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Everything posted by PapilioMemnon

  1. How interesting that dressing modestly now shocks people!!! But how great it is that is on the news... I hope this trend is here to stay, and that it spreads... Mom shocked by teen's modest clothing -
  2. Hi Ceeboo, Misshalfway has done a great job of explaining some things; I just wanted to provide a little more. I hope it's helpful. ------------------------------------- LINK:Take Heed That Ye Be Not Deceived, Disputatious Doctrines ... In addition to questions of historical evidence, critics also argue that if the book were truly an inspired volume of scripture, changes would not have been made to Joseph's original manuscript. The title page of the Book of Mormon attests that the ancient documents, or plates, would be translated by "the gift of God." But detractors protest that thousands of changes have been made to the original translation--changes to correct mistakes! They loudly submit these changes as evidence that the Book of Mormon was not born of inspiration and is therefore not worthy of serious study. Such a proposition is interesting since revised interpretations and improved editions of the Bible are constantly coming off the presses. Printing and editing errors are common in any publication. So why should a corrected (or uncorrected!) Book of Mormon text be rejected without serious inquiry? I don't expect a serious response to that question, but I will, nevertheless, reply to the accusation of damning changes to the Book of Mormon. An overwhelming number of the changes to the Book of Mormon were punctuation, spelling, and grammatical corrections. Since the Book of Mormon was translated directly from the ancient plates, the interpreted text was written in one continuous stream of words--no punctuation whatsoever. Imagine deciphering a six-hundred-page paragraph! Spelling wasn't standardized as it is today, and the common, nonacademic practice was to phonetically record sounds. For example, one of the original scribes spelled the word "Messiah" as "masiah." In other places, "engreveings" was corrected to "engravings," "plaits" became "plates," and so forth.44 The text of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon was copied to what is called the printer's manuscript. Many of the pages of the printer's manuscript contained corrections by the typesetter, John Gilbert. He not only marked punctuation and spelling corrections; he also made "a few emendations in the printer's manuscript."45 Other changes to the Book of Mormon were made to correct actual errors or to reduce possible confusion for the reader.46 In what is now Mosiah 21:28, the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon stated that King Benjamin had the gift of interpretation, but the context clearly indicates that the king mentioned was actually Mosiah. This obvious mistake was corrected in later editions. How did King Benjamin's name get confused with that of King Mosiah? Who knows? Any number of influences could have caused such an error. Another obvious change was made to the first edition passage of 1ÊNephi 11:18, where Mary, the mother of Jesus, is referred to as the "mother of God, after the manner of the flesh." To clarify the meaning, the text was changed to read "mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh." Now, should some ambitious person choose to examine the list of changes made to the first edition text of the Book of Mormon, he or she will find no alterations of the message of the original text. In contrast, the list of errors in the Bible could be very long indeed, and nonbelievers scoff at us who accept and revere it as the word of God in spite of a few inconsequential contradictions--errors introduced by circumstances beyond our understanding. Do such errors change the value and sacred nature of the Bible's message? Not for me. It is sad that some people ignore the central focus and pure examples of Christian teaching contained in the Book of Mormon. They concentrate their energies on minor textual changes in various printings--changes made to clarify and simplify difficult passages. Well, who ever said it was perfect in the first place? Certainly the Mormons never attributed infallibility to the Book of Mormon or any other thing that men have taken part in. Is the Book of Mormon perfect? Yes, in a way it is perfect. Its mission and purpose, as stated in the cover page, has been fulfilled for millions of people and will yet be fulfilled for other countless millions. It brings the light of the Lord Jesus Christ to a world sadly lacking a true awareness of its Savior. It brings hope and comfort and builds the faith of the faithful. It also separates those of honest heart--those who are willing to test the validity of the book in the Lord's way--from those who, for whatever reason, choose to oppose, find fault, and deny the power of the Holy Ghost. Thus, the Book of Mormon accomplishes its mission perfectly.
  3. Hi there, There are several books/epistles/letters mentioned on the Bible that we don't have; they are not included on the Bible as we have it now. I have a list of references of those if you wish (I don't have it with me now), but here is what I could find online (emphasis added) ---------------------------------------------------------- LINK: Take Heed That Ye Be Not Deceived, Disputatious Doctrines The Completeness and Infallibility of the Holy Bible There are strong feelings among anti-Mormons about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding the church's eighth article of faith: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." Those who hold the Bible to be the only source of divine authority and doctrine cannot accept the Book of Mormon or any other sacred writing--for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, anti-Mormons often deceitfully describe the church's use of the Bible in unkind and untrue ways, characterizing our study of the Bible as a mere pretense of biblical Christianity--a convenient tool to mislead others. Such statements are shamefully inaccurate. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have great respect and reverence for the Bible. It is studied in the church as the word of God and a source of truth and understanding. I love the Bible. I rejoice in its teachings and in the spirit of truth it provides. The Bible is masterful in teaching the life of Jesus Christ and is a strong testament of his role as Savior and Redeemer. But the question before us is not the power or value of the Bible but rather its completeness and infallibility. The facts in this case are fairly evident. The Bible is not complete. It does not say it is complete (the Bible never refers to itself); in fact, it strongly suggests the existence of other sacred writings. Anti-Mormons argue that the Bible does say it is complete and that it does refer to itself. However, to them the phrase "the Word of God," or "the Word," refers to the Bible exclusively since it is the only scripture they will accept. When we understand that those references actually mean any word spoken by God or his prophets to the children of earth, everything changes. A little history about the Bible may be helpful here. Many people today think of the Bible as one book, although it is in fact a collection of books, letters (epistles), and histories that have been written, rewritten, translated, and retranslated. The Bible didn't just appear; it was assembled, disassembled, and reassembled as new ideas and new material emerged. The Muratorian Fragment of A.D. 180 did not include the books of Hebrews, James, and 1 and 2 Peter, but it did include the Apocalypse of Peter. At the same time, the Shepherd of Hermas was considered by Origen to be divinely inspired. Clement of Alexandria considered a "secret" book of Mark to be genuine. Celsus claimed that Christians altered the text of scripture and changed its character to "enable them to deny difficulties in the face of criticism." In about A.D. 300 the church considered the books of Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation to be spurious. However, the Epistle of Barnabas, 1 Clement, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul, and the Apocalypse of Peter were admitted to the canon of scripture but later removed.30 More than a thousand years later, Martin Luther declared the biblical books of Esther, Jude, Hebrews, Revelation, and 2 Peter, among others, unworthy to be among the "true and noblest books of the new testament." Luther considered the book of James to be "an epistle of straw," having "no gospel quality to it."31 Perhaps he did not approve of these books because the teachings they contained were at odds with his personal preference for the Augustinian doctrine of grace alone as the key to salvation. The first English language Bible was published less than 500 years ago. The popular King James Version was published in 1611, the Revised King James Version in 1885, the American Translation in 1931, the Revised Standard Version in 1947, the Good News Bible and the Jerusalem Bible in 1966, the New American Bible and the New England Bible in 1970, and the Common Bible in 1973.32 How many English translations of the Bible do we need? Clearly, for many the Bible has been and continues to be an evolving scripture. As for the question of completeness, we might consider a few referenced biblical statements for which we have no reference. Matthew 2:23 says that Jesus "came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." Matthew is citing a text unknown to us. To which prophets does he refer? Nowhere in the Old Testament does it say that Jesus will be called a Nazarene. One of the most popular of Christian scriptures is the Savior's statement "It is more blessed to give than to receive." We find this quotation in Acts 20:35 as part of a statement from Paul to the elders at Ephesus. This statement from the Savior does not appear in any other book of the Bible. Paul may have read or heard this statement elsewhere and then quoted the Master's divine words. It doesn't bother me that neither Matthew's nor Paul's statement includes a footnote to another scripture. But those who argue for a complete canon of scripture in the Bible--nothing excluded--beg a serious question. The Bible is scripture--it is the word of God and should be reverenced, studied, and appreciated for its immense contribution to the salvation of the children of God. However, the Bible has been used for both good and evil. Unprincipled peopled have used Bible verses as justification for all sorts of mischief. Others have been led into unproductive and even damning paths because they have failed to understand and apply wise interpretation to Bible statements. The Bible has been used as a weapon against righteousness by evil-disposed pastors, priests, and pagans alike. The Bible, as with any scripture or statement by any religious leader, must be carefully considered against what is known and understood about truth and salvation. It is important that all scripture be translated correctly. I will yield to respected Protestant writer Lloyd Averill for the last word on this biblical inerrancy issue. He writes, It is clear that Calvin cannot be identified with the scriptural literalism affirmed by present-day fundamentalists. Nor, indeed, can any other major figure in the history of Christian thought prior to 1800. Contrary to fundamentalist claims, the doctrine of biblical inerrancy as they have formulated it is not a return to primitive Christianity or to Christian orthodoxy. Rather, it was an innovation fashioned scarcely more than a hundred years ago as a weapon to be used against the modernist movement.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hope it's helpful!
