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Everything posted by Anddenex

  1. Agreed Seminary. Thus, if the conditions are met, and a sealing took place, then it is a higher chance it is also bound in heaven.
  2. It is apparent your EQP misunderstood what a sealing is. This is where the doctrine lies, a sealing binds on earth as in heaven. A marriage, not done in the temple, nor by priesthood sealing, is thus a marriage for time and time only. If you have been married in the temple, then you know the sealing isn't for time and time only.
  3. My first ticket was when I was 32, thought the speed limit was 65, but it was 60, totally not my fault.
  4. This statement would technically be incorrect. One must have agency in order to transgress any law, rule, or code of conduct. Without agency no one would be able to choose righteousness, or obeying the law, rule, or code of conduct, and no one would be able to choose to disobey.
  5. Yes, still ok. It is Ok when you are an adult too. Not sure why we put an age limit on it.
  6. I don't believe Vort this is a good example of the two. This compares females to males, which automatically provides a different genetic code, but not a different race. In essence, science is trying to tell me that although Seth and Cain, same parentage, same race, were brother's, now their offspring are different races because of different genetic markers. Further down the line, depending on the interpretation of Noah and his family only being eight souls left, one being Ham's wife. Thus from the son's of Ham, we now have different races even though they stem from the same parentage? Science does allow us to see how we can help and give us different markers, but it doesn't dictate in the least a different race. I am not disagreeing with the difference in genetics, I do disagree that our genetics make us a different race. P.S. My bad on Templeton's view. I wasn't saying Templeton mentioned Adam and Eve. I agree with his term that race is a cultural statement. The Adam and Eve part was my explanation as to why I would agree with him.
  7. Yes, bring and apple and some rope. Once in the changing room, hog tie them (Benefit: they won't be able to move), then place them on top of the bench. Next, apple in mouth (this keeps them from screaming). P.S. If you can't tell I am joking, then your sense of humor is worse than mine. Not good.
  8. I have negro ancestry, or better said according to the DNA test my father took which specified him as 8% African American. I have been dying to get a DNA test also to see what my blood provides witness to. I would also be curious to see my aunt's on my father's side to test theirs also. EDIT: I have actually wondered if our African American ancestry actually comes through my Jewish line. My grandmother, Dad's side, her father was of the lineage of Judah. My jewish lineage stems from Saltiel, which is mentioned in the Bible. The interesting thing about this is that when my father joined the church and when he received his PB, he felt that he would be named of the lineage of Judah, but wasn't. Then about 15 or so years later, my father was contacted by our Jewish cousins. My great grandfather was a man who traveled for business and apparently had more than one wife. My grandmother stems from his second wife. Interesting things genealogy teaches us about who we are.
  9. This is very interesting because children within the same family can respond to different diseases differently, as well as be more susceptible to different sicknesses as well. If the argument is based on a specific reaction to different diseases by different races, the argument comes to a stand still when children within the same family respond differently as well. How then does science distinguish the two? Why call one a different race, whereas within the same family, they are the same?
  10. I would actually agree with Templeton's view. We are all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, our primary parentage. We have different skin tones, different body structures, different eye color, etc... due to our genetic differences, however this doesn't make my brother's or sister's any different race than I am. Race is a cultural term, using genetics as its backbone.
  11. When I was getting my driver's license in California I was standing in line behind a women who received a speeding ticket for driving two miles over the speed limit.
  12. Seen it, but don't remember what you are referring to?
  13. @Sharky & @Eowyn With this type of learning and technology, would it be ethical to fully ban this type of procedure? Or would this type of genetic modification be beneficial to cure potentially harmful diseases or birth defects of new born babies? For example, I have a friend who potentially, if they have any children together, will always have dwarf children. Would this type of procedure be great for our brother and sisters to be born without the possibility of being a dwarf? Your thoughts?
  14. It is an unfortunate time when the an argument stemming from divinity is considered "whacko". Thus, how could we as LDS defend this position without by using a similar argument without bringing God into the picture? I was asking the similar question with my wife and your words here "the way God intends children to come into the world" were nearly her exact words also. I hadn't thought about this as an aspect, but definitely anything like this could lead to this type of mentality.
  15. I am looking forward to my oldest now going on a mission in 7 years now. He will be a great missionary. I am a little more concerned about my daughters, I must admit. My little girl will now probably choose to serve a mission, and we would now guide her in that direction, however, this thought as you would say "freaks me out."
  16. I recently read an article about "designer babies" or the potential parents could request, via genetic modification, a blue-eyed, petite little boy or girl. The discussion resulted from some scientist who created an embryo from the genes of two males and one female. What are some thoughts on the matter: 1. Are you potentially for "designer babies" (crude term)? 2. Is this ethically wrong, and if you feel so, why?
