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Everything posted by a-train

  1. The question is whether she thinks that is good or bad. -a-train
  2. Really both. I don't believe it is immoral for society to inflict the death penalty in circumstances wherein the malefactor is of certain danger to and in contempt of liberty. I would advocate the death penalty for murderers to be sure.The political reason for the death penalty to be removed from the power of the Federal Government is to prevent the abuse of this power for political purposes. Whereas such an atrocity has not been the case in recent history, we DO have indications, such as off-shore federally controlled prisons wherein prisoners are held without any right to trial (habeas corpus) and tortured therein, that executive powers have grown far and away from their constitutional confines. As far as the errors in state courts are concerned, I think the problem is in the process of trial, not the punishment. Those wrongly convicted would have been wrongly imprisoned regardless. We need to focus on getting back to 'innocent until proven guilty'. Part of the problem is the pre-emptive efforts of the courts. It is not the job of the courts to prevent crime. We need to get back to justice. A robber of goods would do better to renew the property to the victims, not rot in a cell at further expense. There are many troubles in the courts and among them also are the lack of accountability of law enforcement. Illegal search and seizure poses no great threat to the police than the loss of efficacy of evidence collected in court. Here we have two wrongs making a right. If the criminal and the police have both violated the law, they should both be brought to justice, meaning they should both repay their damages. -a-train
  3. There is something that bothers me about the view that there was some window of opportunity wherein the saints in Joseph Smith's time could have accomplished much more than they did, but they failed and thus this opportunity was lost. The notion is as if we are simply not responsible and we are now just waiting for another such window to open up. I think we can open these windows up ourselves. We need to be building Zion now, not waiting for some new miracle to drop out of the sky to begin. There is nothing stopping us from getting together and helping one another, from being of one heart and one mind, from seeing to it that there are no poor among us, from building up a socio-economic entity which frees us from the socio-economic bondage of the world. We can do all of this right here and right now. We don't need to walk shoelessly behind a handcart to Jackson County Missouri as the moon falls from the sky and the sun turns to blood in order to accomplish it. -a-train
  4. Oh well, ladies and germs. I guess there is not a shred of historical evidence. Your just going to have to actually see if you can get a personal look at God and a witness for yourself. And, the next time a Christian tells me to show him the golden plates, I'll tell him to show me the original new testament. -a-train
  5. I'd let the states each determine whether they will employ the death penalty. The Federal Government however, should not be allowed to inflict the death penalty. -a-train
  6. I don't want to see tax dollars sent to other countries for ANY purpose.-a-train
  7. The answer really is Elgama's first answer. The Old World Jews DID have very explicit information about the Saviour that is not found in our Old Testaments today. The Mormon view of history is one of dispensations. God gives tremendous detail and revelation to the world which dwindles over time until it is necessary for God to do so again in order to restore information that has been lost. This process has been a continually repeated cycle from the beginning. The Saviour's birth among the Jews was amidst a lost and confused generation. Years of lies and deception had immersed the people in ignorance. They were living under a long legacy of such lies and deception which came from "spiritual" leadership. Satan's work has always been to establish by way of temptations of power: false priests who seek to hide the truth and mislead the people through lies and the abandonment of true revelation. They speak evil of the living oracles of God and take up their position as spiritual leaders only to aggrandize themselves. The scribes and Pharisees were the heirs of a legacy of such lies and suppression of the truth. Even they themselves were in the dark: The result of this is the loss of once known information which is ultimately restored by God. In Jesus was a new dispensation to the Jews wherein much that was lost was restored. So also was the Restoration in our times through the prophet Joseph Smith.-a-train
  8. The Church WAS disincorporated via the Edmunds-Tucker Act. The Supreme Court, in 1890, ultimately upheld the disincoporation in 136 US 1 wherein the court held: The court order actually authorized the seizure of all real property and the bank holdings of the Church WERE seized until their release in 1893. The temples however, were simply not seized. I don't know why or what circumstances prevented it.-a-train
  9. Every human that has ever died is either resurrected or remains a ghost to this day. They are all around us, billions of them. With them are also an unknown number of spirits who are yet to have been born and even more who are on this earth but will never be born. We are ghosts in a body. There is nothing scary or evil about it. That said, necromancy is against the commandments of the LORD. Most of it is foolishness and phony anyway. -a-train I did like the Poltergeist movie.