  4. Some references from the scriptures: Articles of Faith 1: 8 Topical Guide: Scriptures, Writing of Topical Guide: Book of Mormon Bible Dictionary: Ephraim, Stick of - Topic Definition - Bible - Topic Definition - Book of Mormon
  5. It's kind of hard to say whether or not she's wrong based on what you have expressed that she said or what she meant by saying this way. I wondered something: Did you say anything in class? Did you ask for clarification or for her to explain her point further? We had this class a few weeks ago at my ward, and by definition, an anti-christ is someone and/or something (entity) who sets themselves up as the way to salvation instead of Christ or who clearly denies/opposes Him; any type of teaching that denies/opposes Christ & His teachings. We, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, believe and know the only way to God is through Jesus Christ; there's no other path! I think Islander gave a pretty good idea of what she might have meant.
  6. Hi NM, Yes, I think I've read some of your posts about some issues that you don't understand. I hope you keep nourishing your testimony with basic doctrines of the gospel as you go to make, learn & understand more sacred & higher teachings & covenants with the Lord. I'm glad that you seem to be working on understanding as you study your scriptures, pray, and ponder, and ask of the Lord to enlighten your mind (Basic doctrine). Remember that your testimony should rest upon a solid foundation which is Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the testimony of the Holy Ghost of the truth, not your idea of understanding things. I disagree with you about the accountability of men & women. You seem to be overlooking the sacred and extremely high responsibility that was placed upon us (women) of bringing His children into the world the right way, and raising them unto the Lord! Men need women & women need men: to have a helpmeet & not be alone, share the different and similar responsibilites, grow/develop together, procreate & raise (have children), achieve the highest degree of the priesthood (Maybe I didn't word this right, but I'm hoping you'll understand). Our Heavenly Father was the one who divided the responsibilities betweem men & women, not men. Priesthood & motherhood goes hand in hand; just different assignments; they would become literally overwhelming tasks for both genders if we were to do all the other does!!!!! Yikes... almost impossible to accomplish! How were women and men to complete each other if they both had the same exact tasks? I'm glad that in His wisdom, He gave us different tasks! Differences do not necessarily mean bad; our gender is different and so are our resposiblities! One does not demean or is superior to the other in any way! The Priesthood allows men to conduct the affairs of Heavenly Father here on earth; motherhood allows women to conduct the affairs of Heavenly Father's spirit children on earth. Is this a "small, insignificant" thing? If you are not yet a parent, you surely does not comprehend the overwhelming task He gave us; and if you are already, I feel that you have fallen victim of comparing tasks as the world does, and raking them as significant &/or not, and you DO NOT understand the sacred calling of motherhood! Now, as far as commiting sin is concerned, BOTH are prone to commit sin and we all do in many different ways. Adam didn't fall more than Eve. Since men have been more in the control of things since the beginning and subjected women, remember that's not the Lord's plan, and they indeed have entered in many battles, secret combinations, it is unclear the number of women who joined them, not really in battles, but in assisting them in many other ways. Some women who have been in power have been worse than many men; why was John the Baptist killed? Who asked for his head in a plate? Please read: Mark 6 Another instance: When Nephi were in the ship with all his family, he spoke about his fear of the Lord's judgments upon them because his brothers, sons of Ishamel & their wives "began to make themselves merry, ... to dance and to sing, and to speak with much rudeness." Please read: 1 Nephi 18 This brought me to reflect the many ways we express ourselves, and in the way we dance, sing, and speak, we can sin a lot!!!! It's not hard to imagine in what ways the dancing/singing/speaking might have been, how sensual/sexual in nature, for Nephi to classify as "exceeding rudeness.'' If men, unless attraced to same-gender, are looking at pornography... guess who they are looking at? The women are are there! If the women are there for them to look at it, they are involved in pornography then. (Just trying to reason here something quite logical) Actually, there has been a growing number of women, mentioned at my ward, at a RS's meeting, that are involved in pornography, in viewing it, and we were warned against it. Because women have children, clean, and work,... does not mean they don't sin or they are immune to pornography or to sin as you have seemed to imply. Sister, unfortunately, the sins men commit of sexual nature, again, if not attracted to same-gender, are because of the women who provide them what to look at it (Anywhere), to think about, to lust after...) In many ways, the Prophets have warned us, women, to be chaste and modest in our appearance, speech, and expressions, talks so not to distract men... We have great responsibility in leading them to sin!!! In simple words: Men would not look/react to other women to think/lust after them, most of time, if they would not wear mini-skirts, beach wear that is almost not there, low-cut shirts, very tight clothing, etc... The same with dancing... singing (can a someone sing/speak in a very sensual way or say words that leads to those thoughts???) I will defend the men in this thing because it's true! I surely hope that you come to a much better understanding of the differences in responsibilities for men & women than the ones you came up. Trying to understand the Lord's ways with the mentality of the world is NOT helpful at all! We are in the world, but should not to be part of it (Thinking, behaving,...) I also hope that you become more compassionate about finding ways and coming to realizations as to "hold someone accountable." I'm sure that was not the intention of Heavenly Father when He gave us different assignments. Prophets are humans, ad humans are fallible beings like us. Nonetheless, they are called to do the work of God upon this earth like us (Do you hold a calling?); they do though sometimes, in imperfect ways. Doing it, persevering, seeking the Lord as we do all we can, help us get better at it, at doing the Lord's way. The Church is perfect because it's of Jesus Christ Church that has been restored; the ones who lead it are not, since it's lead on earth by humans like us. The Lord gives us assignments, but He will NOT tell us every little thing of how it should be done except for very particular things. We learn as we go along... in faith and obedience to the simple, basic and "small" things! When Lehi left Jerusalem in obedience to the commandment of the Lord, The Lord did not tell Him to get the plates from Laban, and Ishmael's family so his sons could marry them, etc... He instructed Lehi on what was necessary for him to know and do at each moment, little by little, as he had faith & obeyed the Lord. And so was with the Prophet Joseph Smith; he was instructed little by little, as He translated the BOM, and things came up, circumstances that arose at that moment and as Joseph studied and pondered doctrines and practices; the Lord then revealed more and more to him. The same is done to us as we are ready to receive! The Lord will NOT give us all instructions at once, tell us the WHYs of all things at once,... Faith is a basic principle and is required to follow Him; perseverance is another; patience is another (waiting upon the Lord); studying the scriptures to learn of Him, that He may enlighten our understanding is another; and so on... You're quite right about that there are many things yet to be revealed... so, continue in faith, scripture study, prayer, and fasting... seeking God in all things, and not leaning to your own understanding of things... "We can't bear all things now and at once... we must grow in [faith], grace, and knowledge of the truth" (D&C 50:40) It is allowed and done by the will and sanction of the Lord only! If you sustain the prophets, and believe, really know & have a testimony by the Holy Ghost, that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God, you know he didn't do that out of his own ideas and desires! Were you a Christian before you converted? If so, how did you manage Abraham (the wife and concubines), Jacob, David & Solomon? Were they prophets? Have you read the Lord "gave to them..."