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Everything posted by candyprpl

  1. (not sure if this is the right forum for my question???) My husband and I watched a documentary on Hitler a few months ago -- it was centered on all the failed assasination attempts. My husband and I tried to discuss why he was allowed(?) to escape these attempts -- how did this fit in God's plan? I'm just curious how some of you would answer this question. To some it might seem like Satan was more powerful than God or that God didn't really care about them who were suffering at the hands of Hitler and his followers.
  2. "What can you do to enhance your capacity to be led to correct decisions in your life? What are the principles upon which spiritual communication depends? What are the potential barriers to such communication that you need to avoid? President John Taylor wrote: 'Joseph Smith, upwards of forty years ago, said to me: "Brother Taylor, you have received the Holy Ghost now follow the influence of that Spirit, and it will lead you into all truth, until by and by, it will become in you a principle of revelation." Then he told me never to arise in the morning without bowing before the Lord, and dedicating myself to him during that day.' (The Gospel Kingdom, ed. G. Homer Durham[1943], 43-44)." Richard G. Scott, "To Acquire Spritual Guidance," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 6 Topics: Holy Ghost. I thought the first three questions were questions that need answers. I've thought about my answers. I'm interested in how anyone who reads this post would answer those questions.:)
  3. So exciting!!! I was baptized Dec. 12, 2004. Truly the best decision I've ever made! I love the gospel! It's nice to know that when times are tough we are not alone -- we have the gift of the Holy Ghost to comfort us and many earthly angels to help us through everything.
  4. I just read the latest journal update. So sorry to hear of his passing. Like his mother wrote, I'm also thankful to know of Heavenly Father's plan and to know that we can be an eternal family. I know Peyton is being taken care of loving family members that have gone before him. God Bless Peyton's family and all those who knew him personally.
  5. I agree with all that's been said. I can sit here in my comfy clothes, slippers, no makeup, hair a mess and have plenty of time to think of an answer or to find a quote I want to share. I love reading the thoughts of others. It's true, because of the annonamous nature people do open up a little more. I've never liked talking on the phone but this seems to suit my needs for conversations. I love facebook where I can keep in touch with my good friends and family.
  6. Usually I do the same but I'm a die-hard fan of The Who. The half-time shows, I think, are nothing to get excited about and I'll probably be disappointed^_^ oh well.
  7. I've been reading his journal -- I'm sorry to hear he's going down hill so fast. I will pray that all will go well for his baptism. What an amazing family!
  8. THAT'S ME PAM!!!! -- how did you get my picture?
  9. I'm a Who fan -- never wanted to go near New York until "Tommy" was on Broadway -- I went -- fabulous show!!! Okay, they're old, so what, me too, I'll wheel up to my TV -- gotta get close so I can see and I'll put my blanket across my lap and rock out! LOL!!!!
  10. There are ways to get to know the kids on Sunday -- talk to them in the hallway, outside before or after. I learned a lot about my kids just by visiting with them a little. Kids are very open and love to talk about their interests -- that in itself wins points and helps you know how to relate to them. Having a relationship with these kids is the bottom line to being an effective teacher. I have mixed feelings about having parents in the classroom. Yes, the kids are quiet but they also don't want to participate as much in the discussion. Sometimes I would have my husband come and help me with the boys -- I would just introduce him as 'having the priesthood visit today', so no one felt fingured out. I don't know -- it's trial and error.
  11. I had a biology teacher in College say this about evolution -- he said he was raised Catholic and believed in Adam and Eve and the creation, and I will teach you about evolution. He then said, 'what I believe is that if evolution as it is taught is true then God created evolution.'
