Looking For a Good Ward


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My family and I will be relocating to the Chicago area and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good wards. I think we will be living in Naperville, so if anyone has any information about the wards and stakes out there, I would appreciate it! Thanks in advance

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hee hee Moksha! I always pick the one on the left, too! Or the odd number... odd numbers are so much better than even ones, don't you think?!

seriously, though, MKW. I would have to say that whatever ward you move in to will be the best one for you to attend. I bet the Bishop of that ward would agree with me and everything! :)

good luck!

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Our ward was originally known as being cold vs the previos ward we were attending.

I could not put my finger on it but the people generally ignored my wife and also, this is her first change in the 40 years she has been attending. She grew up in her old ward and stopped attending after the stake president forced the boundry changes on us. She said some day she may come but thats been at least a year and a half ago.

The stake president should have given the member a choice. One stayed at the old ward as a guest. She refused to leave. It made a 100% sense. she lived within 1/4 mile of her old ward and the new one was 5 miles away.

Visit the ward. See how many people greet you and count there numbers in the day. See if thay have a greeting person to show you around.

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