? Were & are their teachings true? In the case of David & Solomon who actually commited adultery by taking what the Lord did not give unto them, the questions are: Were they prophets of God? Did they teach the things of God? Are the teachings still valid? Did they do things perfectly? Did God asked them to do things perfectly? Did their behavior annull God's teachings, the veracity of God, and all the revelations & prophecies? How did you make past those things and got stuck on Joseph Smith? It all comes down to receiving a testimony of God, through the Holy Ghost, that Joseph Smith was indeed His prophet, that the First Vision is true, and many other basic beliefs. WHAT??? :eek:How in the world did you get to this conclusion? Something is off with the reasoning there... As far as I know, there's nowhere in the scriptures, one single passage that shows that the Lord taught, allowed, sanctioned, not even one person to practice or be involved with same-gender relationships. Polygamy and same-gender relationships are not interrelated in any way! I believe you need to seriously prayerfully rethink this reasoning and conclusion that you explained. I don't know of anyone who "beats into" others the doctrine of polygamy! Maybe your husband simply understands it as it is....Are you suggesting that Abraham, and others who did have other wives and concubines (by the way) sin? Again, have you read the scriptures carefully? If so, have you read that The Lord "gave unto" them? Are you suggesting the Lord made them sin? If God allowed, sanctioned, and gave unto them, is it a sin? What is a sin? Is it doing what the Lord commanded or partaking of what He liberally allowed??? If your hubby had those things "beaten into" him, you surely have the world's teaching/view/understanding "beaten into" you. Sister, I highly suggest that you keep on working on basic beliefs and teachings, and practices until you grown into more understanding... understanding the way God sees it, His ways,... not trying to have a mortal, worldly, carnal men understanding of the thing of God... it's impossible to understand God's way with this approach! Please read 1 Corinthians 2; I'll paste a portion of it: 9 But as it is written, aEye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath bprepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath arevealed them unto us by his bSpirit: for the cSpirit dsearcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man aknoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God bknoweth no man, cbut the dSpirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the aspirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s awisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost bteacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the anatural man breceiveth not the things of the cSpirit of God: for they are dfoolishness unto him: neither can he eknow them, because they are fspiritually gdiscerned. 15 But he that is spiritual ajudgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may ainstruct him? But we have the bmind of Christ. A carnal/worldly mind cannot understand spiritual things, things of God because comparing carnal/worldly view with spiritual view is not profitable, not compatible. Prov. 4: 1, 5, 7 1 Hear, ye children, the ainstruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. • • • 5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. • • • 7 aWisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get bunderstanding. May we continue to accept and exercise faith with patience, persevere, study the scriptures, ponder, and do the will of the Lord, obey His commandments so that He may, in His mercy, wisdom, and time, brings us to the knowledge of truth and give us much understanding of all things we NEED to know and understand. Peace!
  7. The nature of gifts we should seek are the spiritual ones; they are the best gifts! There are many of them; we should prayerfully try to identify the gift or many gifts the Lord blessed us with, and remember for the purpose they were given (To built His kingdom & bless others). If we keep an eye single to the glory of God, we won't misuse them! Peace, charity, tenderness, kindness, mercy, joy, long-suffering, faith, hope, .... and many more, not the visible types though, nonetheless are also precious gifts! LINKS: Articles of Faith 1: 7 CES Fireside 2006 - Eyring
  8. It's tough when this happens! To me, this is just a situation as with many other things in the gospel, we must have faith and do as God wants us to, according to the faith, knowledge, and understanding we have; marriage in the temple is the way to go despite any immediate consequence. I would explain the beliefs, pray and fast for the Lord to soften their hearts and for them to understand. They should also respect and understand the importance of these things to you and him even if they don't believe/share it. I'm not sure about a "ring exchange cerimony" as I have read a talk (Sorry, can't find the talk now) where a GA say that we shouldn't emulate the cerimony of the Temple for any reason, but people could choose to hold a reception afterwards to celebrate with those who couldn't attend the temple cerimony; I believe the handouts could be given to them at the reception as well. Congratulations! May the Lord bless you in making the right decisions about this situation! I wish you and your future husband the best!
  9. I still remember when I was taking the lessons from the missionaries and they began to explain the organization of the Church. I was in complete awe... becuase I had found what I had been longing for all those years; the true Church of the Lord, and all basic structure & teachings restored with prophets and apostles... When they left, I immediately began searching all things on my Bible that referred to the church organization: the prophets that had been called, the prieshood, when Jesus called and ordained the 12, organized the seventies, gave them authority to preach and do all things in His name, etc... the ordinances of baptism by immersion & the gift of the Holy ghost, the book of Acts... I really don't have words to describe what I felt and the magnitude of coming to that knowledge, of finding IT! I felt, among many other things, humbled, that I had been directed to find it; I was and still am in awe... I know and testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints is the true Church of Jesus Christ, and that it's been restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith in these latter days. It's indeed a marvelous and glorious work, and I am humbled to have found it, and be a part of it. Some scripture references: LINK: Topical Guide: Church Organization See also Jesus Christ, Head of the Church; Stake Gen. 14: 18 Melchizedek . . . was the priest of the most high God. Ex. 18: 21 able men . . . to be rulers of thousands. Ex. 24: 9 (Num. 11: 16) Moses, and Aaron . . . and seventy of the elders of Israel. Num. 27: 18 (Deut. 34: 9) take thee Joshua . . . and lay thine hand upon him. Deut. 27: 1 Moses with the elders of Israel. Josh. 4: 4 Joshua called the twelve men. Matt. 16: 18 upon this rock I will build my church. Luke 6: 13 (Luke 6: 12-16) chose twelve, whom also he named apostles. Luke 10: 1 Lord appointed other seventy. John 15: 16 have chosen you, and ordained you. Acts 1: 25 take part of this ministry and apostleship. Acts 6: 6 when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. Acts 13: 1 there were in the church . . . prophets and teachers. Acts 14: 23 ordained them elders in every church. Acts 15: 6 apostles and elders came together. 1 Cor. 12: 27 ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. Eph. 2: 20 built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Eph. 4: 11 gave some, apostles, and some, prophets. Philip. 1: 1 with the bishops and deacons. Titus 1: 5 ordain elders in every city. 1 Ne. 4: 26 supposing that I spake of the brethren of the church. Mosiah 18: 17 called the church of God, or the church of Christ. Mosiah 26: 8 Mosiah had given Alma the authority over the church. Alma 4: 7 consecrated to be teachers, and priests, and elders. 3 Ne. 11: 21 I give unto you power that Ye shall baptize. 3 Ne. 12: 1 the number of them who had been called. 3 Ne. 13: 25 they whom I have chosen to minister. 3 Ne. 18: 5 shall one be ordained among you. 3 Ne. 27: 3 name whereby we shall call this church. 