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Everything posted by candyprpl

  1. A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss. "Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response." That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens." Then in a normal tone he asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?" No response. So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no response. Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Again no response. So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Again there is no response. So he walks right up behind her, "Honey, what's for dinner?" (I just love this) Ralph, for THE FIFTH TIME, CHICKEN!"
  2. Great video!!! I wish they all could come home!
  3. HiJolly -- I kind of see it that way also. I can't exactly back this up with scripture but the little understanding that I have of the millennium seems to suggests this.
  4. I haven't read all the posts but I received this as an email and thought it was incredible. It's not a solution for stopping the leak but for the clean up and it's impressive. Cool solution to clean up oil disaster.
  5. Well ssv I didn't realize the posts were old until you mentioned it. But I was having a problem with my pc and thought I would see what this was all about. My problem and maybe you can help -- I want to burn a cd using iTunes and it wants to use driver E:PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8801 and my driver letter is D: In troubleshooting (after many hours of trying all kinds of things) it showed me how to change the driver letter -- the problem, the letter E is not an option. I haven't tried burning a cd in quite some time but I have done it in the past with no problems. I don't know if it's a Windows issue or my computer -- who do I go to for support -- both seem hard to get a hold of -- and my computer is no longer under warranty -- that's why I'm trying to fix this myself.
  6. My kids loved The Wizard of Oz and whenever we went on a trip -- no place in particular.... "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!" and, we went camping a lot, soooo "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
  7. Nemo -- call the missionaries.
  8. How 'bout the ppl who leave right after sacrament and then complain that they don't feel like they are being fellowshipped? Or the child that is going to be turning 8 soon but never gets to go to primary? I guess this is the other side of the coin. I can see that maybe sometimes poorly taught second and third hours might play a role in declining sacrament attendance -- but the bottom line on that (IMO) is the person who is falling away is the one losing out. I know, easy answer. If auxiliary leaders/teachers would embrace, magnify their callings --everyone would be engaged in doing the Lord's work. And it's not about blame, it's about personal responsibility -- what's my attitude?
  9. No it doesn't work -- too bad.
  10. Be Still, My Soul Artists: Eclipse Album: I Know He Lives I don't know if this will work? It's the most beautiful rendition of this song I have ever heard! (If this doesn't work -- go to iTunes and listen -- it's awesome!):)
  11. candyprpl