  10. Wow, that sounds remarkably like: (Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson)-a-train
  11. After some looking at all of this, I wondered if I should reply and if so, to what should I reply exactly? So I really just randomly ran my finger like a throwing dart at the screen and the quoted portion is where it landed.My response to that is this: What indication does the Book of Revelation give that the Jesus therein "is a god who would later be made into a man"? Also, what inconsistancy does any statement that Jesus is in some way supernatural pose? For that matter, what inconsistancy is there in any statement that Jesus is Diety who took on the form of man? Plus, wherein does the Book of Revelation indicate that the Jesus of which it speaks is "not a man"? Virtually the entire barrage of text posted in the ops brings to mind questions such as these. -a-train PS: Revelation 1:1, 1:2, 1:5, 1:9, 12:17, and 22:21 all use the exact phrase "Jesus Christ". 1:9 uses the phrase twice. With those alone, that makes seven uses of the phrase "Jesus Christ" in the Book of Revelation. 14:12, 17:6, 19:10, 20:40, 22:16, and 22:20 also use the name "Jesus", so that brings the total "Jesus" count to thirteen. 11:15, 12:10, 20:4, and 20:6 mention "Christ", so the "Christ count is actually up to eleven. I am having difficulty reconciling these facts with the statement:"The name Jesus occurs only seven times in the entire book, Christ only four times, and Jesus Christ only twice!"
  12. I guess it depends on what color we are theoretically talking about. -a-train
  13. Flour is good for ten years, but the wheat can store in cans for 30! -a-train
  14. It doesn't say "the two parties", it says "various". Is this not telling us to focus on candidates and not parties? -a-train
  15. Dude, helmets are sooooo lame bro.. They are... like.. tooootally bummer dude.God and man are the same species. Jesus was born of woman. He is human. He lived in every way the human condition and died a human death. He rose from the grave and is an immortal human being. His resurrected body was not described by the eye witnesses of His resurrection as inhuman. They handled His human hands and feet and felt the prints of the nails. They ate with Him and watched Him physically eat. He physically ascended into the sky. Mankind will be just as literally resurrected. He and we will eternally retain our form as beings of the human species. As the psalmist wrote: "Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the most high." (Psalm 82:6) As Paul said: "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device." (Acts 17:28-29) Indeed, as we are not made of stone, nor is God. Rather He and we are the same species and we are His children. Perhaps we could be accused of pride in saying we are gods and children of the most high. But accusation in itself is a form of pride and the endeavor to submit our own will to God's commandments is not pride, but humility. As He commanded: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matt, 5:48) -a-train
  16. Exodus 24:10-11: The Bible is loaded with testimonies of prophets and worshipers of God who SAW Him. Genesis 12:7: Genesis 32:20: Genesis 35:9: 1 Kings 9:2: We are promised in Matthew 5:8: Acts 7:55-56 (a scripture mastery for all you seminary students out there): Perhaps the greatest testimony in the Bible of the LORD is that of His disciples whereof we read: -a-train
  17. So, if I understand correctly, is this now a: "Mormons believe they can become gods!?!?!?" thread? What is the topic at this point? -a-train
  18. The word he is thinking of is simple. Real simple. Only certain people come looking for a confrontation. Let's imagine them standing under a bridge and waiting for us to come along. Lunging out at us, they try to take us by surprise. -a-train
  19. In my state, we actually had Libertarian, Constitutional, and other party candidates on the ballot. While I agree that we need some reform, I think the bigger issue is grass roots campaigning. The masses believe that they only have the Republican and Democrat parties to choose from because of this idea of "feasibility". It is the internet that could prove to change the whole game. People everywhere are starting to see things with a much more informed view because answers to their questions are usually a click away. It is indeed a shame that the masses did not see in Ron Paul what he really is. I often have people tell me he is a "kook". I ask: "How so?" They never have an answer. They just say: "He's kooky." I ask: "What does he do that is kooky?" They never seem to know. The reality is that the media tried very hard to portray him as kooky. It was awful. There was a GOP debate with FIVE candidates. The news coverage and advertising only showed FOUR. During the recaps after the debate, he was briefly trashed by the commentators and then not mentioned again. He was stronger in the actual primaries than Giuliani and yet he got no coverage while Giuliani was constantly on television. He was even not allowed to attend one debate because he was deemed "unfeasible", all the while he was doing better in the primaries than some of the "feasible" candidates who were allowed to debate. The fact is, he knows what he is doing and the others were scared to death of him. But nobody is more scared of him than big business elites who want to keep their hands on the throat of Washington. The internet is changing everything. The television will soon not mean quite so much. I have good hope for the future return to constitutionality. -a-train
  20. I understand, but your question about whether he was a "terrorist" or a "freedom fighter" brings up the issue of perception. Governments have long made pronouncements regarding a given person in order to control public perception. We can choose to fear or adore based on those pronouncements, or make our own decisions.As for Fawkes, I am not making any determination. -a-train
  21. Lets not forget that fantastic science of Eugenics! Perhaps I will live to see the day when Eugenics advocate John Maynard Keynes is completely laid to the dustbin of folly with his phony theories of economics too. I can't forget W. K. Kellogg who also supported Eugenics and whose brother publicly advocated circumcision as a cure to masturbation, at least they gave us the corn flake. -a-train
  22. I do not expect to get a call late at night to remove my family to the wilderness, but I have long felt the peace and comfort availed only by doing those things taught by the prophets. -a-train