4 Ne. 1: 1 disciples of Jesus had formed a church of Christ. Moro. 3: 1 elders of the church, ordained priests and teachers. D&C 20: 38 the duty of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons. D&C 21: 3 which church was organized and established. D&C 26: 2 done by common consent in the church, by much prayer. D&C 68: 14 bishops to be set apart unto the church. D&C 84: 29 the offices of elder and bishop are necessary. D&C 84: 109 therefore, let every man stand in his own office. D&C 124: 123 officers belonging to my Priesthood. A of F 6 We believe in the same organization. See also Num. 27: 17; 3 Ne. 15: 12; 3 Ne. 19: 20. ------------------------------------------------------------ LINK:Topical Guide: Jesus Christ, Head of the Church Matt. 16: 18 (3 Ne. 18: 16; 3 Ne. 21: 22; 3 Ne. 27: 8; D&C 5: 14; D&C 10: 67; D&C 11: 16; D&C 18: 5; D&C 30: 6; D&C 39: 13; D&C 41: 3; D&C 42: 59; D&C 43: 15; D&C 45: 1; D&C 69: 3; D&C 84: 32; D&C 104: 1; D&C 115: 3; D&C 119: 2; D&C 124: 41, 94; D&C 133: 4, 16; D&C 136: 41) upon this rock I will build my church. Eph. 1: 22 gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Eph. 4: 15 which is the head, even Christ. Eph. 5: 23 even as Christ is the head of the church. Col. 1: 18 he is the head of the body, the church. Mosiah 26: 22 (Mosiah 27: 13) this is my church. Moro. 6: 4 the church of Christ . . . who was the author. D&C 33: 5 this church have I established. See also Rom. 16: 16; 1 Cor. 12: 27; 1 Ne. 14: 12; 2 Ne. 25: 14; Mosiah 18: 17; Alma 1: 19; 4 Ne. 1: 1; 4 Ne. 1: 29; Moro. 7: 3. --------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: Topical Guide: Stake Isa. 33: 20 not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed. Isa. 54: 2 (3 Ne. 22: 2) lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes. Moro. 10: 31 (D&C 82: 14) strengthen thy stakes and enlarge thy borders. D&C 68: 25 in any of her stakes which are organized. D&C 101: 21 called stakes, for the curtains or the strength. D&C 109: 59 appoint unto Zion other stakes besides this one. D&C 115: 6 gathering together upon . . . Zion, and upon her stakes, may be for a defense. D&C 115: 18 other places should be appointed for stakes. D&C 124: 134 presidents or servants over different stakes. D&C 133: 9 that her stakes may be strengthened. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: Articles of Faith 1: 6
  10. Closer to God Posted: 28 Jul 2008 02:00 AM CDT "Prayer endows us with the power to draw near to our Eternal Father. How important it is, then, that one of our fundamental teachings to our children is how to pray." L. Tom Perry, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven," Ensign, Nov. 1983, 12 Emphasis added.
  11. I heard this talk the other day, and I really like the way Elder Scott explains, teaches as he shows the whole process of doing things, and in this case, showing us how to obtain help from the Lord. I guess I felt prompted to share this talk since I've noticed many people, many LDS members, who don't seem to understand or don't know how to do some basic things, including exercising faith, praying,... very basic topics. As I have been there myself (), and struggled to understandhow to do things, I felt the desire to share this with anyone who may want to learn and profit from it as well. I must tell you that I didn't read only one talk and that's it! I read & heard several talks about prayer, faith, trials, obedience, repentance, making decisions, Holy Ghost, guidance, Atonement, etc... I did an extensive research, studied them carefully (Often writing on a piece of paper the steps, thoughts, impressions... ), and prayed much to understand, and apply that in my life. In many instances, I waited, and waited, and waited... (great opportunity to develop patience and prepare myself), and am still waiting on some things while I continue to study the topics and wait on Him for understanding, answers, etc., do His will, obey His laws, etc... The only thing is the things I don't understand or have an answer yet, they do not interfere with my testimony of the gospel, and with so much more that I already have and know, so much more that He's given me!!! Many instances, He answered me immediately as well! I also prayed that I might recognize His answers... He also responded to that as I learned to be aware to "see' His hands and answers in all things, and as I did, I learned to thank Him for the smallest indication of His answers! I also learned that in my pride (resistance, stubborness with my own ideas, and trying to establish my own timing, and expecting an answer that I already had a defined opinion on it and resisted His will/explanations/answers in esence) did not help me to communicate and develop a relationship with my Heavenly Father. I prayed for the merciful gift of repentance, and only when I humbled myself and asked sincerely to understand His will, and committed myself to follow it no matter what it was, then our relationship changed, my prayers changed, answers, help, mercy, forgiveness... poured, and as I continue practicing the things I learned, and being humble, patient... I receive answers/help, etc... Some I was very happy with, and some I wished His will would be different, but as I continued to humble myself to accept and understand it, He also showed me in many different ways... and I know without doubt that He has my best interest in mind! I have learned what to ask for even though I share my desires with Him, but ALWAYS according to His will and timing even if I do not understand or have received no answer... It has been a blessing & miracle in itself that I have come to learn to behave this way since I used to be very stubborn! (And still trying to get rid of it as I continue to ask for His help) It takes practice to learn things. Similar to practicing a sport, to get better at it, we must practice spiritual principles as well; practice makes it perfect. The principle is the same regardless of the trial or whatever circumstances a person is in; it applies for all sort of troubles, issues, questions, problems... The principle is the same wether to obtain help for anything, to repent, understanding, wisdom, make correct choices, understand His teachings, prepare to receive blessings, to serve, magnify a calling, etc... I would like to share with you that I do know and testify that He does listen/hear our prayers, and does answers them! I sincerely hope this might help someone who struggles with prayer, faith, etc... whatever it might be. My heart goes out to you... I know what it feels like not understanding. Keep patiently trying, persevering, study His words & talks of His prophets and Apostles carefully, obey, change things if needed, follow them... I know that when we do His will, we obtain evidences, our faith and confidence increase, we qualify to receive answers, blessings, etc... If any other LDS has any uplifiting thoughts/ideas/talks to share about this, please do so! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK for complete talk: Obtaining Help from the Lord Elder Richard G. Scott Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Richard G. Scott, “Obtaining Help from the Lord,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 84 Life in today’s world can be at times so complicated and the challenges so overwhelming as to be beyond our individual capacity to resolve them. We all need help from the Lord. Yet there are many individuals who don’t know how to receive that help. They feel their urgent pleas for help have often gone unattended. How can that be when He Himself has said, “Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”? (D&C 4:7.) Such difficulty results either from not following His spiritual law for providing help or from not recognizing help when it comes. Well did James observe, “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss.” (James 4:3.) True, the Lord has said, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” (D&C 4:7.) But He also declared, “Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.” (D&C 9:7.) It is evident that He intends that we do our part. But what, specifically, are we to do? No one would expect to receive a result from physical law without obeying it. Spiritual law is the same. As much as we want help, we must expect to follow the spiritual law that controls that help. Spiritual law is not mysterious. It is something that we can understand. The scriptures define it in significant detail. I will cite key scriptures that teach how to ask for help, then summarize the spiritual law they clarify. The Savior declared, “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.” (D&C 82:10; italics added.) John taught, “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.” (1 Jn. 3:22; italics added.) Nephi counseled, “Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you.” (1 Ne. 15:11; italics added.) The Lord has the power to bless us at any time. Yet we see that to count on His help, we must consistently obey His commandments. Enos recorded, “I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it.” (Enos 1:15; italics added.) Mormon wrote, “Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.” (Morm. 9:21; italics added.) The Savior taught: “Remember that without faith you can do nothing; therefore ask in faith. Trifle not with these things; do not ask for that which you ought not.” (D&C 8:10; italics added.) “And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.” (3 Ne. 18:20; italics added.) “Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is expedient for you.” (D&C 88:64; italics added.) “If ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done. But