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Everything posted by SoaringEagle

  1. 6 Years isn't too bad. My ex-husband was 8 years older. And that still doesn't compare to my grandfather marrying his last wife who was 30 years younger.
  2. I should have added.... I live in Florida so no need for snow tools. I will have a ok size storage unit to keep some things I don't need daily. Thanks for the suggestions. I will look for clearance items and see if there are items out of season. Unfortunately, Florida has 2 main seasons: Hurricane and Hot/Humid which tend to be the same. Or the Florida 4 seasons... 1) Very hot and sunny 2) Hot and sunny 3) Sunny 4) Mild
  3. I married at 23 and was divorced by 29. I also didn't have the gospel in my life at that time or an actual marriage for that matter. I occasionally went to a Presbyterian church, you know, for Christmas and Easter. It doesn't matter when you get married, just that you find someone you are compatible with and be willing to put aside selfish desires to serve each other. I do find that since I am over 30 with no children (which I want to have) that I think about time a little more. I leave it in Heavenly Father's hands.
  4. Pam, It was built in 1977 and I am having the kitchen and bath outlets changed out. Other than that, the rest of the outlets are fine.
  5. I am on the verge of purchasing my 1st home. It is overwhelming to know the number of things I will need. Not that it matters too much, but I am 30 years old and a single sister who divorced before converting to the LDS church. I only say this because I had to leave behind a number of items and things that I bought prior to or during my marriage. For the past two years I have been paying down my ex's debt I was left with and rebuilding myself. I need your thoughts on things most needed for a 1st home. I already have the following on my list: Fire Extinguisher Changing out the outlets to GFCIs Smoke Detectors (house does not have any currently) Vacuum Lawn Mower Tool Box Ladder A/C Filter(s) Plunger First Aid Kit Also, any suggestions for keeping the cost down on these and other items will be greatly appreciated. Luckily, the house will come with a Home Warranty and all appliances (washer/dryer/oven range/microwave/dishwasher/fridge)
  6. SoaringEagle

