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I need to interview someone of the Mormon faith for my Bible class. I was wondering if I could ask someone a few questions about their beliefs and of the Mormon faith in general. It is due tomorrow, so if anyone could do it now or later on tonight that would be great.

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I need to interview someone of the Mormon faith for my Bible class. I was wondering if I could ask someone a few questions about their beliefs and of the Mormon faith in general. It is due tomorrow, so if anyone could do it now or later on tonight that would be great.

You don't need a reason to ask questions. :) We enjoy and appreciate all honest questions.

I hear about this assignment a lot actually. What Bible class is it that gives this assignment out on a regular basis over the years? And what were you told was the object or purpose of the assignment? Very interesting. What persons of other faiths are you interviewing as well?

I hope you enjoy the website and decide to participate in the expressions of faith here on a regular basis.

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I attend Charlotte Christian School, and we were given the option to pick a religion, and i picked Mormon becuase i was curious about this intriguing religion. But some of my questions were:

1) What do you believe of the afterlife? Of Salvation?

2) How do you think this world originated?

3) Why do you think we were created?

4) What is your purpose in life?

5) What are some of the Holy Days of the Mormon faith?

6) Are there any religous beliefs and/or practices in the Mormon faith that are unlike any other religion?

8) What do you believe about Jesus?

9) What do you believe about marriage?

Anyone, feel free to answer any or all of these questions. All of your answers matter.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

In his love.

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Guest tomk

I attend Charlotte Christian School, and we were given the option to pick a religion, and i picked Mormon becuase i was curious about this intriguing religion. But some of my questions were:

1) What do you believe of the

afterlife? - Life after Death

Of Salvation? - God has a plan for your life

2) How do you think this

world originated? - The Creation

3) Why do you think

we were created? - You Lived with God

4) What is your

purpose in life? - Your Life on Earth

5) What are some of the Holy Days of the Mormon faith?

Every day. :)

6) Are there any religous beliefs and/or practices in the Mormon faith that are unlike any other religion?

-Our Church organization follows that of the primitive Church.

-Priesthood power


Elder Holland on Godhead

Elder Holland on Open Scriptural Cannon

8) What do you believe about Jesus? - The Atonement of Jesus Christ

9) What do you

believe about marriage? - Temples and Family History

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

In his love.

Hope this helps!

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That's a pretty good reply. We all have our personalized versions of the links tom provided. I'd like to add that two important holidays for us are Easter and Christmas for they both remind us of Christ's atonement. We don't, however have any "special Mormon holidays", though.

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That's a pretty good reply. We all have our personalized versions of the links tom provided. I'd like to add that two important holidays for us are Easter and Christmas for they both remind us of Christ's atonement. We don't, however have any "special Mormon holidays", though.

Not even Pioneer Day? :D;)

(for the OP: Pioneer Day is July 24th and celebrates the day when the first Mormon settlers arrived in the Salt Lake valley. It's not a *religious* holiday, but is celebrated throughout the church, much like 4th of July)

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I attend Charlotte Christian School, and we were given the option to pick a religion, and i picked Mormon becuase i was curious about this intriguing religion. But some of my questions were:

1) What do you believe of the afterlife? Of Salvation?

2) How do you think this world originated?

3) Why do you think we were created?

4) What is your purpose in life?

5) What are some of the Holy Days of the Mormon faith?

6) Are there any religous beliefs and/or practices in the Mormon faith that are unlike any other religion?

8) What do you believe about Jesus?

9) What do you believe about marriage?

Anyone, feel free to answer any or all of these questions. All of your answers matter.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

In his love.

1. Because of Jesus Christ, it is possible for everyone to be resurrected and gain Eternal Life. We will be able to live with our families forever.

2. Jesus Christ created the world under the direction of Heavenly Father.

3. Because it gave Heavenly Father joy.

4. To become more like our Heavenly Father through trials and experience, to gain a body, and have joy.

5. The same as most other Christian faiths, although we don't have separate days like Good Friday. We include that when we celebrate Easter. And we remember our Savior's sacrifice every week when we partake of the sacrament.