know this, it shall be given you what you shall ask.” (D&C 50:29–30; italics added.) These teachings of Jesus Christ emphasize that it matters very much what we ask for and how we ask for it. I testify that when we seek His will and do it, we will obtain the greatest blessings in life. Sincere gratitude is fundamental, for “in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.” (D&C 59:21.) Now, to summarize, blessings come when we— Ask the Father in the name of Christ Diligently keep His commandments Ask with faith in Christ Ask for that which is right Harden not our hearts Express gratitude One way the Lord helps us is through priesthood blessings. When a worthy priesthood bearer is led to pronounce specific blessings, we can be greatly comforted. Yet there is no guarantee of outcome without effort on our part. Appropriate use of priesthood authority opens a channel of help where the outcome is consistent with the will of the Lord. The blessing resolves those things which are beyond our own capacity to influence either personally or with the help of others. Yet we must do our part for the blessing to be realized. We must strive to be worthy and to exercise the requisite faith to do what we are able. Where it is intended that others help, we must use that help also. It is through the combination of our doing what is within our power to accomplish and the power of the Lord that the blessing is realized. Once I was awakened by a call from an anxious mother. Her premature child was not expected to survive the night. She asked for a priesthood blessing. As I approached the suffering child, the mother stopped me, looked into my eyes, and asked, “Are you worthy to bless my child?” That was an appropriate question. One never feels completely worthy, but we must do our best to be so. There came a strong prompting to bless the child to recover. The worthy mother continued professional treatment and exercised her faith. The Lord responded with the additional blessing needed. And the child recovered. A relative asked Elder Spencer W. Kimball for a blessing to combat a crippling disease. For some time Elder Kimball prepared himself spiritually; then, fasting, he was prompted to bless her to be healed. Some weeks later she returned, angry and complaining that she was “fed up” with waiting for the Lord to give the promised relief. He responded: “Now I understand why you have not been blessed. You must be patient, do your part, and express gratitude for the smallest improvement noted.” She repented, followed scrupulously his counsel, and eventually was made well. It is a sobering responsibility for those who bear the priesthood to act as agents of the Lord to help those in need. That trust requires faith, worthiness, and a sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit to communicate the will of the Lord. Also, it is a sobering responsibility for those who receive a blessing to exercise faith, to express gratitude for every degree of improvement observed, and to do all within their power to resolve the need. Three years ago I met a young man who had been severely injured in an accident. The medical forecast was grim. If he survived, he could spend the rest of his life completely paralyzed. Recently I met him again. Through the priesthood, he had been blessed to gain the mobility needed to do all the Lord intended he do in life. He moved his electric cart near, shook my hand, sat upright, and broke into a broad grin. The room was charged with his invincible spirit. His faith—and incredibly hard, painful effort, sustained and magnified by the blessing of the Lord—has begun a miracle. With periodic help from loving friends, he is succeeding in a university and striving to progress to qualify to be a missionary. I know his continued effort will yield far greater improvement. In striking contrast, consider another man. His first comment to me was, “Why doesn’t the Lord give me a wife?” as though an eternal companion were a teddy bear to be acquired with no thought of her agency. As we spoke, it was obvious he was not doing the most fundamental things to qualify to find a wife. He admitted that maybe he should do something about his excessive weight, but that was hard. His clothes were slovenly and his body so neglected that it was difficult to stand near him. Clearly, he is not doing his part. Help from the Lord generally comes in increments. He can immediately cure serious illnesses or disabilities or even allow the dead to be raised. But the general pattern is that improvement comes in sequential steps. That plan gives us an opportunity to discover what the Lord expects us to learn. It requires our patience to recognize His timetable. It provides growth from our efforts and trust in Him and the opportunity to express gratitude for the help given. Often we have difficulty mastering lessons the Lord wants us to learn when things are going too well in our lives. When there is suffering or pain, we ask ourselves a lot of questions. Some of them ought to be: What does the Lord want me to learn from this experience? What do I need to do? What do I need to change? Whom do I need to serve? Or what characteristic must I improve? Pondering and prayer will help us understand what we are to learn from the challenges we are asked to overcome. Not all our prayers will be answered as we wish. It is not always easy to know the will of the Lord, yet there are some things we can be certain of. He will never ask us to do anything that is not completely in harmony with His teachings. We cannot count on help if we are immoral or otherwise deliberately disobedient unless we sincerely repent. One who prays to know if another is to be the eternal companion while violating in any degree the law of chastity has little hope of receiving confirmation without repentance. “For behold, the Lord hath said: I will not succor my people in the day of their transgression; but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them.” (Mosiah 7:29.) “But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, … he will … deliver you out of bondage.” (Mosiah 7:33.) Our earnest prayers are answered when they conform to the will of the Lord. Since we cannot perfectly understand His will, we must walk with faith. He is all-knowing, and His decisions are perfect. The fact that our finite capacity does not let us understand all of His dealings with man does not limit Him from blessing us. His will is our best choice in life, whether or not we fully understand it. When we act using our moral agency wisely, the Lord will act according to His will. We see such a limited part of the eternal plan He has fashioned for each one of us. Trust Him, even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. He may ask you to do things which are powerfully against your will. Exercise faith and say, Let Thy will be done. Such experiences, honorably met, prepare you and condition you for yet greater blessings. As your Father, His purpose is your eternal happiness, your continuing development, your increasing capacity. His desire is to share with you all that He has. The path you are to walk through life may be very different from others. You may not always know why He does what He does, but you can know that He is perfectly just and perfectly merciful. He would have you suffer no consequence, no challenge, endure no burden that is superfluous to your good. To gain unshakable faith in Jesus Christ is to flood your life with brilliant light. You are no longer alone to struggle with challenges you know you cannot resolve or control yourself, for He said, “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moro. 7:33; italics added.) If you are despondent, racked by transgression, are ill, alone, or desperately in need of comfort and support, I solemnly testify that the Lord will help you when you carefully obey the spiritual law upon which that help is predicated. He is your Father. You are His child. He loves you. He will never let you down. I know He will bless you. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Gospel topics: adversity, faith, obedience, prayer, spirituality
  12. Please, calm yourself down... Remember,... your Bishop is your friend, not an enemy. He's there to help you! I can understand your feelings, but you're still here, and seeking advice.... There's hope, there's ALWAYS hope!!! You're still here in this world! Even if you repeated the sin, DON"T GIVE UP!!! I can't stress enough how important it is for you to seek your Bishop immediately! Sister, you need a Priesthood blessing! Pray... talk to Father... He wants to hear from you... He wants also to help you... even if it's difficult to pray because of what happened,.... you must go to Him! He won't push you away... He would NEVER consider or call you an animal or disgusting.... you're a child of God; don't call yourselves those names. Please pray... and let it out to Him... seek your Bishop ASAP!
