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Everything posted by Roseslipper

  1. everything u picked out is beautiful, i love the dress u will look beautiful, they have so many beautiful dresses today. I remember the first time i went i live in fla and at that time had to drive up to atlanta stayed a week it was a wonderfuleel time. The temple is very special i didnt want to leave, its beautiful sure, but its more of what you feel when your inside. Enjoy it and go back often. Theres really no better place to be but inside.
  2. hello and welcome to the site
  3. Hello and welcome to the site im a jamp what is a jamp i made that word up hahhaha its a jewish american mormon princess oh yes im a christian too.
  4. happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u...ok ok ill stop singing :) oh and many many more
  5. u are a person dr t. and welcome to the forum and thank you for your testimony
  6. Hello and welcome to the site. I too am a convert and the gospel has been the biggest blessing in my life. I can understand in a way why your bf wants you to wait, its probably cause he wants to walk this walk with you, its exciting to see some one you care about learn and grow, and Im sure he just wants to be a part of it. Talk to him, let him know u dont want to wait for him, that you want to start learning now, and let him know that you know that he will be around to talk to of what you are learning, and you can share this with him by the net, or phone. Good luck. Hope you had a nice Christmas.
  7. We have no idea if Beck is active or not??? If hes on the church rolls or not, we dont know.;''I personnal dont like his style I dont watch or listen to what he says....
  8. i dont know where santa is, do u ? I know he has not given me what ive wanted. im thinking of renting a man for christmas....and pretend hes my bf. hahahah
  9. hi pammmmyyyyyyyy sorry i missed your birthday hope you had a good one. i would of sent you those cute ginger bread cookies but u didnt send me your email. i remember it was pammy43@ ....... or something like that. since i learned how 2 do this en joy. it took me years to learn lol...................
  10. pammy i have something i want 2 email u,about aweek or so ago i saw these cute gingerbreads so i copied them to send 2 u. so let me know how to send them to you.ok???? i like your Christmas ginger bread its ssso cute, hehehe
  11. oh my gosh this is alful. i hope its not arson. thank you pam for informing us of this .
  12. I think your on the right path, enjoy it....I dont think we meet everyone just by chance, but I do beleive that god puts certain people in our lives for certain reasons and certain times. also, welcome to the site, keep us posted. Best Wishes
  13. hello welcome to the site. and a big congradulations on your up coming baptism.
  14. lol, I didnt guess it..but then again, thats just because its me...anyway welcome to the site. Do u fish in the winter? I live in florida..
  15. My question is do you think that some dreams have a meaning behind it? Do you think some can be spiritual, or some a warming to you, or some just worldy? How do you know and understand your dreams?
  16. I want to wish all my on line friends a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. :) If you want you may tell us what you are grateful for
  17. hummm. hey i think this might be a good idea. i need to think more about it.