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Everything posted by Drpepper

  1. Yes i should have put that on my hit list of places to visit.. On a side note to my previous post. The beggars especially the mother with the three primary children in pyjamas lying on the ground drawing pictures while their mother was begging for money was a little disturbing. I was more than happy to give up those cumbersome $1 notes bulking up my wallet. But the whole scene was a little unsavoury. This cant be a good look for the mall or the city. We don't have that here, so perhaps i was a little taken back. I was a little confused who to feel sorry for. The people begging or the Yummy mummies who had just stepped out of one of the boutique stores in side the mall. Between flashes of King Benjamin's speech, my $700 Ipad air tucked under my arm, the scent and look of finely dressed woman and men in suits and the beggars my brain and conscious were going bonkas....
  2. Some people may know that I recently visited Salt Lake and had a wonderful time doing all the usual site seeing etc,etc.... Even got to do a live session with an old missionary buddy:) I guess one thing that did grab my attention was city creek mall. I guess if someone had asked me to describe lehis vision of the great and spacious building I might have described something like city creek mall. Don't get me wrong it's nice and all. But really dripped with worldliness. Perhaps I was missing something.
  3. We don’t always know the details of our future. We do not know what lies ahead. We live in a time of uncertainty. We are surrounded by challenges on all sides. Occasionally discouragement may sneak into our day; frustration may invite itself into our thinking; doubt might enter about the value of our work. In these dark moments Satan whispers in our ears that we will never be able to succeed, that the price isn’t worth the effort, and that our small part will never make a difference. President Uchtdorf
  4. I don't know about there but here YSA wards are optional attendance. I've found through observation that families who are tight tend to stay in their home wards together anyway. Sometimes a YSA may want some space to find a testimony,wife,husband,whatever. Others are career motivated or studying and have moved from overseas where they might not have any family. The program is inspired. Despite the situation with your friend and her son your actually on shaky ground when you start questioning the Lords programs and then back those questions with resentment. Maybe if you take a step back and look at the full picture you will realise that the ark isn't going to fall and there's no need to put your hand forward to steady it.
  5. How is that when i have baptised all my children and set them apart in the priesthood of God. Is that temporal?
  6. Can a priest ordain someone to an office?
  7. I dont have a problem with the recent call of the GA. If his repented they can call him as the next prophet for all I care. If half the members in my ward new what i got up to before i joined the church im sure i would be taken out the front of the chapel and stoned to death :)
  8. Ahh careful Anddenx- that counsel could jeopardise our future investment. Cause if he does turn pro and make a name for himself we are going to invest in the fact his a Mormon, make videos and send him around to firesides as the guest speaker...
  9. Not that i don't believe you, but is that out of the handbook? I couldn't find it.. Further more to only keep half a covenant wouldn't that negate all blessings associated with the covenant. Can a person half sin? To not pay tithing 1/10 is a sin.
  10. Lets throw a hypothetical out there then. You're a Bishop, and you have a promising young man in your ward who has an amazing sporting talent in football but will need to compete on Sundays in order to progress through the ranks and perhaps one day make it as a professional. What is your counsel to him regarding the sabbath day? and why?
  11. I feel betrayed, I'm never going to trust anything I read again:)
  12. We had a similar problem like that at a conference I was attending once only where I live we have a number of fairly large Polynesian brethren. Needless to say it was sorted out very quickly. :) This is quite interesting though Church Members Mistreat Homeless Man in Church Unaware It Is Their Pastor in Disguise | Africa's No 1 Internet TV
  13. If I was a born again Christian I would say " praise Jesus brother". well written.
  14. I don't think anyone is criticising your church attendance. You have come here asking for opinions so that's what you will get lots of peoples opinions . The fact of the matter is no one here has received a revelation, if you should marry this guy because that's between you, him and God. If you feel that prayer has been answered then perhaps you know what needs to be done. The rest of the opinions on this site are from those who are a little further down the track in life and realise that even when God saids yes, his not saying yes and life will be rosey from here on in. Therefore a little grain of salt is probably worth your time taking notice off because we also married the perfect person and started our journey of marriage bliss. :)
  15. That all sounds like fun... This might sound a little silly but is it snowing there yet. We don't get snow here so was hoping to see some there. I take it my usual attire of shorts and tshirt might not work for me over there now.
  16. If I only pay half a tithe does that mean I get half the blessings?
  17. Are we sending mixed messages to our youth? Absolutely. You've hit a sensitive nerve with this one. We have a football player here in aus that has been glorified for the last few years and yes he has his own church video. The argument that he is a professional therefore it is ok to play on the sabbath is only half valid. You see in order to become a professional you have to play for many years at a high level and I don't know about the US but here that means playing on the sabbath at a very young age. So here's the question. While this man was a deacon, how many YM's presidents spent time praying about how they could get this YM to church and not play sport on a Sunday? When he was a teacher how many Bishop's discussions were there about how to help this YM? How many other youth wondered why is it alright for ? To play sport on Sunday and I can't. And finally how many other talented individuals are out their that could of gone pro but decided to keep the Lords law of the Sabbath instead? It seem the moment you go pro all is forgiven, we'll put you on a pedalstool and whisper to our friends " did you know ??? Is a Mormon?
  18. Tithing is based on increase or more commonly income. If your not working your not receiving income.
  19. I might approach this from a slightly different angle. I grew up in a household where one parent was a member and the other not. It becomes obvious pretty quickly to the children that your parents aren't evenly yoked on a lot of matters. He might not get in the way of them serving missions but he also won't be giving them fathers blessing, ordinations, participating in temple baptisms and if any of your children stay active and get married in the temple he won't be there to see it. Tithing will become an issue especially when your pregnant and you flat out trying to survive of one income. I'm not saying you can't make it work, I'm just saying as child growing up in that environment, it wasn't ideal. I saw the good, bad and the very ugly especially when my sister told my father she was getting married in the temple and he couldn't be there.
  20. Full, part or not a tithe payer. What is a part tithe payer? I've never heard of this before and I've never had a Bishop ask me if I'm a part tithe payer. I figured you either are or not.
  21. I'm heading over to Salt Lake City. Any suggestions on what places are best to visit?
  22. Don't mind the Dr Pepper even if I do say myself. :)
  23. I love roundabouts sometimes I will go round a few times just because I can. My kids think I'm nuts.