  13. In few words... and I also appreciated that very much. The only thing I can't still grasp is what I mentioned before, even though the person would say to another's face, going around spreading the news or their thoughts/opinions about the other person still feels like gossip to me... Anyone feels the same? Or can help me see another way? since we deal with people, I have felt impressed to learn how to better discriminate between discussing an issue that involves someone in order to help and gossiping... I'm really trying to learn the difference... and thank you for your inputs/thoughts/opinions!
  14. I don't think I'd considered it gossip this way. Your intent was to help, and sometimes, other people can be the better way.
  15. Authority - Look up Priesthood Scriptures: Topical Guide: Authority Ex. 3: 12 I have sent thee. Ex. 7: 2 speak all that I command thee. 2 Chr. 24: 19 he sent prophets to them. Isa. 6: 8 whom shall I send. Ezek. 2: 7 thou shalt speak my words. Matt. 8: 9 I am a man under authority. Matt. 10: 1 (Luke 9: 1) twelve disciples, he gave them power. Matt. 21: 23 by what authority doest thou. Mark 1: 22 taught them as one that had authority. Mark 13: 34 gave authority to his servants. Luke 19: 17 servant . . . have thou authority over ten. Luke 22: 29 Father hath appointed unto me. John 5: 27 authority to execute judgment. John 5: 43 come in my Father’s name. John 8: 28 I do nothing of myself, but as my Father. John 15: 16 not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you. John 20: 21 as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. Acts 13: 3 laid their hands on them, they sent them. Acts 14: 23 ordained them elders in every church. Eph. 4: 11 he gave some, apostles, and some, prophets. 1 Ne. 2: 22 be made a ruler and a teacher. 2 Ne. 5: 26 Nephi, did consecrate . . . that they should be priests and teachers. Mosiah 21: 33 none . . . that had authority from God. Alma 11: 2 judge executed authority. Alma 25: 5 usurped the power and authority over the Lamanites. Alma 49: 30 ordained by the holy order of God. 3 Ne. 18: 36 disciples whom he had chosen. Ether 12: 10 called after the holy order of God. D&C 18: 26 others who are called to declare. D&C 20: 2 Joseph Smith . . . called of God. D&C 25: 3 an elect lady, whom I have called. D&C 27: 8 that you might be called and ordained even as Aaron. D&C 42: 11 except he be ordained by some one who has authority. D&C 63: 62 use the name of the Lord . . . in vain, having not authority. D&C 68: 8 preach . . . acting in the authority. D&C 107: 8 Melchizedek Priesthood . . . has power and authority. D&C 112: 21 Twelve, duly recommended and authorized. D&C 113: 8 put on the authority of the priesthood. D&C 121: 39 as soon as they get a little authority. D&C 128: 9 men did in authority . . . it became a law. D&C 134: 10 religious society has authority to try men. Moses 8: 19 the Lord ordained Noah. Abr. 1: 3 conferred upon me from the fathers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Priesthood Authority - Topical Guide: Priesthood, Authority See also Called of God; Priesthood, Power of Ex. 18: 15 (1 Sam. 9: 9) people come unto me to enquire of God. Ex. 28: 41 consecrate them . . . that they may minister unto me in the priest’s office. Num. 1: 50 appoint the Levites over the tabernacle. Num. 16: 5 him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto him. Num. 27: 23 (Deut. 34: 9) laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge. 1 Sam. 2: 28 I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel. 1 Sam. 3: 20 Samuel was established to be a prophet. 2 Chr. 26: 18 It appertaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incense. Hag. 1: 12 Haggai the prophet, as the Lord their God had sent him. Matt. 16: 19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom. Mark 3: 14 he ordained twelve. Mark 11: 28 By what authority doest thou these things. Luke 9: 1 gave them power and authority over all devils. Luke 10: 1 Lord appointed other seventy. John 15: 16 I have chosen you, and ordained you. Acts 6: 6 (Acts 8: 18; Acts 13: 3; 1 Tim. 4: 14) apostles . . . laid their hands on them. Acts 10: 42 testify that it is he which was ordained of God. Gal. 1: 1 Paul, an apostle (not . . . by man, but by Jesus Christ). Titus 1: 5 ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed. Heb. 5: 4 he that is called of God, as was Aaron. 2 Ne. 5: 26 Nephi, did consecrate Jacob and Joseph. Mosiah 8: 16 man may have great power given him from God. Mosiah 18: 18 Alma, having authority from God. Mosiah 21: 33 none in the land that had authority from God. Mosiah 23: 17 none received authority to preach . . . except . . . from God. Alma 5: 3 Alma, having been consecrated by my father. Alma 13: 1 Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order. Alma 17: 3 they taught with power and authority of God. Hel. 10: 7 whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven. 3 Ne. 11: 25 Having authority given me of Jesus Christ. D&C 1: 4 my disciples, whom I have chosen. D&C 1: 38 by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants. D&C 5: 17 wait . . . for ye are not yet ordained. D&C 11: 15 not suppose that you are called to preach until you are called. D&C 13: 1 Upon you . . . I confer the priesthood of Aaron. D&C 27: 12 Peter, and James, and John . . . by whom I have ordained you. D&C 28: 3 declare . . . with power and authority unto the church. D&C 42: 11 not be given to anyone to go forth . . . except he be ordained. D&C 68: 8 acting in the authority which I have given you. D&C 84: 21 without . . . the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest. D&C 107: 8 Melchizedek Priesthood . . . has power and authority. D&C 113: 8 her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood. D&C 121: 36 rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven. D&C 132: 7 appointed . . . Joseph to hold this power. D&C 132: 46 whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name. Moses 1: 25 for they shall obey thy command as if thou wert God. JS-H 1: 68 a messenger from heaven . . . ordained us.