6. Temple worship, belief in life before birth, certain priesthood ordinances, the belief that everyone will have the opportunity to hear and accept the Gospel.

7. Uh, there is no seven. :D

8. That He is my Lord and Savior and has made the only way for me to return to our Father in Heaven.

9. Marriage is Eternal and probably the most important relationship we have on this earth.

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1) What do you believe of the afterlife? Of Salvation?

I believe that we will either go to Paradise or Prison as spirits. That we will, in most cases, be able to visit and communicate with other spirits, and will have to exersize faith to come off victorious there. We will be in peace and rest if we have faith in Christ and His gracious atonement.

2) How do you think this world originated?

Long or short answer? Short: God spoke his Word by faith, and all things came to be. He did it by what WE would call 'natural means', in our weakness and failure to see all of what is, in creation. Call it, "faith". Long: (forget it)

3) Why do you think we were created?

So we could experience joy in Christ.

4) What is your purpose in life?

To love, to serve, to conquer in Christ.

5) What are some of the Holy Days of the Mormon faith?

Day I was baptised, Day I was married, Pioneer Day, Sabbath Day.

6) Are there any religous beliefs and/or practices in the Mormon faith that are unlike any other religion?

Yes. sort of. We believe that God has prophets today, just as He did anciently. Some other religions believe that.

8) What do you believe about Jesus?

He is the Son of God, He is God Himself, He is the creator of all things, He is my love. (not sexually, ewww. I mean mystically).

9) What do you believe about marriage?

It is ordained of God, if I do not honor my wife I cannot expect Christ to honor me as his 'bride'.

In his love.

Hope that serves.


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Not even Pioneer Day? :D;)

(for the OP: Pioneer Day is July 24th and celebrates the day when the first Mormon settlers arrived in the Salt Lake valley. It's not a *religious* holiday, but is celebrated throughout the church, much like 4th of July)

I forgot about that one! Thanks Jenamarie! ^_^

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thank you to everyone for the help, i just have a few more questions.

1) Can you explain to me how there can be an infinite number of "Creator Gods?" If the Bible says there is only one God?

1 Corinthians 8:6 (Whole Chapter)

yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

2) How did sin get into this world?

3) Can you briefly explain to me the history behind "The Pearl of Great Price" and the Book of Mormon?

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1) Can you explain to me how there can be an infinite number of "Creator Gods?" If the Bible says there is only one God?

Bible talks about more than one God. Read up, grasshopper! However, I didn't read about 'infinite' creators in the bible, or in the Mormon scriptures. Where'd you get that? Kinda weird.

1 Corinthians 8:6 (Whole Chapter)

yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

Now THAT's Mormon Doctrine. Very good. Except I call Jesus 'God', too.

2) How did sin get into this world?

When God gave us the right to choose between good and evil, evil came as a result of our not-so-good choices. So, as the Bible says, God is the source of evil. When we knowingly do evil, that's sin.

  • I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7, KJV)
  • Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? (Amos 3:6, KJV)
  • Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? (Lamentations 3:38)

3) Can you briefly explain to me the history behind "The Pearl of Great Price" and the Book of Mormon?

Wow. The book of mormon was compiled by a dude named "Mormon" about 400AD and buried. Then in the 1800's a dude named Joseph Smith was told by the angel Mormon (now an angel, obviously (BTW, Mormons believe that God, angels, and men are all of the same substance, spiritually speaking)) where it was, and to dig it up. Then God helped Joseph put it into english and Joseph published it.

PofGP was two books, primarily. Book of Moses was a revelation given to Joseph, and he wrote it down. Book of Abraham was a revelation having something to do with Egyptian papyrii that are not all extant anymore, but somehow gave Joseph information he needed to have a revelation which was written into the Book of Abraham. THEREs a LOT to THAT story. One of the more contriversial stories of early LDS Church history.


