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Everything posted by Wingnut

  1. I don't disagree, but I think that both sides of that are important...keep the church out of the state and keep the state out of the church. Both function at their best levels that way.
  2. I finally finished this reading assignment last night (a little behind schedule, but I'll over-compensate eventually). As I read chapter 16, I just became increasingly annoyed with L&L. They're so whiny!! And why is Nephi the only one who can hunt? Why are they sitting around on their butts complaining, instead of out hunting or doing something? I did find it funny, though, in verse 21, that Nephi says "...I, Nephi, having been afflicted with my brethren..." And later (verses 37-38)...why is the only solution L&L can come up with always "let's kill dad, oh, and our brother while we're at it!"? Is that really the first thing that always came up? I suppose that technically, we're reading a biased account, because Nephi is writing it, not L&L, but still... Okay, moving on (breathe...) to chapter 17 and ship building. First of all, I don't think I'd ever try to cross an ocean in a ship that I built. Let me just state that for the record. I'm impressed that when the Lord commands Nephi to build the ship, the first thing Nephi says is "where do I find ore to make tools with?" It's not "I don't know how" or even "but I don't have tools." It's part of the "go and do" mentality. In this chapter (at least in verses 17-18), I can sympathize with L&L. If my brother started to build a ship while we were all camping on the beach, I would definitely think he'd gone waaaay off the deep end (no pun intended). As I read the rest of chapter 17, I can't help thinking that Nephi must get really annoyed at having to stop an explain things to L&L all the time. He can't just start a job and finish it, because he's constantly having to put those two in their place. Verse 50 reminded me of a CD that I have that I absolutely love. It's right out of the Book of's called From Cumorah's Hill. Chapter 18 -- again, what's with all the violence? And the stupidity?
  3. This is the kind I have: K-Tec / BlendTec Kitchen Millâ„¢ Wheat Grinder My MIL gave it to us for our wedding...she's got the same kind as has used it for years. I know several people who have this one, including my ward Relief Society.
  4. Is it really called the Sacrament of Reconciliation now? I think that's very interesting. I have a historical note in my scriptures about that word: "Atonement," a made-up old English word, was taken from a Greek word for "reconciliation." To break down reconciliation, it means "to be united with," "to be seated with," or "to come back to a relationship after a period of separation." Just wanted to share.
  5. Hey everyone, Sorry I'm so late getting this week's assignment out. I just barely got it last night myself from my own coordinator. Anyway, I'm excited for this week's assignment. 2 Nephi 2 and 9 are both great chapters! This should take us through Sunday (according to my friend), and hopefully we can get back on track then. Pam, can you make this a sticky post like the other one please? Thanks! Oh and if you're not sure what "100 Days" has to do with anything, see this thread:
  6. REPENT, for the end is coming! :) Actually, I started a blog a little over a year ago, because I enjoy writing and I have family spread out all over the place, and thought it would be a good medium for keeping in touch, since I was newly pregnant. Turns out a bunch of women in my ward all started blogs within about a month. So I jumped on a bandwagon without realizing it. That bugs me a little, because I don't like being a bandwagoner, but I really love blogging.
  7. I should be getting a new "assignment" tomorrow morning. I thought it was goign to be today, but I haven't gotten it yet. I'll let you know when I do. I just finished reading 1 Nephi 15, and I was tickled when I read verse 13: I served a Spanish speaking mission in California, and taught primarily Latin Americans. I was part of the fulfillment of that prophecy! That just tickled me when I read it.
  8. You've probably heard it before, but you don't have to read the whole thing to find out if it's true or not. Not that I discourage reading the whole thing. Of what are you terrified?
  9. (wow...I must have been on the wrong page when I posted my last response) hair
  10. I just write in a Word document, nothing fancy. However, since I am a Mormon Mom, I know that the 11th commandment is "Thou shalt blog" so I have left off journaling somewhat since I started blogging. It's still a personal history, just not as deep.
  11. Thank you so much for sharing...what a wonderful experience. I grew up in the Church, and for many many years just went along with everything without finding out for myself. I learned the song "I Am A Child of God" when I was 3, but didn't gain a testimony of that principle until I was 21. As a teenager I never felt the need to ask if it was true, because I believed and that was enough for me at the time. I once talked to my Seminary teacher about it, and asked if I needed to have a "special" experience. He shared a scripture with me from Doctrine and Covenants 46. For some people the testimony is just there. It's a gift of the Spirit. There is another quote I came across years later in Institute that also fits your situation well. It's from a talk by President Benson called A Mighty Change of Heart. Now this speaks specifically of repentance, but I think it can apply to testimony and conversion in general. Even though it seemed anti-climactic to you, this definitely sounds like an answer to prayer and a testimony experience. Write about it in your journal while it's still fresh, so that you can go back and read it years from now, and have the same fresh feelings come back when you may need them.
  12. Keeping the Church out of the State is what keeps the State out of the Church, which is just as important, and was just as big a concern to the founding fathers.
  13. And just because I feel like being funny, how about Isabel the harlot? We got some good teaching chapters because of her, didn't we?
  14. I was thinking these women, but for a different reason. Nephi's wife (more than once I believe) prevailed upon his brothers not to kill him, and the other daughters of Ishmael helped out there too.
  15. Thank you John! I have for years been seeking to know the mind and the will of the Lord on this matter. I actually have several other questions as well. Since you are obviously on the inside track, would you mind helping me out?
  16. Bueller (I'm not sure how I made that jump, but i did)
  17. Deacons and teachers and priests...oh my! (BTW, Doctrine and Covenants 20 is probably the first place you want to look.)