What are your guidelines for purchasing modest clothing?


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Wow! This is an absolutely fascinating discussion. I spent 10 years in the Phoenix Arizona area where summer heat is typically over 100 degrees. I even had one year that I was pregnant and had no a/c in my mini-van but I still wore my garments when appropriate (taking 5 kids to the pool and no time to change, I wore my swimsuit on these trips) and I don't ever recall this being a discussion amongst the sisters or friends. I understand completely the frustration with layers of clothing and the heat, I am not judging anyone's decisions as we must each make our own and be responsible for them. Just commenting that in 10 years in a HOT, HOT place I never heard discussion about not wearing the temple garments.

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Just commenting that in 10 years in a HOT, HOT place I never heard discussion about not wearing the temple garments.

I think it is called "rationalization".

I have never been so hot as these last few years in the sweltering heat of south Georgia. Hi 90's...no breeze...so humid that 5 minutes outside has me dripping sweat. However, I mow the yard with my garments on. I would rather wear them, than not.

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I think it is called "rationalization".

I have never been so hot as these last few years in the sweltering heat of south Georgia. Hi 90's...no breeze...so humid that 5 minutes outside has me dripping sweat. However, I mow the yard with my garments on. I would rather wear them, than not.

That might be a little excessive. Even tho I dont wear garments any more my stake pres told me before I went to the temple that taking them off for physical activity is ok. Id say thats physical activity.

I don't think it's rationalisation to actually look after your health. I fainted at work in the blistering heat while I was wearing garments-overheating, methinks???? My hubby has stopped wearing his for work (he's a decorator) as he sweats so much it's causing him to break out in spots because of the dirt and grease associated with his work mixed with sweat, is being held in by the garments.

Also, he has some problems with ahem down below also due to sweating. He was wearing garments, joggers and overalls-3 layers. The doctor told him not to wear 'cheap' cotton or too many layers as overheating can exacerbate the problem. Judging by the cut and feel of the garments they are definitely not designer-they are cheap. So he has stopped wearing them. Since then no spots or problems-everything has cleared up. Plus being too hot down below for a man is meant to maybe make it difficult to have kids. Im sure no member would want ANYTHING to get in the way of them having kids. Even garments.

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It amazes me how people can justify to themselves and try to rationalize to others how easy it is to put off covenants they have made.

If you don't want or need the protection that you were guaranteed then the choice is yours, you don't have to convince the rest of us that your decision was right.

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Guest Leeanntheonetwo

Just wondering...does your place of work not have air-conditioning?

Hi truegrits,

Yes my place of work has air-conditioning. My problem is i am often visiting clients through out the day. If I were to work in an air-conditioned office all day then I would have no problem wear my temple garments. I do wear my garments when I attend church. If I was told that I have too wear my temple garments regardless of the heat then I guess I would have too. I will wait until an order is given, but until then I do what I have to do.


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Leeann wrote: "If I was told that I have too wear my temple garments regardless of the heat then I guess I would have too. I will wait until an order is given, but until then I do what I have to do."


I would really have liked to sit in on your orientation and also as you went through the initiatory. Obviously what you heard during yours and what I heard during mine were completely different.

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It amazes me how people can justify to themselves and try to rationalize to others how easy it is to put off covenants they have made.

If you don't want or need the protection that you were guaranteed then the choice is yours, you don't have to convince the rest of us that your decision was right.

I wasnt trying to convince anyone. I merely stated the facts. Its upto people to take what they want from it.

I would really have liked to sit in on your orientation and also as you went through the initiatory. Obviously what you heard during yours and what I heard during mine were completely different.

Maybe she cant remember. I certainly cant. I keep being told I made all these covenants and promised to do this that and the other-As far as I know I never did anything like that I just went and did what I was told. It was so long ago now tho that I cant remember. In fact its 3 years a week today!!

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Maybe she cant remember. I certainly cant. I keep being told I made all these covenants and promised to do this that and the other-As far as I know I never did anything like that I just went and did what I was told. It was so long ago now tho that I cant remember. In fact its 3 years a week today!!

May I suggest that you follow the counsel of the Prophets and Apostle and return to the temple often, so that you can remember.

