.

She had lunch with this woman and they went back to her house. Went and got another ultrasound and found out that her baby was a girl. She wants to keep the child. I still think adoption would be the best idea, but i am soooo grateful she decided to let her baby girl have the opportunity to live.

kinda weird for me to admit this, but yesterday in the bathroom of the clinic, i kinda attempted to pray. I suck at praying, but i asked god..that any way possible... she would see what she was doing was wrong, and change her mind.

I dont know if i really can owe her choice to my prayer, as it was totally up to her...

yesterday on the way home from the clinic...i drove her home because she just felt so..emotionally sick about what she was doing. i had to pull over 3 times in traffic for her to open the door and puke her guts out.

maybe it was her emotions...the guilt she was feeling. I dont know. but im so happy she made the decision she did.

but my heart was just floating. I dont feel sick anymore. Went bowling tonight, and won one of those stupid stuffed animals from those machines. Saw a little girl eyeballing, it... had to give it to her. I was just floating..

lol then ironically went to wendy's and they had some jar for donations that went to some sort of adoption charity. i know its stupid, lol but i was just feeling giving, so i threw a couple bucks in.

i dunno. im happy for my friend and her decision. IM happy she decided not to have the abortion

and thanks really everybody offering advice in this thread.

There is still a lot to come, but for now i can celebrate with my friend :)

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I really am so happy she made the decision she did. I think that maybe this woman...this protestor that was able to talk with her, and change her mind, and offer help, maybe this woman was an answer to the prayers of all of you on the forum.

Im sure ill be meeting this woman eventually during my friends pregnancy, but i am so grateful to this stranger.

ON friday, when i took my friend to the first clinic, the protestors seemed like very hateful, finger pointing people. Im so glad that there was one that was able to reason with my friend and kindly take her by the hand and help her out.

I never thought protesting was something id ever do. But I really wonder how many lives of children can be saved through people like this one protester was to my friend.

crazy stuff.

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I just read this story from top to bottom and I am so happy for you and your friend. What a incrediable story for you to share with all of us. I am so glad for shared your light from within. You are a very strong person, stronger than you give yourself credit for. You knew what was right and you stood by what you know. Don't kid yourself sweetie your prayers do matter. I know what an effect this will have on you and I am proud to call you friend.

I Love You Funky!!!!:bearhug:

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My friend was scheduled to go to the abortion clinic today at 7am. I didnt call her.. wasjust waiting for her to call me.

I get a call at about 5 oclock tonight and I answer the phone. She tells me "*funkyfool*, I decided you were right. I didnt get the abortion"

i felt grateful... so glad that she made this choice

Yesterday, we went to a clinic in one of the suburbs, and there were about a dozen protesters, and i was walking beside her.

Today she went alone, and had to walk through a very large crowd of protesters in center city.

She proceeded to tell me how one of the protestors approached her and spoke with her, and told her that she'd be willing to pay all medical expenses and bills related to the baby.

She had lunch with this woman and they went back to her house. Went and got another ultrasound and found out that her baby was a girl. She wants to keep the child. I still think adoption would be the best idea, but i am soooo grateful she decided to let her baby girl have the opportunity to live.

kinda weird for me to admit this, but yesterday in the bathroom of the clinic, i kinda attempted to pray. I suck at praying, but i asked god..that any way possible... she would see what she was doing was wrong, and change her mind.

I dont know if i really can owe her choice to my prayer, as it was totally up to her...

yesterday on the way home from the clinic...i drove her home because she just felt so..emotionally sick about what she was doing. i had to pull over 3 times in traffic for her to open the door and puke her guts out.

maybe it was her emotions...the guilt she was feeling. I dont know. but im so happy she made the decision she did.

but my heart was just floating. I dont feel sick anymore. Went bowling tonight, and won one of those stupid stuffed animals from those machines. Saw a little girl eyeballing, it... had to give it to her. I was just floating..

lol then ironically went to wendy's and they had some jar for donations that went to some sort of adoption charity. i know its stupid, lol but i was just feeling giving, so i threw a couple bucks in.

i dunno. im happy for my friend and her decision. IM happy she decided not to have the abortion

and thanks really everybody offering advice in this thread.

There is still a lot to come, but for now i can celebrate with my friend.

Wow! Funky has a soft, caring side. Who'd a thunk it? ;)

Seriously, though, I'm proud of ya, kid. You did the right thing by telling her how you feel. Your Heavenly Father is pleased.

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Wow a happy ending.I read through this with a shaking heart.

Let me say to all of you no matter what choice she makes adoption,abortion or keeping the baby she will have to live with the consequences.

It is heartbreaking to relinquish a child no matter how much your mind tells you it's the best thing for your child-your arms feel empty for evermore.

An abortion may leave you with emotional/physical scars that haunt down the line.It should only be an option in very limited circumstances-eg Rape,pregnancy in a very young girl,life or death for the Mother& only after prayer & pondering & counselling hopefully with a LDS Physician.Priesthood blessing would be a good idea too.Last resort & never as a form of contraception.

She may not be able to give a happy,stable home to her child if she keeps her or it may turn wonderfully.

The thing is we don't know but there is One who does & it's his guidance we need to seek.

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Guest jennifer_

i agree with what someone else said earlier, about you and your friend finding pictures of a baby at the particular stage that she's in, in her pregnancy. there are tons of books and online especially there are resources and technology is so amazing now days that the pictures that you see are actual pictures, not drawings or representations.

my roommate (not LDS) got pregnant last year and she was completely set on having an abortion. a friend of ours brought over her human development text book and we were looking through it at what the baby looked like at that point and although it was still really early on, the picture and the descriptions were enough to make her change her mind. she couldn't kill a tiny little thing that was developing ears and a nose and little fingers. so she went through with an adoption and it was the best decision she ever made she said.

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I really am so happy she made the decision she did. I think that maybe this woman...this protestor that was able to talk with her, and change her mind, and offer help, maybe this woman was an answer to the prayers of all of you on the forum.

She was an answer to your prayer too. God answers your prayers just as much as any of us.

Your story has really got me thinking and put this issue into my heart in a more real way. I'll be praying more about adoption as an option for us, and praying more for all those girls and women going through such difficult decisions of what to do with their babies.

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