Joel Osteen


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Lately I have been listening to Joel Osteen (sp?) and I really like a lot of what he says. I can't figure out the "being saved" concept. I have tried and my heart can't except the concept. But, I really like what he says when he addresses the worth of the soul. I like what he says about how we think about ourselves and our weaknesses and how God sees our weakness vs. how we sometimes beat ourselves up and get discouraged because of our flaws.

Last night, I was particularly touched by his comments about having all the goodness inside of us from the very beginning. He said that God doesn't have gifts of our inherent goodness waiting for us down the line somewhere after we "do" the right stuff for a while. That is was part of us from the beginning.

I loved it. I am considering the purchase of one of his books. Anybody else have any similar feelings?

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I have heard good things about him. I have also heard him described as a "feel good" preacher, sort of like a therapist with a religious twist. I am not saying this is good or bad, just what I heard.

I personally have not listened to him, except for an occasional pause while flipping through channels, so I can't really say much.

I have seen him protested by other more "militant" ministries, so I figure he's got to have some good things to say.

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I have seen some pretty bitter attacks against him, and so far I like his responses. I worry a little about his big car and house. I don't know if he takes the money from his book sales or his ministry to enrich his life. How would one go about discovering that?

I liked his answer to the question about Mitt Romney. I can't quote it but he said that if Mitt professed from his heart a belief in Jesus, that he would see that as common ground. I think Joel may be the first Evangelical I have heard say so publicly. I have to respect him, and thank him for that. It is refreshing to hear a friendly voice coming from the pulpit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Joel Osteen has similarities with Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller. That is, he adamantly believes that Christianity is positive, uplifting, life-enriching, and liberating. He resists negativity in almost any form. So, of course, many are encouraged by his teachings.

Nevertheless, he is an evangelical minister, and so is paid by his very large church. Additionally, he would receive the standard author's profits for any books he writes. While such runs counter to LDS practice, he does not violate his own faith tradition at all. I'm not sure if his organization is a member of the Evangelical Financial Accountability Association or not, but would guess that if there were serious accusations against him, we'd know about it, since he is high-profile.

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