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Everything posted by Drpepper

  1. I'm no scholar, that's for sure. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. Alma 7:12 Infirmities here in my opinion just dosen't mean our sins, it also covers our weaknesses, faults, mistakes, bad decisions etc. If Christ truly does no how to succor his people, and he does. Then he needed to understand and experience the whole spectrum of human trials and sorrows. Which he did. I thought I had my head around the atonement pretty well, similar to what you mentioned in your OP but last year I read three books that really helped me a lot more and realised how little I really knew. I suggest you add these books to your gosple library. Ohh and the scriptures :) The broken heart: Bruce c Hafen The infinite atonement : Tad d callister Believing Christ : Stephen e Robinson
  2. I think this is the talk your referring to. Speeches
  3. Seemed safe unless everyone knows you as T Q Good luck with the program. My wife is currently doing it as well. She also gains a lot of strength from a book called " he did deliver me from bondage" and of course the scriptures. Thought this might help.
  4. I imagine a zombie weight loss photo is where apart of the body just falls off My goals Run 25 km Write a screen play Be a better husband/ father Get my little girl to do a poo in the toilet. Start to learn a language Survive tough mudder Follow the promptings I recieve a little better.
  5. I feel so naive. I had no idea women were stuffing phones in their bras. Obviously it's not something I'm looking out for but the next time I see someone's top flashing and vibrating il think, aha she has a cell phone.
  6. Firstly I don't think anyone is trying to judge you here. Just provide a little bit of support and advice from the very limited information you have posted. ( that's my disclaimer for what I'm about to say) :) I would like to clarify I few of your posts. your first post started with " I need help for abuse" ( regarding your husband) your third post states the following. My husband has been, and probably always will be, a little rough around the edges---i can live with that. I need you to clarify with yourself whether your husband is abusive or a little rough around the edges. I would consider myself a little rough around the edges but I'm certainly not abusive. Here is the statement again with both. 1.My husband has been, and probably always will be, a little rough around the edges---i can live with that. 2.My husband has been, and probably always will be, abusive -i can live with that. Please don't respond to that I just wanted you to clarify it with yourself. Here's why I think it's the 2nd based on the info you have provided. I know I have less depression when he is treating me better---I think I also deal with my health problems better when he treats me better- Bingo - abuse = depression = health problems You also mentioned that you're step father was abusive and you have been married to your husband 25 years who is abusive. So I'm thinking you may have been in an abusive environment for 35- 40 years Things can seem like the norm after such a long period or you might convince yourself that I can live with it. The truth is you can't, so you want out. I'm not saying out of you marriage. You want out of the environment and cycle of being depressed and health issues which are symptons of abuse. Other symptoms are low self esteem, rejection, loss of personal power. When a person is in this kind of environment for a long period of time they actually lose the ability to pull themselves out. If it started in their younger years it like a slow corrosion that goes unnoticed for many years. Think of it like quick sand. By yourself it's pretty much impossible to get out. I would say 50 % of you posts is then targeted towards those who have failed to pull you out. It seems to me that you have waited a long time for people to recieve inspiration for you. I wondered why you didn't just recieve it for yourself. You don't need your Bishop or your Stake President to go straight to God. His happy to give you the instruction for your personal life direct. So I'm asking the question again. Is my husband a little rough around the edges or am I in an abusive relationship? Does this abusive relationship make me powerless? Do I blame others for not helping me overcome my situation? Do I need help to feel the self worth I'm entitled to? Can the atonement really help me?
  7. Ok i need a little time to digest all that:confused:
  8. Thanks for that, but its really not a great place to be. I have a strong testimony in other areas of the gospel. BOM, Joseph Smith etc but just cant get the temple. Its almost like going to a whole different church for me rather than an extension of the one im at. I really feel like i go with an open mind too and the last time i went through someone suggested i take a close ancestor through and do the work for them it makes all the difference. So i took my great grandfathers name through. Nothing different. Ill still go cause i do find it helps me escape the world for a time and i want to be a good example for my children, perhaps their experience will be a lot different to mine.
  9. We recently considered a matter in our ward regarding one of our members situation. We all felt that while the Bishop is entitled to receive inspiration. The issue would be far better delt with from someone with professional training in that particular area. Hense the inspiration was a recommendation for that person to see a professional in that particular field. I feel sometime we lay to much on Bishops in the form of professional services. I wouldn't ask a Bishop for inspiration on how to perform a cancer removing operation, yet many people feel that Bishops can easily remove cancer from a relationship/marital/spouse issue. I spoke to a Bishop recently who is studying counselling seperate to his job as an electrician and asked him why. he said " i seem to do so much counselling as a Bishop I figured it would be good to have some training in it". As i said in a previous post i feel the church has really lagged in some areas in having professional services available to their members. Because of this some members have had to rely on in experienced Bishops or external counselling services that don't uphold church standards. It seems you and your husband had 3 sessions with a counsellor and then were sent home with a book. Thats just not going to cut it. I would seek more sessions with a trained counsellor until you see the problem improving dramatically with your husband. Combining that with prayer, scripture study and actively participating in church activities will help. Just taking your husbands temple recommend off him will certainly serve the purpose of him not attending the temple unworthily but isn't really proactive in helping him resolve his real issues. It probably just lets him know something he deep inside already knows. Abuse is just as bad as cancer perhaps worse in some cases. There is an element that the reason he treats you the way he does is because you give him permission but your counsellor should guide you through that. You may want to consider asking your Bishop to help financially if the church is not providing Family Services in your area. I would certainly ask the question. Finally it seems from your post that the whole experience has a made you a little negative towards your local leaders. You might have to find away to let that go and concentrate on the real issue, the fact that your husband is abusing you. oh and the celebrating 25yrs of marriage with a surgery, luv it, very romantic...