    NHL Hockey

    I am a hockey fan living in Florida. Until a year ago, I played hockey in tournaments but then ran low on money. I don't know if I will continue playing (trying to obey the sabbath and cash) but I do miss ice skating.
  7. Lakumi, Have you tried listening to the Book of Mormon on an Ipod or similar device? I found that it helped me when I was first trying to read the Book of Mormon and now I am able to read on my own.
  8. I have not had a FHE since being baptized over a year ago. I don't have a family and I work M-F evenings. The closest to having a family home evening was being on the phone at midnight and reading the scriptures with my boyfriend on the other end.
  9. Just an update: On my 1 year mark, I was called to be the Emergency Prepardness Coordinator.
  10. I believe you can make it known to your home teacher that you don't want to be contacted at home. They can call, text, email you instead. Your Home Teacher is a priesthood holder in your ward that gives a lesson each month and checks on your spiritual and temporal needs. I have a visiting teacher as well because I am a woman. Women get both a home teacher and a visiting teacher. I am the only LDS in my family and they won't necessarily assume you don't want them to show up. You would just make it be known once someone is assigned after your baptism. Most of the time your Home Teacher will call you or set up an appointment at church before driving over.
  11. That is an great experience and encounter with the missionaries. I am newer to the church as well (Baptism date over 1 year ago) and had some difficulties adjusting after baptism. Many people gave you some great advice and I wanted to just relay my experience. After baptism, I was assigned a home teacher and a visiting teacher. My home teacher (who is the Ward Mission Leader) saw me twice and then stopped seeing me entirely. He was also the Gospel Principles teacher so I saw him every Sunday. My first visiting teacher I never knew who it was and then never saw her once someone told me who it was. I finished the new member lessons but continued meeting with the missionaries and also a senior missionary couple. I kept meeting with both because I requested it and continued setting up meetings. I felt almost abandoned by my teachers though (which I have abandonment issues from my childhood). I was thinking of leaving the church because the adversary was working extra strong and was doing a good job. I found pages on the internet with things I did not like and people complaining about the church. There was never anything truly hidden, just somehow ended up on Ex-Mo sites. It is not hard to do. I can go from Mormon Channel videos to "How my family left the church". What did I end up doing? I met with my Bishop. He had my home teacher changed and spoke with the relief society president and my visiting teacher was changed as well. I also became more pro-active and sought people out to connect with. I encourage you to do the same. Volunteer to feed the missionaries or help them with their visits. There is nothing wrong with recent converts spending more time fellowshipping with the missionaries and asking for more additional lessons. It truly helped with my growth in the church.
  12. To the OP, Congrats on your baptism. I agree with the others. My advice would be to continue in prayer and seek Heavenly Father's guidance and promptings of going on a mission. There are many who will help hold fundraisers or will donate to your mission if that is what you are called to do and you make the decision. I would love to have the opportunity to go on a mission but due to being established in a career and more financial responsibilities, I will have to seek that as my goal for when I retire. Good luck to you!
  13. I work the evening shift so during the day I am not working. Today, it was meeting with missionaries for lunch and a lesson.
  14. Thank you all for your responses, kind words, and advice. My Bishop has been out of town and I will be scheduling a meeting with him this Sunday. There are a few things I need to speak to him about so that will need to be the course of action. I have felt that I would be called in the nursery or primary because of the weakness part. I am a 30 year old single sister who has limited experience or time around the young children. Only recently have I started holding friend's children. I have 7 years of experience working with troubled teens. Earlier this month, I did speak with my Bishop. I told him my thoughts and feelings about not having a calling. He had mentioned that he was going to speak to someone to see if they would work with me. Unfortunately, since time has passed and my analytical mind, I have analyzed these words and started having thoughts of why I haven't been called. This is not productive and is the adversary playing with my emotions.
  15. I can honestly say that I don't do enough scripture reading. I probably read scripture a few times a week though I try to take my quad with me to work and have access to scriptures on the web. I know that I read church related material and watch the Mormon Channel videos more than listening or reading the scriptures. I believe I should be reading at least an hour daily. It should be broken up with 20-30 minutes in the morning and at least the same amount in the evening. It should correlate with prayer. I meet with missionaries at least weekly and used to meet with the senior missionaries at least weekly or biweekly. Both I have done for over a year. I am a recent convert, next month is my one year anniversary of my baptism. So during those times, I may have done more scripture reading but never paid attention to the amount of time. I read the Bible front to back when I was 15 and now I can say that I have read the Book of Mormon front to back. I know I need to start both over.
  16. I was baptized on 8/11/2012 and am about to finish my first year as a convert. I have heard many things about the Bishopric normally wants to wait a year before taking a new convert out of Gospel Principles and Relief Society/Priesthood meetings. I have been in Gospel Doctrine for about 6 months now and am closing in on that year mark. I have grown discouraged due to other converts getting callings after 9 months and our recent converts receiving their first calling within a month of being "dunked". I have spoken with senior missionaries (before they left for home) and my Bishop. Unfortunately, there still has been no answer. My questions are: What was your first calling in the church? How long were you a convert or member before being asked to serve? What calling have you enjoyed the most?
  17. Thanks MOE! I am finding that out. Before signing up, I kept looking multiple times a day for more threads and responses. I want to learn and help where I can.
  18. Zurie, do not be troubled. I know this time in your life is a struggle and I find that Heavenly Father does answer our prayers. There may be a purpose to your young friend being in your life during this troubling time period for you. I understand the angst of leaving him when you go off to college. My question would be to you is have you continued in prayer? Maybe there is a possibility you will continue dating or stay friends. Please consider asking a priesthood holder for a blessing of peace and comfort. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
  19. I agree with many of the thoughts others have shared. Here are a few of my thoughts: Many people have been lead astray from believing that what they heard or felt was Heavenly Father when in fact, it was the adversary leading them astray. God does not rejoice in divorce though sometimes it is what happens in our lives, through choices we and/or our spouse (former spouses) make due to having free-agency. I ask for Heavenly Father to help mend your heart and grant you a clear mind. Below is the scripture that comes to my mind when discerning our thoughts and words from others: D&C 50:23-25 23 And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. 24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day. 25 And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you
  20. I have been lurking for a good few months and now decided to finally start writing. Originally, I was looking for answers to questions I had as a new convert and my search engine started popping up anti-mormon and anti-lds sites. I had to learn to discern what I was reading and determine if it was in fact something I should be reading or listening to. I ran into this site and kept coming back. I enjoy reading a lot of the information here and enjoy seeing other faiths discussing church doctrine and other stuff in a more civil manner.
  21. Thank you for welcoming me to the board!
  22. Hey There, I have been lurking for awhile now and reading up on the forums. I'm a recent convert (8/11/2012) and will eventually get around to writing my conversion story or testimony. I figured first things first...