Declaration Of Non-bashing

Guest Unorthodox

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Guest Unorthodox

I am not a Moderator, nor do I wish to be one...

But as a representative of the Mormon community on this board, I hereby declare that we Mormons will not participate in the bashing of any non-Mormons.


By "bashing" we mean":

- Name calling and demeaning language ("stupid", "idiot", swear words, etc.)

- Disrespecting another religion...including using "Anti" materials (against any religion).

- Singling out another board member to harass them

We do not mean:

- Teasing

- Sarcasm

- Debating over doctrine or theology

1. If we do bash someone, we expect that the offended party will report our post (publically or privately) to the Moderators.

2. If we, the Mormons, bash the non-Mormons, we expect the Moderators to censor us, warn us, and eventually ban us if our behavior does not improve.

3. If a non-Mormon bashes us, we promise not to bash back, but instead we will report the offending post (publically or privately) to the Moderators.

4. We expect that non-Mormon basher will be treated with the same censorship, warnings, and bannings that we are given.

5. In making this declaration, we consider this the first step towards non-bashing. In return for this gesture, we expect that if any Mormon bashes a non-Mormon, the non-Mormon will not bash back, but will "turn the other cheek" and report the post. We promise to do the same, if we are bashed by a non-Mormon.

Please sign this declaration by responding with "agree" or "disagree".

Everyone who signs, agrees to the above 5 points.

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Guest Starsky

I consider it bashing when someone comes on the board and starts throwing out anti stuff with no other reason than to 'expose' all the problems.


When someone starts following another poster around just to respond nastily....or to call them names....or harrass them...


When someone uses language towards another member that is demeaning....IOW using hurtful intimidation. (I'm famous for that one)...

Thats all I can squeeze out of my brain right now..

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I suppose it depends on what you mean by "anti" stuff. For example, in my discussion with Snow last night, it is obvious I see church history from a different perspective. I'm OK with that (hope you all are B) ), but I realize that some might have looked at the exchange as an "anti" discussion.

Name calling and terms of endearment are out, IMO.

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Originally posted by Unorthodox@Jun 10 2004, 05:48 PM

I am not a Moderator, nor do I wish to be one...

But as a representative of the Mormon community on this board, I hereby declare that we Mormons will not participate in the bashing of any non-Mormons.


By "bashing" we mean":

- Name calling and demeaning language ("stupid", "idiot", swear words, etc.)

- Disrespecting another religion...including using "Anti" materials (against any religion).

- Singling out another board member to harass them

We do not mean:

- Teasing

- Sarcasm

- Debating over doctrine or theology

1. If we do bash someone, we expect that the offended party will report our post (publically or privately) to the Moderators.

2. If we, the Mormons, bash the non-Mormons, we expect the Moderators to censor us, warn us, and eventually ban us if our behavior does not improve.

3. If a non-Mormon bashes us, we promise not to bash back, but instead we will report the offending post (publically or privately) to the Moderators.

4. We expect that non-Mormon basher will be treated with the same censorship, warnings, and bannings that we are given.

5. In making this declaration, we consider this the first step towards non-bashing. In return for this gesture, we expect that if any Mormon bashes a non-Mormon, the non-Mormon will not bash back, but will "turn the other cheek" and report the post. We promise to do the same, if we are bashed by a non-Mormon.

Please sign this declaration by responding with "agree" or "disagree".

Everyone who signs, agrees to the above 5 points.


Blah! Bunch of nonsense.

If someone is a tool, what possible harm could it do to observe and comment that they are in fact a tool?

This is the deal. Most posters are well-intentioned. There may engage in high-spirited disagreement but that don't seek to cause harm anyone or anything.

On the other hand, there are those that simply put of bad people, immoral people, corupt, serving the adversary and trying to disrupt God's ends and harm his gospel. What kind of politically-correct, weak-willed wimps would think it important to treat those cretons with respect. There only aim to destroy goodness.

Let em rot.

This recent blabber about unfair or two-face treatment is utter clap-trap. The rule is no member or Church or gospel of servants of God bashing. It doesn't matter who does it. If it is ill-intentioned, then it is unallowed. When some tool choose to do that, they are fair game. This is where the weak-thinking don't get it. The attack the gospel or Church and then think it should not be permitted to express just how vile they are.


Blackguards are despicable.. Observing it is hardly the same as being a blackguard.

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why do you do that?

