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Everything posted by BookofMormonLuvr

  1. Yes, but there are some later teachings of his that I personally disagree with.
  2. I guess "Restorationist Christian" would best describe me.
  3. Correct. Why wouldn't I be it is the most amazing book ever! I tend to be a scriptural literist and believe only what is plainly written in the two books. I respect and try to understand those that see other things I don't personally see there.
  4. I personally do not believe in the concept of exaltation as believed by many LDS people. I believe there is only one God, and there never has been and never will be one like Him. Also, I believe we are a cherished creation of God, but that we only become His children after we accept His Gospel and are baptized.
  5. I love this music. Check out the band "With Blood Comes Cleansing"
  6. I am coing into all these discussions late but oh well... After you have informed his Bishop it is no longer in your hands, it is between the boy and his file leader. You have no authority in the situation unless you are the boy's Dad.
  7. How does any church resolve the conflicts between its teachings and the scriptures they use? By using only the verses that they feel support their positions. All churches do it.
  8. A Priest is a specific office within the Holy Order of the Son of God (Priesthood); so, not all Priesthood holders are Priests.
  9. Alma 19 : 80 (41:15 LDS) And ye shall have good rewarded unto you again; for that which ye do send out, shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore the word restoration, more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all. So while I do not believe in reincarnation, there is something to be said for receiving back what you give.
  10. The LDS church has a phenomenal missionary program and uses the Book of Mormon very effectively as a conversion tool.
  11. Note of interest: The Strangite churches of the Restoration do not believe Mary was a virgin when she gave birth. I personally cannot see how a church that uses the Book of Mormon can believe she wasn't a virgin, but they do.
  12. Hello all! As my name says, I love of the Book of Mormon! I am not, however, LDS. I believe one of the tasks given to me is to build better understanding and a sense of fellowship amoung the various believers in the Book of Mormon who belong to the different churches of the Restoration. I believe the Gospel of Salvation is simple: Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Repent of your sins Be baptized in His name Become as a little child Endure to the end I look forward to the discussion here and hope my occasional difference of opinion will not be offensive to anyone.