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Everything posted by Drpepper

  1. Well there's a difference. We've learnt here that it doesn't really matter who you vote for they can be thrown out the next day. Might as well have monkeys campaign with little red hats and a drum...
  2. Well at least when I die now and God saids "did you know the prophet"? I can reply "we were friends on Facebook". There's something pretty cool about that.
  3. One big difference is that you know how on tv you see people jumping up and down excitedly like their at a Pink concert, waving American flags and various celebrities endorsing their favourite candidate. Well you won't see that in Australia. We just throw cans of beer at our politicians. What I wouldn't mind knowing is can the current Party just throw out their leader( meaning the President of the United States) and opt for a new one within the specified 4 year term at any time. We have just had that here twice?
  4. Just a quick note, this is true however Stake president is a title where as Bishop is an office within the Aaronic Priesthood. I'm not sure why we often refer to a Bishop by his office after he is released. We don't refer to an Elder, as Elder after he has finished his mission.
  5. Christians have been preaching that for years. It's nothing new to them..
  6. Drinking urine or talking to a volleyball, lets face it people do strange things when survivals on the line
  7. To the op, I hope your very good at discerning between good advice and very bad advice because this thread contains both. If I had one of those blow up baseball bats you get at the fairs I would crack a few people over the head with it. A Bishop is not a trained counsellor, isn't that a good thing? He does however hold keys for the spiritual ministering of Gods children in a ward. I never saw a counsellor with that diploma written on his wall. If you understand the true role and purpose of a Bishop then the question of whether to see him is simple. I would suggest that proper counselling is also appropriate. Here is a summary of some opinions. No need to see the Bishop - inflatable baseball bat All men have these problems - simply not true You shouldn't have married him because he has sin - inflatable baseball bat
  8. Firstly make know mistake about it what you have listed is emotional abuse %100. No priesthood holder or any other man should respond that way. Its understandable perhaps if he has had a bad day at work and snaps as a one off but that doesn't sound like what you are saying. The reality is that by accepting this kind of treatment you are actually teaching your children at the same time that this is ok. Your daughter who puts her hands over her ears will do the same thing when her husband shouts abuse at her because this is the norm for her. The sad thing is statistically she will be more likely to date someone like this. This is the abusive cycle. I would definitely talk to your Bishop but Bishops by the hand book are instructed to save marriages and emotional scars are hard to see unlike physical scars. As far as covenants, if you made covenants to be emotionally abused all you life and have that effect generations in the future then keep the covenant. But if you're husband has made a covenant to keep Gods law and harken unto his counsel, then it sounds like he has broken that covenant with you and God. If you do want to save the marriage then some professional help for both of you is in order. As much as you are the victim you are also giving him consent to treat you this way. A professional will help you work through this and give you strategies to deal with such behaviour if it dosen't change. One last thought your opening line " I've had a temple marriage for the last 13 years" Really? have a think about that statement... Here is a description of your temple marriage using your own words Absolutely Worthless, Ugly, dumb, awkward, can't do anything right, doesn't look at me, no affection, pushes me away, critizies, talk to much, too loud, slouch, selfish, b*tch, complete liar, stupid,
  9. Actually I was paying a compliment. I didn't realise it had a negative term. Po uses it when victory is at hand. I just likes the the comment and thanks wasn't working for me. SKADOOSH
  10. Confused yet? That's because spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned. Intellect alone will not sustain you in a church that does require more of its membership than most mainstream religions. You mentioned that you stopped meeting with the missionaries because their goal was to just have you baptised. Well maybe the program has changed since I was a missionary but back then we simply invited people to pray and ask God if its true, in faith, believing.
  11. Love this comment, it just needed a skadoosh at the end if it.
  12. Thought my last post should be a new thread. In light of the thread. Personally I miss David. B haight
  13. Whose hunting to feed their family? What year is this?
  14. I think this is a good question one can ask themselves however depending on the individual it can also cause someone to be unhappy. let me explain. Some people raise the bar of pleasing God so high that it is simply unattainable. Along with raising that bar they have attached their happiness to it. The simple answer to am I doing all the things God requires of me? is "No" because there is always more to be done in his kingdom. Unfortunately with our happiness pinned to the bar of ideal many members of the church walk around with guilt. Hold on let me just repeat that again. Unfortunately with our happiness pinned to the bar of ideal many members of the church walk around with guilt. Point in case, this sunday ask your Bishop if you can sit with him in sacrament meeting and look around for happiness. Sin and Guilt are the number 1 enemy to happiness. While guilt flows from sin, guilt can also exist without personal sin. For example a person can feel guilty and be unhappy with themselves because their ideal of happiness is size 6 and they are a size 10. Is there any sin in being a size 10? Many people put their their happiness on hold until they reach their pre-concieved ideals of happiness. I will be happy when i have a better calling I will be happy when i find the right man I will be happy when i have a better job I will be happy when i have a bigger home I will be happy when im a size 6 I will be happy when, when, when, = never, never, never...... Pleasing God surely brings happiness. Enoch had a testimony that he pleased God Heb 11.5 and was shortly after translated. Don't wait to be translated to find happiness. Vikor Frankl found happiness in a prison camp. Happiness is a choice - What do you choose?