This man hacked into this discussion board, and got booted for it. He has insulted a friend of mine who was KIA in Iraq last year. He has taken the head off anybody who has dared think differently than him. He has accused me, peronally, of rape and assault just so he could get the upper hand in a discussion.

Do you associate that kind of behavior with Christianity?

**edited as per request**

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See, this is the deal.

Some people hate the purity of gospel truth. They are not defined by what they believe. They are defined by what they hate. The truth burns them and they resent it, so instead of proclaiming a positive message of promotion of they lash out and try to destroy.

It is not new. It was that way at the meridian of time and it was that way when Joseph's supplicant pleas moved God to reopen the heavens and rain down his light upon a lost and struggling world. To be sure, not all those who do not accept the restored light are bad. Indeed, the very path for a restoration was paved by good and honest men who might have disagreed with the totality of the gospsel; men like Martin Luther or John Calvin whose contributions were laudable. Today many of their spiritual progeny carry on their commendable tranditions and this board is fortunate to number them among our ranks.

Unfortunately not all are so well-intentioned. There are those whoses paths are crooked and doctrines corrupt. They are those who belittle God's servants, the prophets. They are those who cling to darkness and mock the Saints. They post pictures of the sacred temple garment and, in their ignorance, defile what God has ordained. They are those who's tactics are full of deceit like their master whose bidding they effect.

Tolerate them; coddle them if you will. I will not.

I cannot.

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This thread started out as a really good idea. The fact that everyone agreed to the terms as stated in the user agreement should mean that the topic of this thread is redundant, but, obviously it isn't. It is stated, not just in the user agreement, but is also pinned to the top of each forum index, the rules we expect each to abide by, and they are no different from the OP in this thread. Everyone should freely be able to sign the agreement because they agreed to the exact same thing when thy registered for this board.

Before you post, why don't we all ask ourselves the question, What would Jesus say in this situation? How would He act? Before you post any further, why don't you all look at this cute little movie, and then take it to heart. I am tired of having to continually edit the posts of a few posters, it would be nice if you took responsibility for yourselves. But just in case you don't, I will still be here to edit your posts.

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Originally posted by Unorthodox@Jun 10 2004, 09:57 PM

It is true that there are already rules against bashing.

This declaration is not intended to be a new rule. It is a "covenant".

TR2 has accused the moderators of not doing their job properly, so I thought that maybe an agreement between the Mormons and a covenant in the form of this declaration...could supplement the existing rules. That way TR2 or anyone else who is concerned about being "bashed" can appeal to the entire board...not just the moderators...and the moderators would feel the pressure of the board on them to enforce the rules fairly.

I am not saying that I agree that the moderators are unfair...I honestly don't know about that. All I am saying is that IF THEY ARE NOT FAIR, the pressure from the board might change that.

But I might be wrong about that.

I understand why you thought that this would be a good idea, Tao/Unorthodox, and the idea of voluntarily signing something like this in this setting as opposed to having to sign the user agreement does put a different slant on things, I was just pointing out that since they already agreed to it (albeit under duress), they should be able to sign this agreement.
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Originally posted by Tr2@Jun 10 2004, 09:12 PM

Tolerate them; coddle them if you will. I will not.

Here we have a poster state that he is not willing to stop bashing of others. I wonder if one of our trusted moderators will do anything about this?
Wow, deja vu!

It was like this back in the day when we were both in the Army Navy Ranger Seals together. Back in the Big One, WW II.

I was all like "let's go get those Nazis" and you were all like "No, let's call France and see if they can talk some sense into Hitler."

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Originally posted by Snow+Jun 11 2004, 08:43 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Snow @ Jun 11 2004, 08:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Tr2@Jun 10 2004, 09:12 PM

Tolerate them; coddle them if you will. I will not.

Here we have a poster state that he is not willing to stop bashing of others. I wonder if one of our trusted moderators will do anything about this?

Wow, deja vu!

It was like this back in the day when we were both in the Army Navy Ranger Seals together. Back in the Big One, WW II.

I was all like "let's go get those Nazis" and you were all like "No, let's call France and see if they can talk some sense into Hitler."

Snow, I think that your cute little quips are just that, cute little quips (and I really do laugh quite a lot at them), but I know that you do it knowing how much it irritates some of the other posters, and I know that is why you do it.

Did you watch that cute little movie I linked in my post up above? If you haven't, you really should. It would be nice to see a discussion that is really a discussion for once and not a lot of mud being slung all over the place.

Think about it, OK?


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