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Why did you go to the Temple in the first place? Was it because thats what was expected of you? Was it because that was the only way your husband wanted to marry?

Sorry, but I'm curious. As someone who moved away from the church as a teen and then finding my way back to it 20 yrs later, I find peoples excuses for forgetting their covenants interesting. If you just did what your were told, you'd have been back to the Temple by now. So I guess you listen to the parts that only make sense to you or that sounds good to you... and everything else is just poppycock right?!?!

Let me suggest again, go back to the temple... pay close attention, learn what is expected of you... are you will to follow that counsel that you receive in the temple?

Last question..... you seem to dislike the church or at least some of the things taught by our Prophets and Apostles, why do you continue to come to sites like these that promote that counsel?? Why punish yourself with having to hear others talk about how their lives have changed from following counsel, when ever time its mentioned you seem to have something negative to say about it.

I see that people dislike and leave the church, but they cannot seem to leave the church and its people alone.

Just my humble opinion......

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Guest Leeanntheonetwo


Why did you go to the Temple in the first place? Was it because thats what was expected of you? Was it because that was the only way your husband wanted to marry?

Sorry, but I'm curious. As someone who moved away from the church as a teen and then finding my way back to it 20 yrs later, I find peoples excuses for forgetting their covenants interesting. If you just did what your were told, you'd have been back to the Temple by now. So I guess you listen to the parts that only make sense to you or that sounds good to you... and everything else is just poppycock right?!?!

Let me suggest again, go back to the temple... pay close attention, learn what is expected of you... are you will to follow that counsel that you receive in the temple?

Last question..... you seem to dislike the church or at least some of the things taught by our Prophets and Apostles, why do you continue to come to sites like these that promote that counsel?? Why punish yourself with having to hear others talk about how their lives have changed from following counsel, when ever time its mentioned you seem to have something negative to say about it.

I see that people dislike and leave the church, but they cannot seem to leave the church and its people alone.

Just my humble opinion......

Hi utcowboy,

You sound more like a bully then someone who represents Lds. Where is love in your counsel?

Aphrodite, you were right about me, I too can't remember everything I said in the Temple. I also just did everything I was told and that is it.

At any rate I think I would rather be counseled about these issues by a sister then a brother. This is a very sensitive topic for me seeing that we are talking about what I wear.

This really should be a women only thread. What I mean is this forum is called women's issues isn't it? So why should men be posting here? I can't talk to a man the way I can talk to a women. It is hard for me and when it comes to talking about what I wear it's just not right.


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I currently live in south Arizona. Its 109 durring the day and 90 at night and I have no problem wearing my garments and remember reading someones post above about living in Phoenix and not ever hearing this discussion which I have to agree with. I've lived here since I was 8 in many diffrent part of Arizona and not once have I heard any of the sisters complain. Also I am 12wks pregnant and am a little more susceptible to temperture changes and have not had a problem.

Id also like to relate a story my father told me that helps me remember whats important.

One day (before I was born) my father was cutting down a tree with a chain saw. Im not familiar with chainsaws so I dont quite remember the paticulars here but some how the chainsaw was jerked from his hands, went up in the air and landed on his leg. It conpletly tore through his jeans and stopped at his garments. Even though he has become innactive and was not able to attend my wedding he still wears his garments everyday. We were promised protection and I'd rather not tempt saten by not wearing them.

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Hi utcowboy,

You sound more like a bully then someone who represents Lds. Where is love in your counsel?

Aphrodite, you were right about me, I too can't remember everything I said in the Temple. I also just did everything I was told and that is it.

At any rate I think I would rather be counseled about these issues by a sister then a brother. This is a very sensitive topic for me seeing that we are talking about what I wear.

This really should be a women only thread. What I mean is this forum is called women's issues isn't it? So why should men be posting here? I can't talk to a man the way I can talk to a women. It is hard for me and when it comes to talking about what I wear it's just not right.



Why am I a bully?? I am curious if Aphrodite received the same counsel as I did. If asking questions that you don't like is bullying the I guess I'm guilty. As for it being a women only thread, I actually never paid any attention to where it was posted, I just saw it in the new post section. Sorry. But I am still allowed my opinion, as are you, and my questions still stand. WHY?


