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Everything posted by Wingnut

  1. You know you're online too much when you start calling your spouse by their screen name.
  2. I don't think we needed a whole forum about Prop 8, but that's partly because I'm sick of hearing about it. In that case, people just kept starting new thread after new thread on it, instead of continuing to post on an existing thread. What I DO think would be useful is a forum dedicated entirely to political issues.
  3. Even though there have been homosexual contestants??
  4. I hope you didn't start crying and smudge your mascara. Actually, I think it's funny how we remember the insignificant side-happenings of important spiritual moments in our lives.
  5. Ben, you took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to quote that very scripture in D&C: It immediately came to mind because it was once shared with me when I wondered if I had a testimony. I also echo the sentiment of not going on a mission just for the sake of going, because you're expected to do so. If you feel the need to wait a year or two, do it. You can still go up to your 26th birthday (unless that cutoff has changed in the last few years). One more thing I'd like to add: just because you aren't comfortable saying "I know..." doesn't mean you don't have a testimony. There are many levels of testimony. There is "I hope it's true," there is "I think it's true," there is "I believe it's true," and there is "I know it's true." I didn't have the "I know..." moment about the Book of Mormon until I was partway through my mission. I never had the "moment" about the Church in general. I just kind-of always knew, and after questioning and getting nowhere, I gave up and realized that I just knew. You may find the same. You may not. But don't be afraid to be comfortable with "I believe..."
  6. Racquetball current World Series: Phillies or Rays?
  7. Yes... Yes, but those forums already exist. :)
  8. Whew! We can still be friends. :) (next person can pick on football...I really don't care)
  9. Then I guess I vote no, on the basis that it doesn't seem like we need a whole forum to do that when one or two threads should be sufficient. I know there will be many who disagree with me.
  10. chicken Red Sox or Yankees?
  11. Ask and ye shall receive: Preserve Marriage - Yes on Prop 8 - LDS Mormon Forums
  12. Could you elaborate on your idea a little more? I'm not sure how to vote unless I know what you have in mind. Are you talking about a discussion area specifically geared toward "gaming" or are you talking about free fun little flash games? Or something totally different?
  13. They also wanted to keep government out of religion. That was the point. They didn't like being forced to be part of the Church of England, which the government mandated.
  14. Yes, I do. I'm just trying to make a point. :) That was my point.
  15. There are "fanatical mormons" everywhere, just as there are non-judgmental members of the Church everywhere. You said it best: "If you are looking for the bad you will find it."
  16. I disagree with you. Obviously you have no understanding of what the OP was trying to say.
  17. Ironically, you don't have to pay for House. Since it airs on Fox, all you need is an antenna and a television (neither of which can be blamed), since the airwaves are free. "House" episodes that include topics of questionable morality: 1.11: Detox (teenage sex scene opens the episode) 1.13: Cursed (children playing with a Ouija board) 1.15: Mob Rules (male homosexual patient) 1.19: Kids (teen pregnancy) 2.7: Hunting (male homosexual patient) 2:14: Sex Kills (marital infidelity, STDs, incest) 2:15: Clueless (swingers...not of the dancing variety) 2:18: Sleeping Dogs Lie (two lesbians characters (including one scene of them in bed), teenage birth control usage) 2:24: No Reason (exceptional levels of graphic gore, murder) 3.18: Airborne (intentionally casual sex) 4.4: Guardian Angels (rape) 4.9: Games (drug use) 4.12: Don't Ever Change (this is where it is first suggested that Thirteen is bisexual) 4.15: House's Head (in one of House's weird dreams, Cuddy is dressed as a sexy school girl and does a pole dance) 4.16: Wilson's Heart (more infidelity...okay not really, but the suggestion and implication of it) 5.3: Adverse Events (an artist does a nude painting of a woman, whose body we are shown during the sitting) This is by no means a comprehensive list. It doesn't include any episode where House send the fellows search a patient's home involves illegal activity (trespassing, breaking and entering) or any of numerous episodes include drug use and/or references. My point is this: If you are so indignant about the inappropriateness of last night's episode, it's a wonder you ever watched more than 10 episodes of the show to begin with.
  18. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy partway into the first season, when it seemed like it was just all sex all the time. I didn't even know that they'd brought homosexuality into it by now. I'll repeat what I said before. I think it's just a fact of life. I don't think it has anything to do with "doctor shows." The L Word, Friends, Will & Grace, Ellen, Law & Order, The Office, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Sisters, Ugly Betty, and countless other are all examples of shows in the last 20 years that have had homosexual characters or have dabbled in it, at the very least. This doesn't even include reality shows that have homosexual contestants, or shows that have actors that are homosexual in their personal lives. Also to reiterate, I don't mean to say that you should let your children watch anything and everything because they'll see it in their everyday life anyway, but rather to teach them about it in an appropriate manner (the same way you would about blatant heterosexual sexuality in the media).
  19. Not that he has to...have we all missed Dr. Cuddy's jackets? I think she's missing a blouse underneath them. I didn't watch tonight's episode (I will later online), but the fact is, lesbianism and homosexuality are real. Your kids will begin to see it more frequently in their everyday lives. There is no need to shelter them from it, only to teach them (in an appropriate setting) whatever you want them to know about it. But really, you can't hide it from them (or them from it) forever. (Disclaimer: No, I'm not advocating that homosexuality be blatantly advertised to children either. There's just no reason to hide it.)
  20. A visit to the medical doctor is definitely in order, and it might be beneficial to visit together, to ensure that the issue does in fact get brought up. Another step (if there seems to be no medical/physical issue) is to visit a sex therapist.
  21. If there's any way she can move out of your parents' home while you're gone, that would be good too. That way she doesn't feel obligated to stick around if she feels otherwise.
  22. These are the closest I can find to someone sticking out their tongue and going "Tttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhppppppppppppppttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  23. To argue with no one in particular (and basically everyone in general), I think that it's unrealistic to "never quarrel" with one's spouse (or to expect not to). This doesn't mean that everyone has huge big fights frequently, but I just don't think it's realistic that you will never disagree about and discuss something. To me, the word "quarrel" denotes a somewhat minor disagreement (but still of some significance...maybe what color to paint a room or something), not a huge life thing (where to move, whether or not to have another child). In the real world, it just happens.