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Bible talks about more than one God. Read up, grasshopper! However, I didn't read about 'infinite' creators in the bible, or in the Mormon scriptures. Where'd you get that? Kinda weird.

Well, Joseph Smith, the founder of your religion said: "Hence, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods is as prominent in the Bible as any other doctrine. It is all over the face of the Bible...Paul says that there are Gods many and Lords many...but to us there is but one God-that is pertaining to us;and he is in all and through all

If you look up what the plurality of Gods means, it is: an infinite regress of creator gods in our Universe, but Heavenly Father is the god of Earth, which would mean that you believe that there is "infinite" creators...Kinda wierd.

Also, you said, "Book of Abraham was a revelation having something to do with Egyptian papyrii that are not all extant anymore, but somehow gave Joseph information he needed to have a revelation which was written into the Book of Abraham. THEREs a LOT to THAT story."

Actually, back in 1835, Joseph Smith bought a mummy from an artifact salesman in 1835 and the mummy was wrapped in papyrus with heiroglyphic wirting, Smith interpreted it with his seer stone and found it was writted by Abraham when he was in Egypt 4000 years ago! What a coincidence! So this became "the book of Abraham." Also, the papyrii is very much still exant, and was later decoded by someone who actually could read hyroglyphics, and as it turns out, it had nothing to do with Abraham, and was actually written about 2000 years after his time, and had nothing at all to do with anything that Joseph Smith said it did, but it actually had to do with the art of mummification.

Read up Grasshopper!

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Bible talks about more than one God. Read up, grasshopper! However, I didn't read about 'infinite' creators in the bible, or in the Mormon scriptures. Where'd you get that? Kinda weird.

Well, Joseph Smith, the founder of your religion said: "Hence, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods is as prominent in the Bible as any other doctrine. It is all over the face of the Bible...Paul says that there are Gods many and Lords many...but to us there is but one God-that is pertaining to us;and he is in all and through all

If you look up what the plurality of Gods means, it is: an infinite regress of creator gods in our Universe, but Heavenly Father is the god of Earth, which would mean that you believe that there is "infinite" creators...Kinda wierd.

Also, you said, "Book of Abraham was a revelation having something to do with Egyptian papyrii that are not all extant anymore, but somehow gave Joseph information he needed to have a revelation which was written into the Book of Abraham. THEREs a LOT to THAT story."

Actually, back in 1835, Joseph Smith bought a mummy from an artifact salesman in 1835 and the mummy was wrapped in papyrus with heiroglyphic wirting, Smith interpreted it with his seer stone and found it was writted by Abraham when he was in Egypt 4000 years ago! What a coincidence! So this became "the book of Abraham." Also, the papyrii is very much still exant, and was later decoded by someone who actually could read hyroglyphics, and as it turns out, it had nothing to do with Abraham, and was actually written about 2000 years after his time, and had nothing at all to do with anything that Joseph Smith said it did, but it actually had to do with the art of mummification.

Read up Grasshopper!

You seem to have been reading in very poor-quality works, Mattk. Good luck!


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You seem to have been reading in very poor-quality works, Mattk. Good luck!


I'm just reading the works of the founder of your religion, are you sure that that is "very poor quality?" Look it up, I'm sure you will find the exact information that I just posted

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I'll answer the question about sin.

2) What constitutes a sin? It is simply a transgression, or breaking, of God's ordained Laws. When the world was created it was created good. It was created in a state of innocence. One where everything obeyed the Laws of God. We know that there were at least two Laws. Multiply and replenish the Earth, aka have children. The second was not to eat the forbidden fruit. This second Law was the one broken. God's Law had been broken and sin had been brought into the world, by the choices of a man.

