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Everything posted by rastler00

  1. How do you handle it in another country where they don't have the American rating system?
  2. It wouldn't work.... us evil folk are beyond repair.
  3. Lincoln and Washington. Jesus would be cool but I wouldn't understand his language.
  4. If you want to join a religion, and they say no coffee, and a couple of other things.... then that is the way it is. You can rationalize it. People can tell you it is the "tannin" that is bad. That this tea is good and that tea is bad.... and it may not make sense. This drug is good and that drug is bad.... and that may not make sense..... and any one of a thousand variations of all of that. But, if you believe in the religion, that is all chump change compared to the core belief. None of that stuff is abuse, or unrighteouse dominion. It is just part of what makes up the faith. There are a lot of religions with similar type things.
  5. That's nice that you do personally, but I was really wondering how the Article of Faith applied. :)
  6. How does this apply to people who are athiests?
  7. Perhaps.... but there are many different kinds of faith. Some of it I do not view as particularly constructive. Something which disputes the science that we are using to communicate at this very moment is one of those things. FWIW, that I was even able to be part of the Church for a time was because I found a discussion board of LDS scientists. I just lurked there because they were actual professional scientists and while I like science, I was out of my league. Anyhow, they accepted the same science I am talking about. But they were also born and raised in the church, so they could seperate the two.... things like this 'against the accepted science; stuff annoyed them though. Being non-religious for most of my life, the cognative dissonance was just too much, even though I knew there were others out there who accepted the science (some on this thread as well). For me it wasn't that big of a deal in any event. Don't get me wrong, I am not slamming the LDS in general..... there 'are' lots of really wonderful people in this faith - especially in the area I live in. They still come by and visit occasionally - probably more for my daughter than me. Oh, and we went through Utah several times in the past year, and everytime I needed help or information, Utah was the best out of all the states we travelled through. The campgrounds we stayed at were the friendliest as well.
  8. That is a supportable position in general. But to believe in something like a literal flood 4000 years ago pretty much disputes all the legitimate science taught in the schools and colleges. The insistance of such beliefs - which are about as far from generally accepted science as possible - is what had me orginally leave religion as a teen (long time ago), as well as had me stop any activity within this religion (my last attempt at religion - about a decade ago) - even though I rather enjoyed the fellowship part of it. That's just me though. :)
  9. I am kind of like that too. I am getting on in years and just "punching my ticket" now. My time of "grand ideas to change the world" is gone now. :)
  10. Exactly - I believe in UFO's, I see stuff all the time I cannot identify. As far as alien visits and so forth..... I doubt it.
  11. You try to instill in your child (or children) certain values, but you often don't really know if they take hold until tested. My kid got a trial by fire today - literally. Part one: We live against a canal. Above my neighbors house - which is close to our house - has a lot of brush. Well one of the dogs slipped his collar, he opened the gate and him and the other dog went for a run down the canal. My kid went and got them and noticed a guy smoking a cigarette. Part two: This child is home schooled, and I sub teach, and was working, so she was home alone. She is a self directed kid doing way advanced work, with neighbors to go to, and has been directed as to what to do in situations. Plus she has at least one of our dogs (shepard/chow mix - the escape hound) that will protect her if needed. So this isn't an issue in general. Part three: While working on algebra she smelled smoke, went outside and checked it out. Saw a small fire and went to grab a fire estinguisher (she knows how to use them). But the fire was too big so she takes a big breath, gets composed, and calls 911. This brush is about 50 feet from the houses. Part four: She corals all of our pets into the part of the house farthest from the fire, wakes up the neibor from a nap, then gets a hose and starts watering down the flames. My neighbor gets out there, and then another adult shows up, and they take control, and send her to great the fire fighters. It all works out just fine. Part five: I get a cryptic text about how the police need to talk to her about a fire that was started and she saw the guy on the canal. I text back saying tell them what you know and have them call me if they need too. Part six: After a class period ended (I figured she was with the police so it was fine) I called and got the whole story. She even got a ride in the fire truck up to the school where she is part of the band and, "I got to honk the horn dad". Conclusion: She did all the right stuff and handled herself in a crisis situation like a pro. Lovin that as she has gotten the "you need to compose yourself in situations or it could be life threatening" lecture from me many times. Needless to say I told her how proud I was.
  12. Again.... religious views of science are fine as long as they stay within the religion. I'm not looking for converts (well other than family but I already won that one). :)
  13. Don't get me wrong...... as long as it stays within the realm of religion..... I am okay with most things people want to believe. :)
  14. I never realized a lot of the LDS didn't believe in what is considered legitimate science. I find that fascinating. :)
  15. I keep getting a message saying I should say hello. Hello.