My official introduction


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I've been participating on the board a few weeks, and introduced myself briefly on Skalenfehl's introductory thread. So, to comply better with the purpose of the introductory board, here's my story again, and I look forward to getting to know more of the great folks here. It seems like there are several others such as Tree who, like me, are returning to activity.

I've been back in the Church for about two months after leaving for 4 1/2 years. I was raised LDS (in Utah and California) and served a mission in Korea, married in the Temple, then had my world rocked when my husband left the Church in 2003 to become Catholic, after he had been Mormon for 7 years. It affected my testimony. I started reading all the books he read that convinced him the church wasn't true, and I decided to walk away from my faith, and all religion. I just couldn't deal with it.

After going through a pretty dark and worldly period of questioning everything I'd ever been taught, including the existence of God, I ultimately refound my faith in God, and I decided to try to become Catholic, to unite our family. But it didn't feel right to me. I kept wanting to get up and correct the priest!!! Ha!

My friend invited me to a Mormon activity last fall, and my Dad encouraged me to start reading the scriptures again, and I guess the Lord was working on me. I recently have had some wonderful experiences reading the Book of Mormon and listening to or reading the words of our modern-day prophet and apostles. I've had an incredible renaissance of my faith.

My husband seems happy in the Catholic faith, and it seems a good fit for him. We have 3 kids under the age of 6. They attend church with me, and we still sometimes go to Mass with my husband. He doesn't seem to force the issue, thankfully.

Because I had my name removed from the church records and joined another faith, I actually have to get re-baptized, probably next month. My father will baptize me, but I'd love it if my husband had a change of heart, and stepped up to do it!!!! A girl can dream, right????????

Anyway, thanks to the organizers of this site. I'm looking forward to participating.

Anyone who is ever questioning the faith, I would suggest focusing on how the gospel makes you a better person. If you do that, you'll always have a strong testimony, and you'll keep the spirit of Christ with you.

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I'm thrilled to read that you have returned to the church and will be getting rebaptised. I left the church once too, quite early in my membership for foolish reasons and had my name removed so I know how much it means to get baptised again.

Perhaps your husband will see how it affects you and that will reawaken the spark in him. It's great that you can take your children to church though.

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I'm thrilled to read that you have returned to the church and will be getting rebaptised. I left the church once too, quite early in my membership for foolish reasons and had my name removed so I know how much it means to get baptised again.

Perhaps your husband will see how it affects you and that will reawaken the spark in him. It's great that you can take your children to church though.

Thanks Willow. Some of us are either 100% IN or 100% OUT. I guess we can be grateful that we're back on the good side. Hee hee. I look back on the time I was away from the church, and it feels like a dream. I've compared it to Dorothy returning from Oz, so that's why my moniker is HomeAgain. I never thought I could just "click my heels" and come back. It really wasn't hard, but for so many years, I had barriers in my way: disbelief, bitterness, and a false need for unity at all costs.

I can accept my husband's choice either way. But I will always keep trying to have a positive influence, and I have a feeling that it will rub off. It was my parents' influence (along with their unfailing love and support) that brought me back to the church.

Thanks for the warm welcome everybody.

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Wonderful that you are back! It was interesting to read your intro. Thank you very much for sharing it! I will be sending prayers up for changing the heart of your husband!:)

"Anyone who is ever questioning the faith, I would suggest focusing on how the gospel makes you a better person. If you do that, you'll always have a strong testimony, and you'll keep the spirit of Christ with you." Well said!!

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Hi HomeAgain...great to meet you! :)

I used to attend the LDS church back in the 1970/80's, till around 1982, then stopped attending because I was steady dating a non-member who persuaded me to think twice about becoming LDS, I was never Baptised.

After 26 years, I just returned in January this year, and was Baptised on Feb 16th.

It is the good feelings I get when attending the church and meeting with other members, that makes me feel good about having returned after all these years, and having finally made a commitment (thru Baptism) to become a Member rather than stay an investigator.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi HomeAgain...great to meet you! :)

I used to attend the LDS church back in the 1970/80's, till around 1982, then stopped attending because I was steady dating a non-member who persuaded me to think twice about becoming LDS, I was never Baptised.

After 26 years, I just returned in January this year, and was Baptised on Feb 16th.

It is the good feelings I get when attending the church and meeting with other members, that makes me feel good about having returned after all these years, and having finally made a commitment (thru Baptism) to become a Member rather than stay an investigator.

Congratulations! Sometimes it takes some of us awhile to come around, but 26 years is a long time. Good for you! And best wishes!

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