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Guest Cheezasaurus/2ex

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Originally posted by Faerie@Jun 8 2004, 03:49 PM is my site, that i've tried to get up and running as a nice place for LDS women and Christian women to reside and get to know each other..all are welcome as long as the stuff that happens on this board doesn't carry over...

shanstress you are always welcome there, but i understand that you may feel a bit out of place...

it's a bit boring now because no one posts, and no one promotes..i can only promote so far, so thank you shanstress for the plug :)

Wow, I didn't know that was your's. Do you mind telling me your name there? I am already a member, and used to go there quite a bit. I stopped going there for obvious reasons. When I went there though, I thought there was a fair amount of activity.
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Originally posted by shanstress70+Jun 8 2004, 05:19 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (shanstress70 @ Jun 8 2004, 05:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Faerie@Jun 8 2004, 03:49 PM is my site, that i've tried to get up and running as a nice place for LDS women and Christian women to reside and get to know each other..all are welcome as long as the stuff that happens on this board doesn't carry over...

shanstress you are always welcome there, but i understand that you may feel a bit out of place...

it's a bit boring now because no one posts, and no one promotes..i can only promote so far, so thank you shanstress for the plug :)

Wow, I didn't know that was your's. Do you mind telling me your name there? I am already a member, and used to go there quite a bit. I stopped going there for obvious reasons. When I went there though, I thought there was a fair amount of activity.

same as here...Faerie

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Guest Ruthie-chan

Interestingly enough, tonight, I felt like I needed to find an LDS forum.

So, I did a google search.

I glanced at a few forums, none felt right.

I found this one. I thought, hmm, maybe this is it.

So, I signed up, and before I could do anything else I saw Naomi's topic title declaring that she's resigning from the church.

I immediately went there. Why? Because I hate it when people leave. I find it heart breaking.

I saw that it was eleven pages long. Now usually when I see a thread that long, and I didn't start reading it from the beginning, I just leave it.

Not this one. I read every single post and I was so surprised that people were either

A: Encouraging her to leave

B: We're taking this announcement lightly

C: No one was encouraging her to come back!

Then to top it off, the thread got veered off in so many different topics of Mormon theology it was crazy.

I want Naomi to come back. People will miss her, whether she knows it or not.

And more importantly, God wants her to come back, but he can't force her. He lets her choose.

So yes, I understand how you feel Chez.

But I'm here.

Why? I don't know.

The Lord led me here.

To what purpose? I'm not sure. Maybe to teach, or to learn or both.

I hope that everyone here who is NOT mormon, will be respectful of our beliefs.

Questions are fine, so are opinions. But bashings are cruel and heartless. There's no reason for it.

Debate = civil discussion.

Bashing = brow beating, hateful actions/words.

Treat us the way YOU want to be treated.

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Guest Ruthie-chan

Oh, and on the homosexuality issue.

I'm not surprised that homosexual mormons dissented so they could do what they wanted to do.

It was bound to happen.

Gordon B. Hinckley, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, issued the following statement about homosexuality:

"We believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God. We believe that marriage may be eternal through exercise of the power of the everlasting priesthood in the house of the Lord.

"People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of God. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are.

"We want to help these people, to strengthen them, to assist them with their problems and to help them with their difficulties. But we cannot stand idle if they indulge in immoral activity, if they try to uphold and defend and live in a so-called same-sex marriage situation. To permit such would be to make light of the very serious and sacred foundation of God-sanctioned marriage and its very purpose, the rearing of families" (Ensign, Nov. 1998, 71).

That about sums up my views on homosexuality.

If you want more detailed info on my opinion go to my website linked in my signature and visit Ruthie-chan's Place to Ruthie-chan's Rants.

You'll find it there.

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There are two kinds of people here on this board (for the most part). They are: those who are LDS and enjoy talking to others about it, and non-LDS folk who come here out of concern to hopefully change the hearts and minds of those who are LDS.

You will rarely meet a person here who doesn't care for the LDS folk in some respect. Though I can appreciate your point of view, you must also appreciate theirs. Then and only then will any sort of communication come.

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Originally posted by broadway@Jun 9 2004, 10:21 PM

There are two kinds of people here on this board (for the most part). They are: those who are LDS and enjoy talking to others about it, and non-LDS folk who come here out of concern to hopefully change the hearts and minds of those who are LDS.

You will rarely meet a person here who doesn't care for the LDS folk in some respect. Though I can appreciate your point of view, you must also appreciate theirs. Then and only then will any sort of communication come.

Hi Broadway,

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you on the point about why the non-LDS come here. I started coming here while I was still a member. I really like most of the people here, and find that it is a good mix.

When I left the church, I didn't automatically stop liking the posters here. That's not how it works. I actually tried to leave twice, but when I get bored I find it very difficult to not look and see what everyone is talking about.

