The price of a mom: $138,095


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And what's the dad doing during all of this time? Once he's home from work duties should be shared. Slackers!

Still though, while I acknowledge moms are worth a TON, they way they figure out these salaries is a bit bunk. Say they did a version for dads... I'll take a personal example: I helped out in making new step railings for a deck. According to this salary thing, while doing that we would've been worth the median salary of a carpenter. Hardly!

I don't think measuring moms based purely on money-matters is quite fair, anyway. What decent family wouldn't pay their moms more than that, if they could?

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I wonder what it is for grandmas. In any case I need a raise! I clean house, do laundry, shop for groceries, cook, weed, plant, mow, rototill, help him building chicken coop, cleaning rabbit hutches, and pigeon coops, feeding llamas, dog and cats. Oh, and smile when he comes home from a grueling day at his desk and provide a hot meal on time so we can get to the soccer game, or basketball or softball games the grands have several times a week and his softball team too! And I do this in return for room and board! WOW. Good thing love works into this huh?? The other challenge is to cook for 2 of us, but make sure there are enough leftovers for 5 extra mouths when they drop over for snacks or supper unannounced!


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The main reason that they are trying to put a price on mothers is in case there is a need, such as divorce. the wife needs to prove that she has done work and contributed to the family. So they then calculate what she would have made assuming motherhood can be priced. This is the task by task price you are talking about. Although I do not personally think that we should price mothers it is necessary in some cases.

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