  12. I taught this age group also -- my very first calling in fact -- talk about being stretched! Yes, the boys are the worst and sometimes the girls would rather whisper to eachother which is still not good. I was excited about teaching the gospel and I wanted them to learn. I often used the fact that I was a new member and that they knew more than me. They liked the fact that they were smarter than the teacher -- and so I would play on that and get them to teach the lesson (with guidance, of course). It didn't always work but it did settle them down most of the time. The other thing I would do is focus on the purpose of the lesson as stated in the manuel. I would write that on the board and throughout the lesson ask them if we were understanding the purpose. At the beginning of class I would put some of the scriptures on the board for them to look up -- I would ask them questions about the scriptures, "what principle is being taught" "how can you apply this in your life" etc. I would give them paper and pencil to write their answers. This worked to quiet them down and invite the Spirit. Then we would go over everyone's answers (if they didn't want to share, I would have them hand it to me to read to myself). Most of the lesson and purpose would be realized in those few minutes. I also tried to use a lot of visual aids -- thank goodness for computers and printers! I had a couple of the kids who were very difficult -- it amazed me when I would have them come sit beside me and help with the lesson, that would be the thing that worked. I used hangman this way -- 'if you're quiet and we get through the lesson, then we'll play hangman.' Worked! (a good part of the time) I found that giving them activities that apply to the lesson works well. And last but not least -- some days, nothing works -- thank goodness class time is short! I agree with Ram -- get to know the kids individually -- it will help with how to teach each of them.
  13. Elph -- I'm sorry -- no link -- I read it in the LDSLiving mag that I get every two months. It was just a short article and so I wrote what it said.
  14. Yeah thought of all that -- still don't see a Nobel prize winner in the making.
  15. I'm in the primary presidency -- the three of us are divided between the nursery, junior and senior primary. If a teacher or helper doesn't show up we (primary presidency) fill in. In the case of the nursery, the president fills in and I know if we had this problem in our ward, she would go and be with that particular child. We have a small ward attendance also and we have those who don't want to work in the nursery also, however, I still don't understand why this can't be worked out to everyone's benefit. After reading all the posts -- I still didn't see anything mentioned about talking to the primary president. This is her stewardship!
  16. Wow -- okay maybe I don't get the significance of this invention. I read the article -- but it's really more important than some of the others? Please inform me if my ignorance is showing.
  17. Blessings: 1. being alive 2. having an eternal companion 3. my entire family! 4. my ward family -- the best ward in the world (ha!) 5. my calling in primary 6. in these days -- my husband having work 7. my animals -- horses and dogs 8. etc. 9. latest blessing -- the other day I found a friend through facebook. We grew up on the same street and he was my best friend when we were kids. We would stay in touch as we went about our separate lives but then we did lose touch. The last time I talked to him was about 8 years ago until I was able to locate him on facebook. I sent him a message and waited and waited and waited and then day before yesterday I got a message from him. I was soooooo excited, but, when I read the message it was from his wife who informed me that he had died unexpectantly this last May. It saddened me so much. On his facebook page his wife and kids had posted lots of pictures and so I got to see his life that I had missed. I'm thankful for that -- I saw how happy he had been and the love he had for his wife, kids and grandkids. But I was most thankful for the gospel in my life that told me exactly where he is now!
  18. Don't you just love irony!
  19. I'm Christian and I want to say Merry Christmas becasue that is the holiday I celebrate -- not to offend anyone who doesn't celebrate Christ's birth. I'm not offended when someone says Happy Hannukah because they are Jewish and that is what they celebrate this time of year and I'm not offended if someone tells me Happy Holidays because they just like the season. What doesn rankle me a little is someone telling me to say Happy Holidays because I might exclude or offend some people. Sorry, that's just my thought.
  20. On Oprah the other day (I don't usually watch her show) -- I caught the last little part of her show talking about the internet porn industry. And the part I caught was a therapist explaining to Oprah the difference between eroticism and porn -- bottom line of her explanation -- eroticism being less addictive or bad but healthy -- healthy!!!!!. Her explanation left me dumbfounded -- what difference! -- it's bad no matter how you label it.
  21. On Oct. 1, Elizabeth Smart testified against her accused kidnapper, Brian David Mitchell, during a competency hearing, providing several details about her nine months in captivity. Remaining calm and composed throughout her entire testimony, Smart described Mitchell as "smart," "evil," "manipulative," and "not close to God." Mitchell was not in the courtroom while she testified but watched the proceedings via audio/video feed. Smart's testimony is critical to the federal case against Mitchell because he has twice been found incompetent for trial in Utah state court. Her testimony will be used during Mitchell's federal competency hearing on Nov. 30. Smart will not be present for that hearing because she will be entering the Missionary Training Center in mid-November to prepare for a mission in Paris, France. (article in LDSLiving). Just thought I would share this article -- when I read it last night all I could say was, 'WOW, you go girl!'
  22. Done! I'm going to put it on my facebook wall as well!