  10. I guess I was basing my comment on the following scripture. 58*And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
  11. Wow, is that true? I have never come across that before. Mormonmama : Sometimes we need to remember that blessings come in the Lord's time and way. Bingo
  12. No it dosen't have a major impact on my understanding of the doctrine. I think down deep inside I probably struggle with the temple a little in general. I hear members bear their testimonies and share these wonderful experiences and those thing just don't really happen for me. I still go out of obedience and participate in youth baptism nights etc. I've been endowed for over 15 years now, you think something would have twigged but it hasn't.
  13. That's true. If its any help I'm 39 and am starting my first bachelor degree next year. can't wait and I'm really excited to start a different journey. Life is not only about the destination but the journey also.
  14. My wife read it with her YW for an activity one night. They all brought sleeping bags to the chapel with the intention of reading the book of Mormon completely in one night. I don't knno how many were awake by the end but they got through it.
  15. Sometimes I find revelation quite difficult to understand and maybe even a little more difficult to follow. The concept seems quite simple. God speaks to man through the Holy Ghost. Revelation. But if it was that simple then why is their conferance talk after conferance on how to receive and recognize revelation. I'm often asking myself, was that me or the Holy Ghost telling me that? You can go a little nutty if you anylise that too much. Sometimes I though it was the holy ghost only to come up to a dead end. Not long ago while driving I had a clear impression to go visit a less active member. When I went to their house, they weren't home. Yet other times things happen precisely as I've followed the prompting. I find this can happen with blessings as well. Sometimes the words flow like a tap, other times I'm gasping to find the next word.
  16. I like that "truth or dare". Sadly if the situation is as it seems. There missing out on the whole buffet experience. I love walking around the buffet checking out all the foods. I'm going to have a little bit of this, a little bit of that. How much can I fit on my plate? Ohh I don't need to its all you can eat. I'll come back for that. The desert bar looks great. That looks so yummy. I had that last time. Whatever that is I have to try some. These are the questions that flood the mine and excite the taste buds as you walk around the buffet making the most rewarding and complex decisions for the next 1hr or 2. Anyone who has missed out on this has missed the whole joy of buffet.
  17. That's now one of those mysteries. The original title is in my first post if you really want to know.
  18. Sometimes it's not just the wording but also the timing. In the temple Adam calls his wife Eve almost straight away but in Moses he does it after the transgression. Which to me would make more sense if she is the mother of all living...
  19. Can I assume then from the above statement that if you went less active for testimony reasons then this would be a deal breaker?
  20. Ok maybe that title was a little misleading. I came across this situation on another thread and perhaps it has been flushed out before. Here it is. Married couple ( temple marriage) one partners testimony begins to waiver in the gosple and before long they go less active. Here's my question. Is going less active a marriage deal breaker? It seems through some posts I've read that if a person is going less active and informs their partner, they might as well have said "honey I'm actually Gay". I don't think if my wife told me she was going less active tomorrow I would say. " that's it you and me and the last 15 years are over." However there does seem to be a culture in the church of no activity and it's sayonara. I'm interested how other people feel about this.
  21. Maybe things weren't really as they looked Option 1 The father worked at cyncorp, a cynthetic robot company that makes human life robots and was testing one out in a restaurant situation. Option 2 You were secretly on undercover boss and the person serving them actually owns all the franchises across the US Option 3 The family saved the person from a devastating house fire the night before and when asked how she could ever repay them. They replied how about serving us dinner tomorrow. Option 4 The family belong to very important under cover crime cyndicate and all their food was actually being taste tested by the person to make sure no one had slipped in any poisons. Uncle joey's death at a restaurant 3 years ago had made them paranoid.
  22. Im not sure if this is the right place for this question but here it is anyway. I've noticed the book of Moses, genesis and the temple version of Adam and Eve are a little different. Which one am I suppose to believe?
  23. A lot of these men are very well established in the careers or businesses. I know CEO's who have left their position's to serve the lord full time. My own Mission President owned a very well off business he moved millions of dollars worth of stock every week. How is a petty mission home allowance going to subsidize him any? Serving the Lord full time is certainly not a financial move. Never has been, never will. Im sure none of them thought when the call came. " yah great im going to live off the church for the rest of my life" I figure if im not wealthy, worthy, righteous, good looking enough to serve in the capacity, least i can do is provide what i have for those who are.