  15. You mean the bishopric member just assigns the talk and then leaves the topic up to the individual, is that correct? Just want to make sure I read that properly.
  16. What a shame, 2 already had mission calls. I feel for their famlies
  17. Ha ha, I can think of better connection questions to be dealing with :)
  18. Ok, I never looked at it that way. The vs applies to Emma regarding polygamy. I noticed some people said that its about keeping the commandments and I understand that but some commandments require a lot more than others and if I put myself in Emma's shoes, wow, I would have needed some kind of vision from god on this one I think. Eowyn. Why do you think this is such an easy topic for men to discuss? I don't find it easy at all. I did have one other question regarding this practice that I have floated back and forth over my mind for many years. Knowing that this practice is seen by many outside of the church as a stain upon the church. Why did The Lord seem to frustrate his own missionary efforts. By this I mean nearly everyone I meet new for the first time and I tell them I'm a Mormon I'm often greeted with the response. How many wives do u have? It's like a hurdle I have to jump straight away before I can even begin to discuss the wonderful truths of the gospel. Surely God would have known this.
  19. Grab a copy of the Gospel Principles Book from your library and start looking at the sections and headings. You may also want to review the recent conference talks and looks for patterns and themes through different talks. Rather than give someone a topic like Faith or Tithing you might want to present them with a question like. How has having faith in christ blessed my life? What have I learnt from paying tithing? You could also use the scriptures as a question. What do the scriptures teach about forgiving others? No doubt you probably have to arrange 3 talks on one day so pick a topic as an overall theme for the day like Prayer and then invite each speaker to speak on something relevant to that topic. Speaker 1 How can prayer bless my life? 5 min (normally youth speaker) Speaker 2 How can i recognise answers to my prayers? 10 min Speaker 3 What the scriptures teach about how and why prayer is essential in this life? 20min. Ohh and getting people to accept speaking assignments ummm cant help you there :) Ps the only common curricula is fast sunday testimonies, you should have some stake speakers 1 a month or every other month, ward conference topic is decided by the Bishop, Stake conf, general conf, primary presentation and seminary presentation are the others sundays you wont have to worry about speakers. Psx2 You may want to also touch in with the Bishop every now and then and ask him what concerns he has about the ward. From time to time he may recognise a pattern that may need to be addressed in a particular ward. This is why the brethren leave it up to local leaders for revelation within their own wards.
  20. happiness is a choice... What do you choose?
  21. I know the subject of polygamy can often cause a great division of opinions and debate. However during some personal study of Jacob ch 2 and D&C 132 the question arose in my mind if woman really had an option to reject their husbands receiving other wives. Vs 61 mentions that the first wife needs to give consent but further vs below indicate that if she dosen't then she will be destroyed. Which makes me think there is an option without being an option. It kind of reminded me of henry fords famous quote. "you can have any colour you like as long as it black" So what i was really trying to workout is did woman really have the option to say no to their husbands without facing destruction? If any one has an constructive insight that would be great. "Emphasis on the constructive".
  22. If the situation is weighing you down spiritually then you should definitely talk to someone about it. As has been mentioned before your Bishop has the keys to help you from the road of transgressor if the sins has been that serious. Sometimes talking to someone else can be a good first step if you feel you cant go directly to the Bishop. I remember when i first joined the church i went a spoke to one of bishops counsellors about a specific problem as i felt more comfortable talking to him at the time than i did the Bishop. However you start the journey is up to you, but the road to repentance will see you eventually opening the Bishops door.
  23. If the choice is 1.5 blocks or 2 miles away to attend church no matter which decision is made i would count my blessings every single step, every single sunday. I drove my family to church 96miles roundtrip every sunday for 3 years. Crying, laughing, vomiting, screaming, singing we had it all and more :)
  24. Thanks for everyones responses. i went and spoke to my Bishop as everyone pretty much suggested. He encouraged me to keep my calling and serve the Lord... no surprises there, he he... its just a shame that I now will have to put my studies on hold as a cant do both. I guess thats just sacrifice.