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We all received the exact same counsel in regards the garments at the Temple. Being a woman has no relevance in the issue. You may have received a few tips from the sisters in regards to your "time of the month" but that was it. It may sound bullish but the issue at hand is quite simple and straight forward.

I have been a quiet observer thus far but keep in mind YOU just asked the question. But it is a very old question and the answer is always the same. You have a decision to make; --what is more important to you: your covenant with God in the temple or dressing the way you want. It has nothing to do with the heat, and that is a fact.

I would sincerely exhort you to counsel with your bishop and pray earnestly about the situation.

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I would sincerely exhort you to counsel with your bishop and pray earnestly about the situation.

I have found that my garments are now just a part of my body. I do not notice a diffrence in the temperature with or with out my garments. But I have found that with out them i feel naked. I was counceled that i should only NOT wear my garments while swimming, being intimate with my husband or in the shower other than that i should wear them. The distribution center has a mesh material garment that some people have found to be more comfortable in the summer months. Sorry i do not see how 3 or 4 inches of material on the shoulder or the thigh would make you all that much. (cold) cooler.

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I think of middle eastern women who wear a lot more clothing than we do in really extreme heat with no AC and somehow they manage. When my brother went to Iraq, he said he discovered that long, loose fitting breathable material kept him cooler than wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It reached 120 degrees there.

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Guest Leeanntheonetwo

Also, I wanted to say that I have no problem with men participating here and I appreciate that I can ask questions in the priesthood forum. If you want a private women's area, you could start a private group for girl talk. :)

I suppose you are addressing me in your post. Yes, I would like a women only category. A place were women can connect with other women. A place where women can talk openly to each other with out men peeking in. We need a place for women only. There are are topics that only women should share with other women. Like my pantyhose make me itch when the temperature goes up.

Need I say more!


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Hi utcowboy,

You sound more like a bully then someone who represents Lds (LDS) Where is love in your counsel?

Aphrodite, you were right about me, I too can't remember everything I said in the Temple. I also just did everything I was told and that is it. This is where utcowboy is very correct in where he says had you gone more times you would then learn and remember more. You are told that by the Temple Preparedness teachers.

At any rate I think I would rather be counseled about these issues by a sister then a brother. This is a very sensitive topic for me seeing that we are talking about what I wear. If this is so sensitive, why in the world did you bring it up in a very PUBLIC FORUM??

This really should be a women only thread. What I mean is this forum is called women's issues isn't it? So why should men be posting here? I can't talk to a man the way I can talk to a women. It is hard for me and when it comes to talking about what I wear it's just not right. Trying to sound like a betrayed little Miss- won't cut the mustard. All of the threads are open to all genders. Grow up and get over it.


Utcowboy is far from being a bully. He speaks with wisdom and truth. Men wear garments too- and their outer clothing is much heavier and denser than womens outer clothing.

I moved to Arizona 4 years ago from the Central Oregon Coast. The summers here get to 120 +, the winters are generally in the low 70's with a few rare days of 55! My husband has lived here in this kind of weather for nearly 40 years. Before he was a member he wore cotton undershirts. They held the sweat & wet and kept him from heat stroke. When the wind hits wet sweaty clothes, it cools him down. He works in a huge HVAC building, there is no AC where he works, and during the summer it gets nearly 180 degrees in there. Then when the monsoons hit, the humidity is nearly unbearable. His clothes are rimmed with salt from him sweating so much. During those times, he drinks several gallons of water a day.

I wear the drysilk garments. Always have, even in Oregon. They are not too warm or too cold. When I sweat, they get sopping wet. I can always go into the restroom, remove my blouse, bra and take my garment top off, fan it around and it is dry almost immediately!

I smell a troll- does anyone else?

Of course this is MY OWN OPINION.

Why are you wearing a camisole and a full slip? Are your blouses far from being modest- is that why you must wear so much?

Again, in my opinion, I smell a troll!

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I suppose you are addressing me in your post. Yes, I would like a women only category. A place were women can connect with other women. A place where women can talk openly to each other with out men peeking in. We need a place for women only. There are are topics that only women should share with other women. Like my pantyhose make me itch when the temperature goes up.

Need I say more!