  16. Laying on of Hands - - Topic Definition - Laying On of Hands The laying on of hands is the procedure revealed by the Lord for performing many priesthood ordinances, such as confirmation, ordination, setting members apart to serve in callings, administering to the sick, and giving other priesthood blessings. Those having the proper priesthood authority place their hands upon the head of the person receiving the ordinance. In doing so, they serve as instruments through whom the Lord blesses His children. The procedure of laying on of hands has always been used by priesthood holders. Adam ordained his righteous male descendants by the laying on of hands (see D&C 107:40–50). When Jacob pronounced blessings on Ephraim and Manasseh, he laid his hands on their heads (see Genesis 48:14–19). Alma "ordained priests and elders, by laying on his hands according to the order of God" (Alma 6:1). The Apostles Peter and John bestowed the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (see Acts 8:14–17). In this dispensation, John the Baptist conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by the laying on of hands (see Joseph Smith—History 1:68–69). See also Holy Ghost; Priesthood —See True to the Faith (2004), 95 Scriptures: Topical Guide: Hands, Laying on of Gen. 48: 17 father laid his right hand upon the head. Ex. 29: 10 (Lev. 8: 14) sons shall put their hands upon the head. Lev. 1: 4 put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering. Lev. 16: 21 Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head. Num. 27: 23 he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge. Deut. 34: 9 Moses had laid his hands upon him. Matt. 9: 18 (Mark 5: 23) come and lay thy hand upon her. Matt. 19: 13 children, that he should put his hands on them. Mark 6: 5 (Luke 4: 40; Morm. 9: 24; D&C 66: 9) he laid his hands upon a few sick folk. Mark 7: 32 beseech him to put his hand upon him. Mark 8: 23 spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him. Mark 16: 18 (Morm. 9: 24) they shall lay hands on the sick. Luke 13: 13 he laid his hands on her . . . she was made straight. Acts 6: 6 (Acts 8: 17) apostles . . . laid their hands on them. Acts 9: 17 putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul. Acts 13: 3 had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands. Acts 28: 8 prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him. 1 Tim. 4: 14 gift . . . given . . . with the laying on of the hands. 1 Tim. 5: 22 Lay hands suddenly on no man. 2 Tim. 1: 6 gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. Heb. 6: 2 doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands. Alma 6: 1 ordained priests and elders, by laying on his hands. Alma 31: 36 clapped his hands upon them, they were filled. 3 Ne. 18: 36 touched with his hand the disciples. Moro. 2: 2 upon whom ye shall lay your hands. Moro. 3: 2 After they had prayed . . . they laid their hands upon them. D&C 20: 41 laying on of hands for the baptism of fire. D&C 20: 58 teachers nor deacons have authority to . . . lay on hands. D&C 20: 68 (D&C 33: 15) being confirmed by the laying on of the hands. D&C 20: 70 children . . . bring them unto the elders . . . to lay their hands upon them. D&C 25: 8 he shall lay his hands upon thee. D&C 35: 6 (D&C 39: 23; D&C 49: 14; D&C 53: 3; D&C 55: 1; D&C 68: 25; D&C 76: 52; A of F 4) receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands. D&C 36: 2 lay my hand upon you by the hand of . . . Sidney Rigdon. D&C 42: 44 elders . . . shall pray for and lay their hands upon them. D&C 52: 10 laying on of the hands by the water’s side. D&C 68: 21 lineage . . . ascertain it by revelation from the Lord under the hands of the . . . Presidency. D&C 84: 6 Priesthood which he received under the hand of . . . Jethro. D&C 107: 44 Enos was ordained . . . by the hand of Adam. D&C 107: 67 blessings upon the church, by the laying on of the hands. JS-H 1: 68 having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us.
  17. 2. Prophecy - - Topic Definition - Prophecy Inspired words of a prophet about a future event. Scriptures: - Topical Guide: Prophecy Ex. 4: 16 he shall be thy spokesman . . . instead of God. Ex. 7: 1 Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Num. 11: 29 would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets. 1 Sam. 10: 10 Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied. 2 Sam. 23: 2 Spirit of the Lord spake by me. Ezra 6: 14 they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai. Jer. 1: 9 I have put my words in thy mouth. Ezek. 3: 27 I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say. Joel 2: 28 (Acts 2: 17) sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Amos 2: 12 commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not. Amos 3: 7 he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 7: 15 Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy. Micah 2: 6 Prophesy ye not, say they to them that prophesy. Zech. 13: 3 shall thrust him through when he prophesieth. Matt. 7: 22 Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name. Matt. 11: 13 prophets and the law prophesied until John. Matt. 26: 68 (Mark 14: 65; Luke 22: 64) Prophesy unto us, thou Christ. Luke 1: 67 filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied. Rom. 12: 6 prophesy according to the proportion of faith. 1 Cor. 11: 4 Every man praying or prophesying. 1 Cor. 12: 10 working of miracles, to another prophecy. 1 Cor. 13: 2 though I have the gift of prophecy. 1 Cor. 13: 8 whether there be prophecies, they shall fail. 1 Cor. 14: 3 he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification. 1 Cor. 14: 5 I would . . . rather that ye prophesied. 1 Cor. 14: 22 prophesying serveth . . . for them which believe. 1 Thes. 5: 20 Despise not prophesyings. 1 Tim. 4: 14 gift . . . given thee by prophecy. 2 Pet. 1: 19 (D&C 131: 5) a more sure word of prophecy. 2 Pet. 1: 20 no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Pet. 1: 21 prophecy came not in old time by the will of man. Rev. 11: 3 my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy. Rev. 19: 10 testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 22: 18 heareth the words of the prophecy of this book. 1 Ne. 22: 2 by the Spirit are all things made known unto the prophets. 2 Ne. 25: 4 words of Isaiah . . . plain . . . with the spirit of prophecy. Jacob 4: 6 we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy. Alma 45: 9 what I prophesy unto thee shall not be made known, even until the prophecy is fulfilled. Morm. 8: 23 Search the prophecies of Isaiah. D&C 1: 38 whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants. D&C 11: 25 Deny not the spirit . . . of prophecy. D&C 20: 26 prophets, who spake as they were inspired by the . . . Holy Ghost. D&C 21: 5 his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth. D&C 46: 22 to others it is given to prophesy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inspiration - - Topic Definition - Inspiration Divine guidance that comes through the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Scriptures: - Topical Guide: Inspiration, Inspire 1 Kgs. 19: 12 after the fire a still small voice. Job 32: 8 inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Dan. 4: 18 spirit of the holy gods is in thee. Dan. 5: 11 a man . . . in whom is the spirit of the holy gods. John 16: 13 Spirit of truth . . . will guide you into all truth. 2 Tim. 3: 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Pet. 1: 21 holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 1 Ne. 4: 6 1 was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand. Enos 1: 10 voice of the Lord came into my mind. Jarom 1: 4 not stiffnecked . . . have communion with the Holy Spirit. 3 Ne. 6: 20 began to be men inspired from heaven. Moro. 7: 13 to do good, and to love God . . . is inspired of God. D&C 8: 2 I will tell you in your mind and in your heart. D&C 9: 8 if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn. D&C 11: 13 Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy. D&C 20: 11 (D&C 20: 26) God does inspire men and call them to his holy work. D&C 21: 2 Being inspired of the Holy Ghost to lay the foundation. D&C 43: 16 ye are to be taught from on high. D&C 85: 6 still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth. Moses 6: 5 as many as called upon God to write by the spirit of inspiration. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revelation - - Topic Definition - Revelation Revelation is communication from God to His children. This guidance comes through various channels according to the needs and circumstances of individuals, families, and the Church as a whole. When the Lord reveals His will to the Church, He speaks through His prophet. Prophets are the only people who can receive revelation for the Church, but they are not the only people who can receive revelation. According to our faithfulness, we can receive revelation to help us with our specific personal needs, responsibilities, and questions and to help us strengthen our testimony. Scriptures: - Topical Guide: Revelation Gen. 41: 39 God hath shewed thee all this. Deut. 8: 3 (Matt. 4: 4; D&C 98: 11) by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God doth man live. 1 Sam. 3: 1 in those days there was no open vision. 