Gerlinde from Berlin, Germany


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I am Gerlinde from Berlin, Germany.

But all of you can call me Linda. So my friends call me. And sometimes also "fat cow" (my boss is so charming). I am quite flexible in it (lol)!

I am not a member of the church and don't want to join to the church either.

I was once a member of the church and was excluded because of transsexualism. For more information about the topic ts this Internet page is very good (partial there in several languages):

Lynn Conway's homepage

Perhaps somebody wonders why I am here?

I' m in my heart remained always a member of the church, even if the church doesn't want to have me as a woman with a transsexual past. And the Internet is a terrific opportunity to feel accompanying to the church and to share the testimonies with other people from the church.

If somebody is interested in it, to learn more about ts my life, he or she can send me an e-mail. The right place wouldn't be here for this.


PS: This is me :

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Herzliche willkommen Linda! Ich war ein missionar in Deutschland fuer die Kirche aber es ist eine lange zeit geweisen daB ich dort war (1989-1991). Es hat mir sehr gefreut in Deutschland zu dienen, obwohl es wirklich schwierig war! Trotzdem war es ein sehr wunderbares erlebnis. Ich moechte wieder nach Deutschland zurrueckkerhren. Es ist sehr schoen dort.

Hoffentlich ist mein deutsch noch gut! :P

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Hoffentlich ist mein deutsch noch gut! :P

Auf jeden Fall besser als mein english! (At least better than my English). Ich freue mich, hier so freundlich aufgenommen zu werden (I'm glad for this warm welcome here).

Wo warst du auf Mission (Were do you served on your mission)? Ich diente in Hamburg und Östereich von 1979-1980 (I served in Hamburg and Austria from 1979 to 1980).

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In München? (In Munich?) Kennst du noch jemand aus den Gemeinden? (Do you know somebody from the wards?) Ich habe keinen Kontakt mehr, seit ich die Kirche verlassen mußte. (I don't have had any contact after I must leave the church).

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hello , welcome to our site . (every bodies site ) i have 3 homosexuals in my family, i love them dearly. i cant even imagine the fear and confusion youve faced, about coming out. i know how i feel about people judging me for being bipolar and all the stigma . well peace and happiness to you , TREE

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I remember a lot of members and non members i met as i served on my mission. For example sister Schutt, which we found and baptized. Later she married a RM and moved to Southern Germany. i have had a phone call with her several weeks ago, and she don't want to talk with me cause i leave the church and have had a sex change.

Or brother Picklapp, our landlord, a member of the church and also a bus driver. He didn't want also to talk with me for the same reasons.

I guess, I'm the boogeyman/posterchild for them!

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I think your situation must be a very difficult one Linde and one many of us don't fully understand. I have heard of children whose gender has been hard to define at birth as they had features of both sexes and sometimes they were assigned the 'wrong' gender which they then tried to live with but ended up incredibly miserable. I remember one harrowing story of a child who was born as a boy but a botched surgery as a baby resulted in the family being advised to bring him up as a girl. He was never happy as a girl but when he found out it led to even more misery.

Who are we to know why these things happen? I don't believe any of us can know. I do believe that in the pre-existence we were definitely one or the other but that perhaps sometimes when we are born on earth we have not been born quite right, whether that means being born in the 'wrong' body or having homosexual feelings or whatever.

I do believe that Heavenly Father knows about these things and that one day all will be well for those who trust him. It may not be quite so well for the rest of us who pass judgement. I do know that the Bible teaches that homosexual acts are wrong and therefore as I see it anyone who has those feeling but does not act upon them is not at fault.

As for your personal situation unless I was a qualified medical practitioner in whatever field is relevant then I would never feel I had any right to make a judgement about you as a person and the choice you made to become who you are. How do I know that this is not how you were originally intended to be and who you were in the pre-existence. Only God can answer that.

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