This forum is co-ed. As a woman, I don't see the need to have a woman only thread-

If that is what you want, go start your own forum and make it women only.

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I suppose you are addressing me in your post. Yes, I would like a women only category. A place were women can connect with other women. A place where women can talk openly to each other with out men peeking in. We need a place for women only. There are are topics that only women should share with other women. Like my pantyhose make me itch when the temperature goes up.

Need I say more!


I understand your desire for privacy although I think there is nothing wrong with asking one of the girls in the forum a question, either privately or thru a posting. There is no mystery about tight, itchy pantyhoses. I could tell you what my wife opted for doing but I will let on the girls here answer that. You can send them a private message, you know.

At the end, whatever challenge you think you are facing in regards to your clothing after receiving your endowment is not new. Some sisters have been asking the same question since 1850.

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Guest Leeanntheonetwo


I smell a troll- does anyone else?

Of course this is MY OWN OPINION.

Why are you wearing a camisole and a full slip? Are your blouses far from being modest- is that why you must wear so much?

Again, in my opinion, I smell a troll!

I never said I wear a full slip and my blouses are to my company standards.

I follow a strict work clothing standard. I wear the same things everyday only sometimes they very slightly in color. My work clothing attire is quite boring and dull and modest to say the least.

Why do I feel so attacked even by my sisters. Can't you all just give me friendly counsel with out coming across like you made at me. Maybe there is hope for me to change. Although I did get up set a little I am still listening. The truth is utcowboy made some good points. And I am more willing to walk this thing through now. I need to recount the promises that I have made to God. I just can't remember everything because it was a while back and I didn't really understand everything. I just obeyed and did what I was told to do.

By the way I hate it when a guy reads and comments on my post about my itch when I wear pantyhose. I placed that comment there to show you that there are just some things we can't really talk about with men. And as many of you ladies know there is so much more that we just shouldn't be taking to men about. It's just not right, don't you think?

This is the reason I suggested a women's only category. Just a little more privacy for when we talk about women's issues.

Just so that you know today I am wearing my temple garments at work. It is hot but I am getting through it somehow.

Sorry for any misunderstandings,

PS. What do you mean when you say you smell a troll?

Your sister,


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Just so that you know today I am wearing my temple garments at work. It is hot but I am getting through it somehow.

It really does get easier. I remember how "confined" I felt at first. It did take a bit of getting used to, though. Now, however, when I don't have my garments on, I feel really odd. I am so much more comfortable wearing them, than not.

By the way I hate it when a guy reads and comments on my post about my itch when I wear pantyhose. I placed that comment there to show you that there are just some things we can't really talk about with men. And as many of you ladies know there is so much more that we just shouldn't be taking to men about. It's just not right, don't you think?

This is the reason I suggested a women's only category. Just a little more privacy for when we talk about women's issues.

I guess there could be a "Women Only" category. But there would be nothing stopping the guys from reading it. So it wouldn't really be private, would it? Is it just them responding to it that you dislike?

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Sorry to responding to this thread but I wanted to thank you for looking a little closer at my response. I hope that you will also talk with your bishop and stake pres. about going back to the temple. It really is an amazing place and I look forward to every time I get to go. But I gotta be honest with you, the Adversary seems to know when its time to leave for the temple and he always seems to find a way to make me not want to go. But once I'm there I'm very grateful for the experience, I hope that you can understand this and get the will to return to the temple again. :)

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Guest Leeanntheonetwo

It really does get easier. I remember how "confined" I felt at first. It did take a bit of getting used to, though. Now, however, when I don't have my garments on, I feel really odd. I am so much more comfortable wearing them, than not.

I guess there could be a "Women Only" category. But there would be nothing stopping the guys from reading it. So it wouldn't really be private, would it? Is it just them responding to it that you dislike?

It's not just that I don't like men responding to my posts. I don't like men reading about my undergarments. I don't like it when a man tells me he understands when I get itchy when I wear pantyhose. This is just not a topic for men.

And why would they want to read this kind of stuff anyway. If we had a women's only category we could be more open when we talk about women's issues. We won't have to worry about men giving us advice of what his sisters did to recover from east infection.

Maybe we could have a honner system where men would promise not to enter or a code that only women have to enter the women's only issues.


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