1 Kgs. 19: 12 after the fire a still small voice. Job 33: 14 God speaketh once, yea, twice. Prov. 29: 18 where there is no vision, the people perish. Dan. 2: 45 God hath made known to the king. Matt. 7: 7 (3 Ne. 14: 7) Ask, and it shall be given you. Matt. 11: 27 (Luke 10: 22) he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. John 10: 4 sheep follow him: for they know his voice. John 14: 21 I will . . . manifest myself to him. John 15: 15 all things . . . heard of my Father I have made known. John 16: 13 Spirit of truth . . . will shew you things to come. John 17: 8 given unto them the words which thou gavest me. 1 Cor. 12: 3 no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 14: 6 speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge. 2 Cor. 12: 1 I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. Gal. 1: 12 received it . . . by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Gal. 2: 2 I went up by revelation. Eph. 1: 17 God . . . may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Eph. 3: 3 by revelation he made known unto me the mystery. James 1: 5 lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all. 2 Pet. 1: 18 voice which came from heaven we heard. Rev. 1: 1 Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave. Rev. 4: 1 I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. 1 Ne. 4: 18 I did obey the voice of the Spirit. 1 Ne. 16: 9 voice of the Lord spake . . . by night. 2 Ne. 27: 7 revelation from God, from the beginning . . . to the ending. 2 Ne. 27: 11 (D&C 25: 9) all things shall be revealed. 2 Ne. 28: 30 I will give unto the children of men line upon line. 2 Ne. 32: 5 Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things. Enos 1: 5 there came a voice unto me, saying, Enos. Jarom 1: 4 have communion with the Holy Spirit. Omni 1: 25 believe in prophesying, and in revelations. Alma 5: 46 this is the spirit of revelation. Alma 17: 3 (Alma 4: 20) had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation. Hel. 5: 30 (D&C 85: 6) it was a still voice of perfect mildness. Morm. 8: 34 Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things. Morm. 9: 7 speak unto you who deny the revelations of God. Ether 3: 25 he showed unto the brother of Jared all. Ether 3: 27 show them in mine own due time. Moro. 7: 37 by faith that angels appear and minister unto men. Moro. 10: 4 manifest the truth . . . by the power of the Holy Ghost. D&C 1: 17 called upon . . . Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him. D&C 1: 38 my word . . . shall all be fulfilled. D&C 3: 4 although a man may have many revelations. D&C 8: 3 this is the spirit of revelation. D&C 9: 8 if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn. D&C 11: 25 Deny not the spirit of revelation. D&C 18: 35 it is my voice which speaketh. D&C 27: 1 Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ. D&C 28: 2 (D&C 43: 2) appointed to receive . . . revelations. D&C 42: 61 If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation. D&C 59: 4 crowned . . . with revelations. D&C 67: 11 no man has seen God . . . except quickened by the Spirit. D&C 68: 4 whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon . . . shall be the voice of the Lord. D&C 75: 1 (D&C 104: 36) speak even by the voice of my Spirit. D&C 76: 116 understood by . . . the Holy Spirit. D&C 82: 4 Ye call upon my name for revelations. D&C 88: 68 he will unveil his face. D&C 90: 14 revelations to unfold the mysteries. D&C 100: 11 shall be a revelator unto thee. D&C 102: 9 president of the church . . . is appointed by revelation. D&C 102: 23 president . . . obtain the mind of the Lord by revelation. D&C 107: 39 designated unto them by revelation. D&C 107: 92 to be a seer, a revelator. D&C 108: 2 resist no more my voice. D&C 121: 26 knowledge by his Holy Spirit. D&C 124: 125 Joseph to be . . . a revelator. D&C 130: 3 Father and the Son . . . a personal appearance. D&C 130: 13 voice declared to me, while I was praying. D&C 132: 7 revelation . . . through the medium of mine anointed. D&C 137: 7 came the voice of the Lord unto me. D&C 138: 11 eyes of my understanding were opened. Moses 7: 4 I will show unto thee the world. Moses 7: 54 show me these things. Moses 7: 67 Lord showed Enoch all things. JS-H 1: 17 when the light rested upon me I saw two Personages. JS-H 1: 21 no such things as visions or revelations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Guidance - Topical Guide: Guidance, Divine Holy Ghost - - Topic Definition - Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost or Gifts of the Spirit - - Topic Definition - Spiritual Gifts Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities given by God to His children through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gifts of the Spirit are given to bless and benefit those who love the Lord and seek to keep His commandments. (See D&C 46:9.)
  18. 1. Called of God: Topical Guide: Called of God Num. 27: 16 (15-20). 16 Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, Scriptures: Topical Guide: Called of God Ex. 3: 10 I will send thee unto Pharaoh. Ex. 28: 1 take thou unto thee Aaron. Ex. 40: 13 Aaron . . . anoint him, and sanctify him. Num. 27: 23 he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the Lord commanded. 1 Sam. 16: 3 (1 Sam. 16: 1-13) anoint unto me him whom I name. Jer. 1: 5 I ordained thee a prophet. Ezek. 2: 4 I do send thee unto them. Amos 7: 15 Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy. Matt. 4: 21 he saw . . . James . . . and John . . . and he called them. Luke 6: 13 called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve. Luke 10: 1 Lord appointed other seventy. John 15: 16 I have chosen you, and ordained you. Acts 1: 24 Lord . . . shew whether of these two thou hast chosen. Acts 6: 5 they chose Stephen, a man full of faith. Acts 9: 17 Jesus . . . hath sent me. Acts 13: 2 Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. 2 Cor. 10: 8 our authority, which the Lord hath given us. 1 Tim. 2: 7 I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle. Heb. 5: 4 no man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is called. 1 Ne. 2: 2 Lord commanded my father, even in a dream. Alma 13: 3 they . . . are called with a holy calling. 3 Ne. 12: 1 these twelve whom I have chosen. D&C 1: 17 (D&C 20: 2) Lord . . . called upon my servant Joseph Smith. D&C 9: 14 Stand fast in the work wherewith I have called you. D&C 20: 60 ordained according to the gifts and callings of God. D&C 42: 11 except he be ordained by some one who has authority. D&C 90: 11 through those who are ordained unto this power. JS-H 1: 28 by one who was called.
  19. Priesthood - - Topic Definition - Priesthood The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. Through the priesthood God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Through this power He redeems and exalts His children, bringing to pass "the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). God gives priesthood authority to worthy male members of the Church so they can act in His name for the salvation of His children. Priesthood holders can be authorized to preach the gospel, administer the ordinances of salvation, and govern the kingdom of God on the earth. I can't express how grateful I feel for the restoration of the Priesthood... and sincerely would like to thank all males who want and are, and keep themselves worthy to be a priesthood holder because so many of you have been an instrument in God's hand to bless me and my children. I humbly thank you and have the highest respect and appreciation for you and all that you do!
  20. I've been able to "see" His hand in my life like that, as well as my children's; it's just amazing, and I've really come to understand that His wisdom & timing are always much better... as of right now... I am just "waiting,..." and this "waiting" time, in His wisdom, is just giving me the opportunity to develop some very important things, and be prepared to face some things as well as receive some thigns... I'm just glad He helped me "see'' that. I love His wisdom, and how gentle, patient, merciful, kind, forgiving,... He is (can be) in His teachings with me as I pay attention, go to Him, and try to learn & do the things I need. There were many times He wasn't so gentle in His teachings with me, and I'm so glad He wasn't! It helped me to "see..." and increase my trust in Him! As I ponder these things... I'm filled with wonder and awe... He is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing that!
  21. I'm with Truegrits... I'd encourage him to resolve the issue with his mom; I feel it's awful for a child to feel that, and the other parent, who may be not aware, not have a chance to make it right. If once he talks to her, she doesn't acknowledge/validate her own son's feelings, then it's something between them, but at least she had a choice.
  22. I truly thank all of you who pinched in, and shared your perspectives, experiences, and views... It's helping me discern things better... I'll get back here later! I'm pondering some of this stuff and how that relates to some people. If you have more things to say... please go ahead! :-)
  23. I couldn't have said it better! Marital issues are sacred ground... and am very careful to say anything about it. I usually encourage the person to talk to their spouse; if they share some very personal things that I'm not part of, she/he should be able to talk about anything and deal with it. Sometimes they do need an outsider's perspective though, but usually listening only to one side, we'll never get the true picture and what both need to change or do.