It is not my goal to try and change anyone's mind about their religion. Heck, I would actually HATE for my MIL to stop believing in the LDS church. Her life is the church. She worked in the temple weekly until recently, and is RS president. My FIL used to be bishop, and has also put so much of his life into the church. They are retirement age. If they stopped believing and thought that all their time was wasted, they would not be the happy people they are now.

I just happen to find the topic of religion VERY interesting... probably THE most interesting topic you can talk about. I'm always talking to friends and co-workers about it - not trying to change anyone's mind - just to talk about it!

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Guest Starsky

There actually a lot more than two kinds of people.

There are lds hard core/soft heart ;)

There are non-lds who are investigating the church.

There are Anti-lds who make rude posts and comments.

There are ex-lds who like to bring up things to discuss...that they find wrong with the church.

There are ex-lds who like to bring up things to slam the lds with.

There are non-lds who just like to come and make friendly posts occassionally.

There are lds who are not really all that converted, but like to discuss their concerns and insights.

There are lds who are in-active because they aren't happy with their wards...but they still believe in the

lds gospel....

Wooooo....there are a lot of different kinds of people here....and I think we do real well for the most getting along.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 10 2004, 09:18 PM

Gee, not sure where I fit in there Starsky?

I think you are in a catagory that I didn't name.... :D But you fit into this forum just great! :) ;)
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"Because I hate it when people leave. I find it heart breaking."

WHY is it heartbreaking? Are you sad that they've left the "truth", or is it something, say, you're afraid that it will spread? That members will leave in droves, and you'll be stuck doing all the ward callings on your own? :lol:

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I don' t know how you think that comment was funny Jason. I've had personal experience with someone I knew leaving the church and its sad because I have a testimony of the church, and to see someone who seemed to have a strong testimony (which obviously didn't) is not only heartbreaking but confusing. In my opinion, I could care less about how many callings I have in the church. I've had plenty in my lifetime and have enjoyed serving in every one I've been given. If someone leaving the church brings concern about having to serve more, than that is just petty.

As for me, I do have a difficult time coming here, and why I do it, I don't know. Maybe because I get bored with the extra time I have nowadays and see if there's anything good I can put my comments in on. I post at another lds forum where there is a fun, wholesome spirit. I've made many friends from that place and the people who are not lds do a good job at keeping the spirit there, even if they don't agree or understand what we believe in. When I come here I feel like I have to keep my defenses up and also feel like if I say something that I will be put down for it, and I don't feel that way in the other forum. I can be myself.

From some posts that I've read I've noticed not only the non-members negative comments towards Church members, but also the negative comments from church members to non-members. I'm sure some people will disagree, but I feel a lot of tension when I come here.

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"I don' t know how you think that comment was funny Jason."

You honestly didn't laugh? You need to lighten up.

"I've had personal experience with someone I knew leaving the church and its sad because I have a testimony of the church, and to see someone who seemed to have a strong testimony (which obviously didn't) is not only heartbreaking but confusing."

Are you serious? If you could measure "testimony" strength, I'd wager my SOUL that mine was far greater than yours is! What kind of arrogance is that to say this person "obviously didn't" have a strong testimony? :angry:

"In my opinion, I could care less about how many callings I have in the church. I've had plenty in my lifetime and have enjoyed serving in every one I've been given. If someone leaving the church brings concern about having to serve more, than that is just petty."

Somehow, I seriously doubt the veracity of that statement. But you're programmed to say that to protect your interests. Don't sweat it thought, If I were you, I'd probably say the same thing....

"As for me, I do have a difficult time coming here, and why I do it, I don't know. Maybe because I get bored with the extra time I have nowadays and see if there's anything good I can put my comments in on. I post at another lds forum where there is a fun, wholesome spirit. I've made many friends from that place and the people who are not lds do a good job at keeping the spirit there, even if they don't agree or understand what we believe in. When I come here I feel like I have to keep my defenses up and also feel like if I say something that I will be put down for it, and I don't feel that way in the other forum. I can be myself."

I wonder if you even really know your true self. It must be hard when all you do is take orders from SLC. Most of the Mormons here choose to think for themselves, if that's not for you, then you know what to do.

"From some posts that I've read I've noticed not only the non-members negative comments towards Church members, but also the negative comments from church members to non-members. I'm sure some people will disagree, but I feel a lot of tension when I come here."

Well, guess what sweetheart, we like it that way. Please take you censorship to your happy-smiley site, and leave us to explore the so-called Age of Reason.


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Originally posted by Littlestar@Jun 11 2004, 10:17 AM

From some posts that I've read I've noticed not only the non-members negative comments towards Church members, but also the negative comments from church members to non-members. I'm sure some people will disagree, but I feel a lot of tension when I come here.

