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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. I just think that some courses should not be university level for example that spring in the UK are Surf, science and tech where the focus is surfing and Golf
  2. I think you have hit on the crux of the issue - it isn't women gaining degrees and not using them but rather the push for people to get degrees when they would be better in vocational training. My dorm mates were studying law with people who could barely construct a logical sentence who were at uni because that is what you did as a British Asian! Regardless of if you actually wanted to or were academically able too.
  3. I haven't used my degree directly but I have used elements of it, but more importantly I have used what I learnt during my degree - I gained confidence and courage, improved skills I already had such as public speaking and cooking, learnt to budget, met wonderful people who are still in my life, experienced and learnt more about other cultures than I could have learnt from books/tv/internet, reactivated one person created many friends of the church particularly in the muslim community. I have friends around the world who know who I am and what I stand for. Had I not gone to uni I wouldn't have worked at summer camps were I directly affected the lives of of serveral hundred children and which got me back into Guiding were I have impacted many more children and adults including bringing one person into the church. So I while I may not actually be using my degree I don't feel that it was wasted. PS thanks for helping me to see what I gained from my time at uni.
  4. One of my friend married a girl who had converted from Islam it was hard for her and yes her famiky did disown her, but the church helped and supported her. I would suggest fasting and prayer and also getting both your name and your families names on the prayer roll. Also speK to your university international student support/student union.
  5. "Faith in the Lord requires faith in His timing" Neal A Maxwell (I believe)
  6. The only guy in my temple prep class got his suit in a charity shop - was a wool suit in excellent condition.
  7. Codeine (made my housemate hallucinate when she was prescribed it