Adam & Eve; Immortal Beings Require Food

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That seems to me that LDS teaching does agree with the idea that Jesus was both man and God at the same time.

I don't understand your reasoning. I will rewrite again what we believe.

Latter-Day Saint doctrine teaches Jesus is the Son of God. Christ created all things so in this truth He is God. He and His Father are separate individuals.

When Jesus lived on the earth in flesh and blood He was a unique individual. In His flesh He was the literal Son of His Father. He had power over life and death.

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Then I have another question - What aspect of the Christian "others" thought that Jesus was both fully divine and fully human does LDS teaching not agree with?

From the bits and pieces I've picked up so far, LDS teaching states that Jesus was of a spiritual nature, took on a human existence (while still retaining Godship), died (voluntarily as we've agreed), was resurrected, and returned to the Father. Do correct me if I'm making a wrong assumption somewhere.

That seems to me that LDS teaching does agree with the idea that Jesus was both man and God at the same time.

This is really kind of tough to explain.

We believe that Jesus Christ was also the firstborn Spiritual Son of Heavenly Father.

But Jesus Christ (or Jehovah) was NOT a “God” in the sense of how his Father was a God. The power Jesus Christ had/got was because of his calling to be the Son of God (Creator, Reedmer and so forth) , and being part of the God head. (the best example in the church is how somebody is called to be a bishop and is then given the keys to carry out the calling).

As Jesus came to earth he was different in the sense that his had a mortal mother, and an immortal Father. This gave him the ability to never taste of death if he so chooses. He had to allow his spirit to leave his body. But as far as Power, Jesus Christ had to progress just as any of us did. He had to learn like we all do, or as the D&C 93 teaches, Christ grew grace to grace.

Christ’s power on the earth was again become of his calling as the son of God. Its really a doctrine we called “Divine investiture” (its really not brought up much, but that’s really what it is called). That Christ acted in behave of his Father, and thus was given the power of his Father.

Not until after Jesus Christ was resurrected, and had completed his work, that he now was perfect and a God in his own Right. He now has the power given to him from God, and it now was his own Power.

This idea is sometimes hard how Christ become a God when he never went through Mortality. Well that’s how I see it.

So its tough to get into was Jesus Christ Mortal! Well yes he was, but was he immortal. Yes he was.

You have to find the kind of middle ground.

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I think you missed my point. Did Adam and Eve Breath Air because there was Air, and they had lungs and with out going through this motion they wouldn’t function?

Could they have held there breath forever? Was there a need for the oxygen for Adam and Eve or for the plants?

The bigger point I was trying to make, is I assume my spirit doesn’t eat a hamburger to exist. I have to assume that what ever “energy” my spirit uses is based of something more then food and nourishments. I believe the spirit survived because it is connected to its maker to some degree. You did bring up the idea of life coming from the Sun.

I believe this life that is given to us, is what sustains our spirits to some degree! This is why our spirits don’t eat or drink or breathe air! Now there could be something else that is added to this mix that we don’t know of, but that doesn’t help this argument one way or the other.

What I am saying is that the food on the earth was more for the experience of it! Not for what it was! I believe that as Adam and Eve lived before the fall, there life was given “power” through the staining power of the spirit (and thus through Christ).

I think the same type of thing well happen after the resurrections when our bodies and spirit well be joined completely. I think the reason our bodies don’t decay or won’t get hurt is because they aren’t sustained by some blood cells pumping through our system, but because of the spirit that gives each cell life.

Tubaloth, your avatar is mesmerizing! I get stuck staring at it! :D

I agree with your conclusions for the most part, but in terms of what we are discussing I think they have limited applicability, because Adam and Eve in the garden were not just spirits, they were clothed with imperishable bodies. They were physical beings, and as such they must have required nourishment. Spirits/souls, yes, I believe they take their nourishment from more intangible sources, but I believe those sources are within the same physical substances we consume to nourish our bodies. Plants have spirits, they have life-force; while the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber of the plant nourish the body, perhaps the intangible life-force of the plant feeds the soul. That is why it is not currently practical for humans to live entirely on "dead" foods and bottled supplements, because without that intangible life-force, the mere physical compounds are unable to sustain vibrant health and well-being.

I agree that our spirits will be/are nourished by the Spirit; but I believe that Spirit permeates all things and is therefore "taken in" through everything we consume, be it air, food, sunlight, or direct communication with the Divine. What will nourish us after resurrection, I know not; but since D&C (?which section?) tells us that after death we will discover spirit to be just a finer form of matter, I'm inclined to speculate that things will be much the same, with "finer matter" pears, plums, spinach and carrots; and of course, the beauty of no death or decay. But only God knows for sure.

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This is really kind of tough to explain.

We believe that Jesus Christ was also the firstborn Spiritual Son of Heavenly Father.

But Jesus Christ (or Jehovah) was NOT a “God” in the sense of how his Father was a God. The power Jesus Christ had/got was because of his calling to be the Son of God (Creator, Reedmer and so forth) , and being part of the God head.


So its tough to get into was Jesus Christ Mortal! Well yes he was, but was he immortal. Yes he was.

You have to find the kind of middle ground.

Okay then. So the denial of Jesus being both man and God (in other Christian teachigns) is rooted in that the Godship that Mormons attribute to Jesus is different from the Godship that other Christians denominations attribute to him. Fair?

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Okay then. So the denial of Jesus being both man and God (in other Christian teachings) is rooted in that the Godship that Mormons attribute to Jesus is different from the Godship that other Christians denominations attribute to him. Fair?

Some others who read the Bible and interpret it their own way like to state that we believe in a different Jesus than they do. They don't believe Jesus has a perfect, glorified, immortal body of flesh and bones as we do. They teach God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are one being. They don't believe Jesus visited other people on the earth after His resurrection other than the people in Israel.

I think the points I stated above are the main fuel for their fire in stating we don't believe in Jesus Christ.

We do believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament and our Savior. But we have different beliefs than those who attempt to understand the Bible thru their own understanding.

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Quote by President Young:

“…I also delight in enjoying myself with the brethren and sisters, and giving to my natural organization the food that the natural body requires. The body requires food, and the immortal spirit requires food; the whole organization requires something to feast upon, and we get up amusements to satisfy it.” 8:358-359. (Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, selected and arranged by John A. Widtsoe, p.239)

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ADAM's RIB MYSTERY: Yesterday, in my communication here on this forum about the Atonement, as I reflect back when trying to convey some important sharing moments [thanks to two valuable members], I can almost feel the answer as if the veil was thinning. Even felt the Holy Ghost, presenting something as a confirmation while writing a response. Driving home, I just kept thinking about, “Why would Adam be CREATED vice progeny birth? What was the purpose? Why not create both male and female together as it was done spiritually? What is FATHER trying to tell us?” It is amazing…it is truly amazing, how auspicious children we are, standing in the fullest of time.

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ADAM's RIB MYSTERY: Yesterday, in my communication here on this forum about the Atonement, as I reflect back when trying to convey some important sharing moments [thanks to two valuable members], I can almost feel the answer as if the veil was thinning. Even felt the Holy Ghost, presenting something as a confirmation while writing a response. Driving home, I just kept thinking about, “Why would Adam be CREATED vice progeny birth? What was the purpose? Why not create both male and female together as it was done spiritually? What is FATHER trying to tell us?” It is amazing…it is truly amazing, how auspicious children we are, standing in the fullest of time.

My personal opinion is that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother created Adam and Eve, and did so in the usual way, just like we do.

Eve being taken from Adam's rib just represents the eternal truth that we are to be one with our eternal spouses. The highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom will be the dwelling place of couples sealed for eternity.

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