  17. I understand this is how Catholics believe this, however I wouldn't agree with this interpretation of scripture. Can you tell me, why I should accept your interpretation over the LDS churches interpretation? The idea of something being around longer than another religion doesn't make the other more true, or the other more false. If the idea of how long a religion has been in existence to be true, then I must accept the Jewish religion to be true, and thus Christ the Messiah has not yet fully come. Along the lines and theology presented, about the Book of Mormon not being mentioned in the NT. Is there any evidence that the Catholic Church is the church established, because I don't see any mention of a Catholic church at all in the NT?
  18. Your welcome. We disagree it is a problem. There is nothing mentioned in the NT that something must be prophesied, or spoken about in the NT, to be true. There is nothing prophesied within the NT about computers, laser technology, or anything else. How have you come to the belief that something must be prophesied in the NT in order to be true? I am a little confused about these two statements. They appear to be contradictory. Humor me for a moment: First statement: I would believe if Jesus said it were true in scriptures. Next statement: Archaeological evidence isn't making a good case. Which do you value more, a witness from God, despite evidence, or evidence which contradicts Jesus witness? Right now, archaeological evidence suggest the flood in the OT never happened. Our Lord, says in scripture it did happen. The Book of Mormon is scripture, and Jesus has professed this through modern prophets, and within the Book of Mormon itself.
  19. Well, this is surely from your perspective. Whereas, we don't believe the Catholic church to be the same Church the Lord established, thus, the Catholic church would have been the first of the "church(es)" you mention. Sure, read the Book of Mormon. It specifies Lehi, the first prophet of the Book of Mormon lived 600 years B.C.
  20. Yes, every time polygamy is introduced into a conversation. Right now Seminary is picking on me... I know, I am awful, but you still, well might, like a brother of course. The real question here, is did the husband think his wife was being arrogant? If not, you don't need to defend him. He may have took it because he was laughing inside, and thinking, "Crap, she is so right." And then he was thinking, "My turn is coming." However, unfortunately in a marriage, both sides seem to pick on each other. When we were first married, I didn't realize how sarcastic my wife was. Sometime it would frustrate, and other times, I would laugh. I began to realize, I needed to wake up and realize she was joking with me. Now we joke back and forth, and when I or she has gone to far, we let each other know. Men are not women's properties, and women are not men's properties, unfortunately we see some people speak this way and exercise an unrighteous dominion. I will say, you may have only seen one side of this story. Her tone in the store, verses his possible tone when they reached the car, and were inside the car. Unfortunately, abuse goes both ways. What we need to focus on ourselves, is that we don't do it ourselves, and when we do we quickly recognize our fault and repent.
  21. This is a good question. The premise though appears to be incorrect in association with the verses provided. The verse represents doubting Thomas, who was first told of the risen Lord by the other disciples, by which he replied, "I will not believe until I have seen" (paraphrased obviously). By which the Lord, after showing himself and allowing Thomas to touch him, said, Wouldn't it be nice if all of us could be "convinced" as Thomas was, by actually seeing the Lord and touching his scars? Alas, we are not, thus we rely on the promise given to the disciples John 14: 26, and the promise within the Book of Mormon Moroni 10: 3-5. An anti-Mormon statement doesn't need to be untrue to be anti-Mormon. There are plenty anti-Mormon statements which are true. As I specified, the "burning in the bosom" is foreign to me. I have never experienced it.
  22. If an athiest ask questions, we share what we know to be true. We don't seek to convince, nor did the Savior. We teach, we prophesy, and we write so that people may know and then seek a witness themselves. It appears your word for "convince" is what we would call share, invite, teach, visit, chasten if necessary. This last statement reveals more about your heart than any other statement you have mentioned. No one mentioned a burning in the bosom, and I have never felt what you are speaking about. I have had a witness from the Holy Ghost, however the anti-Mormon thread "burning in the bosom" is foreign to me.
  23. JudoMinja answered your question perfectly with regard to the scriptures provided. Since you feel it is your job to convince people, I believe you now have a responsibility to convince me where in scripture it mentions that something must be prophesied of in the Gospels to be true? I have never read any verse that specifies such. Our invitation to the world, read the Book of Mormon, study it for yourself, and apply Moroni's promise found in Moroni 10: 3-5. Best Regards.
  24. Sorry, just have to say this for fun and kicks, with polygamy I could choose all 30 jugs...just sayin. The point is, if there isn't, then she will have to choose another companion, and in the eternal scheme of life, this won't matter much. However, I think my history and my experiences will play a vital role, even in the eternities of who I am. Could you imagine, along the thought you are providing, God say's, "Nice work, and you and your husband are exalted, however, since we love each other 100%, you were not supposed to choose your husband, but this was supposed to be your husband if you followed my counsel." The he pairs with you a total stranger, at least according to our experiences on earth. Thus it really wouldn't matter who we paired off with, heck we all could be swingers. Well, before my light heart, turns into light-mindedness (or maybe it reached that point) - I understand what you are saying.