    Police dog

    Lets seems one is disguised as a gingerbread person:D:lol:
  12. candyprpl

    Police dog

    YouTube - MtnMovieman's Channel I'm a dog lover and I loved this story.:)
  13. I had the opposite happen to me, but similar feelings. I didn't decide to join the church until I was 50 (now a member going on 6 years) -- I have two grown children, a son and a daughter. I was nervous telling them! I can see how it's more frightening for you as a person who still needs parents in their lives and would hate to do anything that might damage those ties. But, I know how much our Father in Heaven loves you and He will not let you go through this without guidance, if you ask of Him. This experience can be something that will help your faith grow. Only you know how to approach your parents but if you pray for guidance, I KNOW Heavenly Father will help you. It surprised me that both my children were a little disturbed (for lack of a better word) by my becoming 'Mormon' but as time has gone by they have seen me grow in the gospel and love seeing me so happy. Maybe, your parents will react in a similar manner. My kids still aren't interested, but that's okay -- they're happy for me and that I appreciate.
  14. After baptism, I was still having so many struggles with life -- depression -- the Bishop and RS Pres. were AWESOME! It strengthened my testimony that this is the true church!
  15. Bill was short of money and was out looking for a job. Pastor Nelson offered Bill $500 to buy paint and paint the church. Well Bill went and bought some paint and started painting the church. He discovered that he was using more paint than he expected so he added some thinner to the paint. Well it still covered but not as well as it did at first. He was still using more paint than he wanted to use so he added still more thinner to the paint. Well, the paint was too thin to cover well but Bill still kept on painting. All of the sudden there was a bolt of lightning and a loud voice from the sky proclaiming, "Repaint and thin no more!"
  16. BYU Broadcasting - BYU Women's Conference I was at the 2007 conference and was so touched by the talk given by Brad and (his daughter) Wendee Wilcox. It may help you. (when you get to the sight just click on the year 2007 and go to the second page.)
  17. I just taught this in primary last week. I like Howard W. Hunter, The Teachings of Howard W. Hunter, p.191 The Apostasy and the Restoration. I also stressed Ephesians 2:20 and Ephesians 4:11-13
  18. I know this is off topic but I can't help myself. I also thought that maybe I should just send an IM but again thought, maybe others should know this too. I am a survivor off child sexual abuse by a neighbor from age 8-11 and then when I was 14 I was raped by my guidance counselor. I struggled many years, as you can imagine. Nightmares led to suicide attempts when I got older, etc. etc. When I was preparing for baptism the verse in Matthew (and there are other verses in both the Bible and The BoM) that instruct us we must forgive. All I could think of was how those two men had ruined my life and didn't deserve forgiveness!! I talked to the missionary who was teaching me -- I told him how much I was struggling with this. I didn't see how I could ask for forgiveness and enter the baptismal waters if I was unwilling to forgive. He told me to fast and pray and if I still was having problems he would set up an appointment with the Mission president. I had come to know the Relief Society pres and I called her and asked if I could visit with her about something. After I explained everything she gave me her quad and showed me how to use the Bible Dictionary and the Topical Guide. I took her scriptures home and started my fast. I read scriptures most of that day and way into the night, and prayed that I would find an answer. I'll tell you right now that the answer I was hoping for was that I didn't need to forgive these men. When I finally exhausted myself with reading I knelt at my bed and cried and prayed -- I felt like such a child -- the child that had been molested. I actually cried myself to sleep that night. Never in my life had I had such a peaceful sleep! The next morning I was filled with peace and knew that I had forgiven them. I understood the Atonement! The Atonement HAD HEALED ME! I didn't need to have that anger and hurt in my life anymore. No, I haven't forgotten what happened to me but I do find great comfort in knowing that God knows what happened to me. If those men came and sat in the temple I would think two things: 1. If they are worthy to be here -- wow -- the repentance process they had to go through must have been so hard. 2. If they are here under false pretenses -- so, so very sad and then I would pray for them. I'm not trying to sound like a goody two-shoes -- my message is that I KNOW that the Atonement heals and if we believe that, what comfort is available to us.
  19. I'm one of those ones who loves it once I'm there but hates getting there. Right now, the nearest temple is 5 hours away but in just a few short weeks we'll have a new temple that is only 2 hours away. We are so excited! I love being in the temple -- the peace and calm that comes over me is felt in no other place. I love the mountains and being in the woods because of the peace I feel but when I finally got to go in the temple and really feel the closeness to my Heavenly Father, the woods/mountains became second best. Even when something is wonderful, we can be slow to partake. I'm glad, PC, that you got to go to an open house!
  20. Yes, you will stay in my prayers. I agree -- journal/document EVERYTHING. I know it's hard to understand why we have to go through trials like these and especially when it involves our innocent children. Try and do whatever you can to strengthen your faith and your children's faith -- read scriptures and pray together often. Sometimes that is all we can do -- the whys of these situations can only give way for Satan to put doubt in your mind -- a very scary thought. Also, try and connect with others who have gone through divorces with kids involved -- that kind of support is invaluable. Talk to your Bishop and if you have a LDS counselor in your Stake, they can help with you and the children. I wouldn't mention it to your husband, obviously. And again, even when you don't feel like it, read your scriptures and pray -- now is not the time to distance yourself from Heavenly Father. Christ's Atonement proves he loves you and knows your pain and He wants to help you through this. Love, Candace
  21. I sometimes worry about these posts too BUT I've come to the conclusion that if people are seeking the 'truth' it's probably not going matter what we say. The 'truth' comes from prayer and studying the scriptures and asking by the power of the Holy Ghost what is true. We are human striving to be like Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father -- we make mistakes and it's nice to know we're not alone in our struggles. I don't believe anyone should join a church, any church thinking that now they won't have any worries. I hope investigators who are looking to know will see these posts as real people who are trying to live the gospel, sometimes failing but none the less, doing their best to live Christlike lives. And if they see us struggle with our testimonies at times and think that that is a reason to not join......well.......they haven't searched their own hearts and asked for truth.