Grateful for Trials


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Last night our son was throwing-up all night, which is really hard, then when he started crying because of the pain, I asked him if he would like Daddy to give him a blessing. He nodded. So he did and he was better instantly, giggling, talking non-stop, etc. As much as I hate to see my kids suffer, this was such a great opportunity to tell him how Jesus helped him get better. Little by little he will build his testimony.

This is how it's been in my life. Heavenly Father helped me, especially through my worst trials. After our first son was born following a week of labor, he had to stay in the hospital for a week. I didn't sleep for 5 days and I was really ill too. But it wasn't until during that experience that one of the wonderful promises in my Patriarchal Blessing happened. We were driving home from the hospital, leaving our baby behind, and I was given this sweet experience to help me.

Also, it took us 2 years to have our first child. It was really, really hard on me. I prayed every single day, begging for a baby. Then suddenly it occurred to me to get a blessing and the following cycle I was pregnant. Now I'm superfertile! And I don't know if I would appreciate my babies as much as I do now without going through that trial.

I don't like going through trials, but I have learned that we become closer to God through them. :)

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Last night our son was throwing-up all night, which is really hard, then when he started crying because of the pain, I asked him if he would like Daddy to give him a blessing. He nodded. So he did and he was better instantly, giggling, talking non-stop, etc. As much as I hate to see my kids suffer, this was such a great opportunity to tell him how Jesus helped him get better. Little by little he will build his testimony.

This is how it's been in my life. Heavenly Father helped me, especially through my worst trials. After our first son was born following a week of labor, he had to stay in the hospital for a week. I didn't sleep for 5 days and I was really ill too. But it wasn't until during that experience that one of the wonderful promises in my Patriarchal Blessing happened. We were driving home from the hospital, leaving our baby behind, and I was given this sweet experience to help me.

Also, it took us 2 years to have our first child. It was really, really hard on me. I prayed every single day, begging for a baby. Then suddenly it occurred to me to get a blessing and the following cycle I was pregnant. Now I'm superfertile! And I don't know if I would appreciate my babies as much as I do now without going through that trial.

I don't like going through trials, but I have learned that we become closer to God through them. :)

"Life is hard...and then we die."

I inherited the worry gene from my mother. And I find that I can never fully enjoy the good times, because I know they will end, and hard times will be in store.

But, I guess part of this mortal experience is learning how to recognize good, and evil is required for that to happen.

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Last night our son was throwing-up all night, which is really hard, then when he started crying because of the pain, I asked him if he would like Daddy to give him a blessing. He nodded. So he did and he was better instantly, giggling, talking non-stop, etc. As much as I hate to see my kids suffer, this was such a great opportunity to tell him how Jesus helped him get better. Little by little he will build his testimony.

This is how it's been in my life. Heavenly Father helped me, especially through my worst trials. After our first son was born following a week of labor, he had to stay in the hospital for a week. I didn't sleep for 5 days and I was really ill too. But it wasn't until during that experience that one of the wonderful promises in my Patriarchal Blessing happened. We were driving home from the hospital, leaving our baby behind, and I was given this sweet experience to help me.

Also, it took us 2 years to have our first child. It was really, really hard on me. I prayed every single day, begging for a baby. Then suddenly it occurred to me to get a blessing and the following cycle I was pregnant. Now I'm superfertile! And I don't know if I would appreciate my babies as much as I do now without going through that trial.

I don't like going through trials, but I have learned that we become closer to God through them. :)

This sharing of part of your testimony on the benefit of trials just made my heart SING!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing this. I really needed this today.

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I'm so glad! Thank you. :)

Whenever I see your online nick, "MorningStar" I am reminded of this verse:

2 Pet. 1: 19

19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

There are many reasons why I love the Lord Jesus Christ, but one of the most prominent is that His influence upon me is just like this verse describes. It fills me with light and peace. It is like the sun rising after a cold dark night sometimes, filling me with warmth!

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Whenever I see your online nick, "MorningStar" I am reminded of this verse:

2 Pet. 1: 19

19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

There are many reasons why I love the Lord Jesus Christ, but one of the most prominent is that His influence upon me is just like this verse describes. It fills me with light and peace. It is like the sun rising after a cold dark night sometimes, filling me with warmth!

:lol: Well I'm glad you associate it with something good. One version of the Bible makes it sound like the morning star has to do with Satan, so people have asked me that a lot. When I was little, my aunt took my sister and I on this Indian rendezvous where we slept in a tipi and she gave us Native American names. She named my sister Night Dream and me Morning Star. Then when I got my Patriarchal Blessing, it said I was one of the morning stars who sang for joy in the preexistence. So that's how I chose my name. :)

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:lol: Well I'm glad you associate it with something good. One version of the Bible makes it sound like the morning star has to do with Satan, so people have asked me that a lot. When I was little, my aunt took my sister and I on this Indian rendezvous where we slept in a tipi and she gave us Native American names. She named my sister Night Dream and me Morning Star. Then when I got my Patriarchal Blessing, it said I was one of the morning stars who sang for joy in the preexistence. So that's how I chose my name. :)

Based upon what you just said, and my own feelings, I think it was inspired. :)

I've been participating in a few posts today that have not felt "godly" to me. This is a breath of fresh air.

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I have a friend who said that to every blessing is attached a trial. She wishes she knew which trials came with which blessings so she could decide wether or not she wanted the blessing after all.

I believe there are three types of trials.

1)The ones we give ourselves through sin and stupid mistakes. ( You could also call these consequences.)

2) The ones that come as part of having a mortal body.

3) Trials that God allows because he sees we are ready to grow and progress.

It is so nice to get some of number 3 and know that I am having trials not because of sin(been there, done that) but that I must be making progress. I have developed a testimony that God knows what he is doing through my trials. I know he loves me, and because he loves me, he would never ask me to go through something that isn't for my good.

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I have noticed that each and every trial we have gone through has contributed to our growth as well as deeped our faith and trust in God and strengthen our Testimonies. Our youngest daughter who is inactive at this time in her life, recently went through a number of trials. All in the same week, she had left her husband previously, and the divorce turned ugly, was a casulty at work along with others due to downsizing, and her son received a life threatening injury in sports. We kept encouraging her to continue to pray and stay the course. It took several months, but everything finally worked out, one step at a time. End result, she came through with a tremendous testimony of prayer and how much God truly loves her. We were so proud of her.

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I know I have faced many trials in my life which I've received great blessings from... but just imagine all the trials Heavenly Father goes through watching all of us stumble around in this life! To him we are like little kids who are always trying to get into stuff we shouldn't. Imagine having billions of children who are all just learning how to walk all at once...

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I have recently come to understand that trials are truely a personal invitation by our heavenly father to come unto him. This stands true whether or not we brought upon ourselves the trial, or if it is a trial due to something we have had no control over. Our heavenly father's hope is that we will turn towards him. He will help us if we but ask. But we need to turn towards him. He asks us to do that, he WANTS us to do that. He knows each of us by name! He knows each of us by name!!! He knows each of us by name!!!!

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