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Well, Joseph Smith, the founder of your religion said: "Hence, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods is as prominent in the Bible as any other doctrine. It is all over the face of the Bible...Paul says that there are Gods many and Lords many...but to us there is but one God-that is pertaining to us;and he is in all and through all

Well based on the quote you provided, I would have to ask, where does it talk about "Creator Gods"? Joseph Smith is simply talking about what is written in the Bible. Here's the words of Paul, the Apostle:

For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. (1 Cor. 8:5-6)

If you look up what the plurality of Gods means, it is: an infinite regress of creator gods in our Universe, but Heavenly Father is the god of Earth, which would mean that you believe that there is "infinite" creators...Kinda wierd.

You clearly don't know much about our doctrine, so I will help you. That's why you are here right? To learn, not to see how well you can best the Mormons...

Here's officially (meaning from our scriptures) what we believe about Heavenly Father and His Christ:

And God spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name; for I am without beginning of days or end of years; and is not this endless?

And, behold, thou art my son; wherefore look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end, and also my words, for they never cease.

Wherefore, no man can behold all my works, except he behold all my glory; and no man can behold all my glory, and afterwards remain in the flesh on the earth.

And I have a work for thee, Moses, my son; and thou art in the similitude of mine Only Begotten; and mine Only Begotten is and shall be the Savior, for he is full of grace and truth; but there is no God beside me, and all things are present with me, for I know them all.



And the Lord God said unto Moses: For mine own purpose have I made these things. Here is wisdom and it remaineth in me.

And by the word of my power, have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth.

And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten. (Moses 1:3-6,31-33)



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I'm just reading the works of the founder of your religion, are you sure that that is "very poor quality?" Look it up, I'm sure you will find the exact information that I just posted

Why don't you try publishing peace instead of contention, mattk? Are you a Christian?

You have been deceived concerning Joseph and his works, but I'll not try to argue with you. As I said, good luck.


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Bible talks about more than one God. Read up, grasshopper! However, I didn't read about 'infinite' creators in the bible, or in the Mormon scriptures. Where'd you get that? Kinda weird.

Well, Joseph Smith, the founder of your religion said: "Hence, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods is as prominent in the Bible as any other doctrine. It is all over the face of the Bible...Paul says that there are Gods many and Lords many...but to us there is but one God-that is pertaining to us;and he is in all and through all

If you look up what the plurality of Gods means, it is: an infinite regress of creator gods in our Universe, but Heavenly Father is the god of Earth, which would mean that you believe that there is "infinite" creators...Kinda wierd.

Also, you said, "Book of Abraham was a revelation having something to do with Egyptian papyrii that are not all extant anymore, but somehow gave Joseph information he needed to have a revelation which was written into the Book of Abraham. THEREs a LOT to THAT story."

Actually, back in 1835, Joseph Smith bought a mummy from an artifact salesman in 1835 and the mummy was wrapped in papyrus with heiroglyphic wirting, Smith interpreted it with his seer stone and found it was writted by Abraham when he was in Egypt 4000 years ago! What a coincidence! So this became "the book of Abraham." Also, the papyrii is very much still exant, and was later decoded by someone who actually could read hyroglyphics, and as it turns out, it had nothing to do with Abraham, and was actually written about 2000 years after his time, and had nothing at all to do with anything that Joseph Smith said it did, but it actually had to do with the art of mummification.

Read up Grasshopper!

How does this relate to your assignment, matt? What kind of assignment do you have? :)

By the way, if you have a question that you want to discuss back and forth in depth, please start a thread for each separate question. We are not going to discuss back and forth on "20" subjects in this one monster-long, convoluted thread. Thanks!

I can't add to what has been replied. Good questions, Matt. Good replies, everyone. :peace:

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Hi, sorry, but your comment doesn't publish peace either. Just something to think about.

Good Morning,

Sure it does. Hopefully mattkearns555 will realize that the direction his posts are turning is obvious to us, and stop while he is ahead. That would definetly publish peace IMHO. Would it not?



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