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Everything posted by candyprpl

  1. Maybe he used the wrong questions -- like Ben said maybe a better question would have been, "What do you understand the Law of Chastity to be? The answer from this kind of question would have led to a more appropriate discussion and one that wouldn't have seemed creepy but helpful.
  2. You know there's no laugh button for this forum -- does that mean we're not suppose to laugh in Gospel discussion?
  3. That is a really cool timeline! Where did you get that. I would like to print it out and study it. This gives me more to think about.
  4. Why are you so sure that your YW leaders will have nothing but disrespect for you? I've heard your story and I don't have any disrespect for you. I see a young woman, that Heavenly Father loves, having a serious problem who needs some advice. As for you mom, I'm sorry she is so unavailable and I'm truely sorry that you are having to take care of your siblings. You sound very bitter -- could this be where a lot of your problems stem from?
  5. Elder StallionMcBeastly or would it be just Elder McBeastly -- either way, I like it:roflmbo: Anchorage -- wow! I just watched a show about living in Anchorage during the winters. They interviewed some scouts that were spending the night outside to get the 30 below badge -- survival skills. It was intense! You better look up those scouts and get some advice!
  6. Dear friends -- we're showing how old we are:p I'll bet there a lot of kids on this site that have no idea who Soupy Sales is/was. So sad:(
  7. How is it that you're in a ward for the deaf? I could see where that would be a huge barrier coupled with your feelings about your Bishop..... What about talking to you're YW president or counselors? What about talking to Mom? I know our children don't always feel comfortable talking to Mom -- that's why I suggested YW leaders. They may have some great advice for you and may be able to help you with your visit to the Bishop. I know when I was Activity Day Leader for primary that the girls would often talk to me about problems.
  8. I could see a possibility for shared copyright.
  9. Now back to a more serious side. What's going to be so different in those days that will make it easier for people to resist Satan? I kind of understand -- I guess I just wish we could all do it now. Maybe my faith is not strong enough. I don't know.......
  10. ABSOLUTELY!! Please send me a copy hot off the press. At least a seven day mini-series. Start shopping for a dress for the emmys!
  11. I haven't read all 21 pages of posts. I hate talking politics but I got this email from a cousin and I thought I would share it. Sit back and enjoy the story:popcorn: Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So, they created a night watchmen position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So, they created a planning department and hired tow people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies. Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So, they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One to do the studies and one to write the reports. Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So, they created the following positions, a time keeper and a payroll officer. Then Congress said, "Who will be accoutable for all of these people?" So, they created an administrative section and hired three people, and Adminstrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer and a Legal Secretary. Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $18,000 over budget, we must cutback overall cost." So, they laid off the night watchman. NOW slowly. Let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY? Anybody? Anthing? No? Didn't think so! Bottom line. We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency ... the reason for which not one person who reads this (except maybe Elphaba, LOL) can remember! Ready?? It was very simple ... and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate. THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WAS INSTITUTED ON 8-04-1977. TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. JIMMY CARTER WAS OUR PRESIDENT. Hey, pretty efficient, huh??? AND NOW, IT'S 2009 -- 32 YEARS LATER -- AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS "NECESSARY" DEPARTMENT IS AT $24.2 BILLION A YEAR. THEY HAVE 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND APPROXIMATELY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; AND LOOK AT THE JOB THEY HAVE DONE!! THIS IS WHERE YOU SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND SAY, "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" Ah, yes -- good ole bureaucracy. AND, NOW, WE ARE GOING TO TURN THE BANKING SYSTEM, HEALTH CARE AND THE AUTO INDUSTRY OVER TO THE SAME GOVERNMENT?
  12. I love inspiring movies and wouldn't these years on screen make a wonderful and inspiring movie! Any producers and directors out there? Ha!
  13. Yes, and misshalfway has already volunteered:D:lol:
  14. That's what I thought. :oHe seems on the loose right now:(
  15. Ahhhh shucks mam! Okay, but what makes me good? Oh, and by the way, you are so good that I'm still waiting on that book I said you should write!!
  16. I'm just glad that Christmas now has more meaning for me than just Santa Claus. When my kids grew up Christmas started having little meaning, because it was about Santa Claus, so what's the point. When grandkids started arriving, Santa Claus was reborn, so to speak, Ha. Now I get into the whole celebration of Christmas -- the true meaning of celebrating Christ our Lord. I try to get all my shopping done way before Christmas so I don't have to see the comercialization and hear the elevator songs. And people trying to be politically correct by saying Happy Holidays -- I still say Merry Christmas and will continue -- (from the movie, Dancing With Wolves) my name is also, 'stands with fists' I love putting up all my decorations a few days after Thanksgiving and they come down right after the first of Jan.
  17. I'm studying the Book of Mormon using the new Institute manuel -- which by the way is wonderful. While studying I came across something that has made me do a lot of thinking -- good:DHuh? Please, I want your thoughts. 1 Nephi 22:26 -- Nephi gave a very clear definition in scripture of how Satan is to be bound during the Millennium. Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote the following explanation concerning this important verse: "What does it mean to bind Satan? How is he bound? Our revelation says: 'And in that day Satan shall not have power to tempt any man.' (D&C 101:28.) Does this mean that power is withdrawn from Satan so that he can no longer entice men to do evil? Or does it mean that men no longer succomb to his enticements because their hearts are so set on righteousness that they refuse to farsake that which is good to follow him who is evil? Clearly it means the latter. Satan was not bound in heaven, in the very presence of God, in the sense that he was denied the right and power to preach false doctrine and to invite men to walk away from that God whose children they were; nay, in this sense, he could not have been bound in heaven, for even he must have his agency. "How, then, will Satan be bound during the Millennium? It will be the righteousness of the people" (The Millennial Messiah [1982], 668). Wow, there is so much in that statement! I'm really interested to know what thoughts you have about that verse and about Elder McConkie's statement. Thanks:D
  18. Now that we have answered the question of 'are there truely bad people.' How 'bout, like in the OP, are there truely good people. There is opposition in all things, so who are some truely good people? And what makes them 'truely good?'
  19. I live in the Tucson, AZ mission area. I live about three hours from Tucson in New Mexico and we have very pleasant temps here. In Phoenix IT DOES GET EXTREMELY HOT:o. CONGRATS!!!! Keep us posted!:)
  20. After I read this I quickly remembered my own situation. My two sisters have been members of the Church since in their teens -- they are ten and twelve years older than I. I was clearly the black sheep. I did things in my past that I'm so thankful for the atonement and that I've been forgiven. I truly believe that because I had the family I had who prayed for me constantly that I was able to hear the Holy Spirit speak to me sometimes. I'm thankful for Lehi and Nephi's life stories and that of Alma (both of them). And since being a member I've had times when I've strayed (just a little) and felt the Spirit withdraw but we know that feeling is a warning. I think the prayers of my family is why I was blessed with Heavenly messengers when I had finally been humbled enough to 'come unto him.'
  21. I'm glad you could read everyone's responses and still trust your Bishop! No offense anyone, but with very little info you sure went after that poor bishop. It's a very hard, uncomfortable conversation for everyone involved!!!
  22. Thanks dear friend! Things were a little crazy for a while and I needed a break.:)