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Everything posted by Drpepper

  1. Is it just me or is there something about having egg yoke running through you fingers while your trying to stuff a hamburger into you mouth that makes the whole event all that more enjoyable.
  2. Pretty normal where I come from, Try it, you might be surprised.
  3. My fav is Soft Buns Lettuce Onions Pineapple Beetroot Cheese BBQ & Honey Sauce Egg a little runny (as mentioned by palerider) Oh yeah, whack that in your gob and she'll be right mate.
  4. Not sure about your ward, but your welcome to join me in High Priests on Sunday. :) More emphasis on the personal opinions than heated debates, although sometimes.......
  5. gfchase the bottom line is forums are forums. Here you will find the intellectual, the lonely, the Dr, the unemployed, the religious zealot, the occasional, the desperate, the uneducated, the seeker of truth, the seeker of contention, the broken hearted, the lost, the found, the convert, the apostate, the righteous, the wicked, the professor, the painter. If you had really read through this forum you would have realised that not everyone post here looking for truth, some just seek to be heard, understood, to share, to laugh, to cry, to reach out, to comfort, to let out. That is what a forum is. There is as much truth and personal opinion to be found here as there is in a High Priests class on Sunday.
  6. If people are seeking pure doctrine go to LDS.org. Yes there are many here using the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.
  7. Ahhhhhh, this is like one of those games where you have to pick the odd one out lets see Africa , Japan, Brazil, Peru and New York umm what is going on in NYC that we need eyes so closely on from SLC???? The church is divided into 6 Regions Select a Region 2 of them were completely ignored... No eyes on Pacific or Europe which mean any of the members their can climb mount doom and cast their ctr rings into the lava with out being seen.
  8. Im not going to tell the Lord how to spend his money, and for all i know maybe he needs somewhere to stay in philly when he visits. But in my weak, finite, mortal perspective I do sometimes scratch my head and think.. ummm I might add, it is a nice looking building.
  9. Sounds like to me your doubting god answers prayers more than doubting god himself. I have a young daughter who has a special relationship with God. Every time she prays god seems to answer here prays. So much so that now if we loose something, or need help or what ever I will ask her to pray. She has no great formula, no academic approach, no fancy words, no you must pray this particular way. She just seems sincere and for some reason god delights in answering her prayers. It strengthens me to see this in action.
  10. while this thread is primarily about reaching understanding regarding Adam and Eve and there choices. It is this first sentence that grabbed my attention first and foremost. Primary teacher is one of the most sacred and rewarding callings in the church. The influence a teacher can have on young impressionable minds can last a lifetime. While no doubt that lesson has now come and gone. If you were preparing a lesson for your class such questions as the ones you have asked are probably not necessary for their young minds. I just had a quick chance to skim over the lesson and was quite gobsmacked at the simple profound doctrine taught in the lesson. I couldn't see the blood part but it would no doubt pale into insignificance compared to all the other valuable truths in the lesson. In fact the lesson itself taught quite succinctly the truth about many of the speculative positions being thrown around this post Funny as humans we often think the deeper we dig the more we will find but the Gospel can be quite the opposite. If someone at church is struggling with their testimony or understanding ill often encourage them to ask one of the primary teachers if they can sit in on their lesson on perhaps attend Gospel Principles. Didn't mean to rave about this, my point was if your mind is spinning about doctrinal issues for you primary class then your probably not preparing the right thing. I would suggest praying for each child individually about what they need to know and in doing so theres a good chance you'll find your own answers as well. That is the miracle of teaching.
  11. Unfortunately I think the OP has left the discussion
  12. Who actually presides over the blessing of the sacrament the Bishop or the presiding authority?
  13. We have 4 sister missionaries in our ward. They are wonderful and a great example to my little girls.
  14. What a JOY it must be to live "In the land of the free".
  15. While Mormons, Christians, Seventh day, JW's, catholics etc, etc spend most of their efforts refuting each others doctrinal differences. Satan at large goes on with his work decaying the very fabric of society, attacking marriage and the family. Imagine what would happen if we all put our differences aside and actually combined to fight the real enemy.
  16. OP The funny thing about personal revelation is that its "Personal". So when you throw this out to a general forum like this your going to get a whole bunch of ideas and interpretation about a revelation intended for no one on this site. Before you get to many more conflicting ideas i would suggest you consider the following counsel from an apostle of the Lord. "How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for your Personal Life" How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life - general-conference
  17. I would call borrowing money for an expensive fast car, debt. Borrowing money for an education, an investment.
  18. There is simply no easy way to tell your wife this. Her heart will be broken no matter how you put it. I just want to clarify your post. Your married in the temple, but are you sealed? You have a temple recommend but are you temple worthy? Talk to your Bishop before you loose everything in the world that you hold most dear to you. No one is beyond the reach of our Savior.
  19. I think anddenex has given a very good explanation on a topic that only God fully comprehends
  20. Noah - Movie Trailers - iTunes I guess Russell Crowe will make a good Noah providing he doesent start singing.
  21. Firstly congrats for your baptism, and taking the first steps as you have. There is a culture shock when joining the church. It took me a little over a year to find my feet, understand certain things and realise that everyone isn't perfect. The scriptures kept me in good company during this time. I see you are in Sweden. I would definately take the time to share your feelings with the Bishop. Its not uncommon for others to think that someone is looking after you only to find that no one is. Did the missionaries teach you? Are they still in the ward? Its great to hear you are going to the temple. Don't be discouraged, think of yourself s a pioneer for others.
  22. You received a prompting and you followed it. That's all The Lord asked you to do. The result of that is not up to you and the reason why things didn't turn out the way you thought has nothing to do with the validation of the prompting. The reasons for why things are the way they are will be manifest in time. Well done for following the prompting.