Welcome to the "Reality Board" Littlestar

We like it. :ph34r:

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 11 2004, 11:47 AM

"I don' t know how you think that comment was funny Jason."

You honestly didn't laugh? You need to lighten up.

"I've had personal experience with someone I knew leaving the church and its sad because I have a testimony of the church, and to see someone who seemed to have a strong testimony (which obviously didn't) is not only heartbreaking but confusing."

Are you serious? If you could measure "testimony" strength, I'd wager my SOUL that mine was far greater than yours is! What kind of arrogance is that to say this person "obviously didn't" have a strong testimony? :angry:

"In my opinion, I could care less about how many callings I have in the church. I've had plenty in my lifetime and have enjoyed serving in every one I've been given. If someone leaving the church brings concern about having to serve more, than that is just petty."

Somehow, I seriously doubt the veracity of that statement. But you're programmed to say that to protect your interests. Don't sweat it thought, If I were you, I'd probably say the same thing....

"As for me, I do have a difficult time coming here, and why I do it, I don't know. Maybe because I get bored with the extra time I have nowadays and see if there's anything good I can put my comments in on. I post at another lds forum where there is a fun, wholesome spirit. I've made many friends from that place and the people who are not lds do a good job at keeping the spirit there, even if they don't agree or understand what we believe in. When I come here I feel like I have to keep my defenses up and also feel like if I say something that I will be put down for it, and I don't feel that way in the other forum. I can be myself."

I wonder if you even really know your true self. It must be hard when all you do is take orders from SLC. Most of the Mormons here choose to think for themselves, if that's not for you, then you know what to do.

"From some posts that I've read I've noticed not only the non-members negative comments towards Church members, but also the negative comments from church members to non-members. I'm sure some people will disagree, but I feel a lot of tension when I come here."

Well, guess what sweetheart, we like it that way. Please take you censorship to your happy-smiley site, and leave us to explore the so-called Age of Reason.


sheesh jason...ever heard of compassion and Christlike love? Bit harsh dude...
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Originally posted by lindy9556@ Jun 11 2004, 11:03 AM

Welcome to the "Reality Board" Littlestar

We like it. :ph34r:

If I am to be included in this “we”, I would like it understood that what I like about this site is that people are allowed to say what is on their mind as long as they “try” to be nice about it. If we only allowed “positive” people to post “positive” things on this site, banning someone from the site as soon as they said one thing that might be construed as "negative", we would be excluding a lot of people and a lot of thoughts that people can benefit from being exposed to. Still, the moderators do a fairly good job of enforcing the “play nice” policy, it’s just that NOBODY can control what someone is going to say or how they say it BEFORE someone says something, and not everybody agrees on what can or should be construed as negative. You certainly don't expect everyone to agree with you, do you?
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Guest Starsky
Originally posted by lindy9556+Jun 11 2004, 11:03 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (lindy9556 @ Jun 11 2004, 11:03 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Littlestar@Jun 11 2004, 10:17 AM

From some posts that I've read I've noticed not only the non-members negative comments towards Church members, but also the negative comments from church members to non-members. I'm sure some people will disagree, but I feel a lot of tension when I come here.

Welcome to the "Reality Board" Littlestar

We like it. :ph34r:

I agree with you, Lindy.... we do like it here...just the way it is.

My pet when someone comes in new and starts telling us how we must make the board perfect for them....or comparing us to their perfect board....

This board is very popular with those who come and stay....that means for the most part we like it here...or we wouldn't come.... <_<

:) So...if you like our board and want to are WELCOME! But if you don' one is twisting your arm either...

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"sheesh jason...ever heard of compassion and Christlike love? Bit harsh dude... "

Sorry. I've been pretty on edge lately, and it has nothing to do with anyone here. My wife and I are getting divorced. She won't let me see my kids as punishment, so Im pretty bummed out.

No offense anyone. :(

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 11 2004, 01:57 PM

"sheesh jason...ever heard of compassion and Christlike love? Bit harsh dude... "

Sorry. I've been pretty on edge lately, and it has nothing to do with anyone here. My wife and I are getting divorced. She won't let me see my kids as punishment, so Im pretty bummed out.

No offense anyone. :(

Divorce is never a good thing, because it always means that someone is being too selfish. If you’re not that selfish person, and I have no good reason to suppose that you are, then I hope you’ll get through by knowing that you can’t be responsible for the actions of somebody else. If you are that selfish person, however, I’d like to give you a kick in the rear and tell you to go make up with that woman and continue to love her forever. None of us are perfect yet, and married partners should always be loyal and loving.

That said, she really has no right to deny you from your children, unless you’re a really really really rotten person. You’re not that rotten, are you Jason?

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