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Posts posted by Silhouette

  1. Where I live, there is a gang I learned about in my gang awareness training put on by the Sherriff's department. They have a reputation that they pride themselves on maintaining.

    They attack in 4-man teams with shotguns, baseball bats, rope, and condoms. Their plan is the same everytime. Kill whoever opens the door with the shotgun: no time to respond to respond to that. (If no one answers the door, they shhot their way in with the shotgun.) Then, they storm in, tie up both the men and the women. They beat the men with the bats, to maintain their brutality reputation among the gang community, and rape the women. A four-man team with a shotgun, a baseball bat, and rope, high on uppers that take away pain, is not something any human being will ever defend against with martial arts, pepper spray, or a tazer. Especially because everyone who is sprayed or tazed always has 1-3 seconds to get a shot off before they hit the ground and are incapacitated. Even if you incapacitate one of them, the other 3 will get you. No, the only way you defend aganist that is a tactical shotgun or a pistol with extended magazines, and a planned out emergency response plan that your family practices during some family home evenings.

    That gang, that I learned about, is located < 10 miles from my house.

    The very thought of that is absolutely terrifying. And less than 10 miles from your house? I'd be constantly worried and afraid.

  2. Is it just me or are other people feeling the same way about seeing this movie. In sacrament meeting\stake conference\sunday school\relief society and elders qourum we got pounded about seeing this movie. Our stake president even said it was our duty(a commandment from the brethern) to see this movie.

    I plan on waiting till its free on the church website to see it. Too many members are like you'll be gauranteed a spot in the celestial kingdom for watching it.

    Scovy, the pressure is on here, too. As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, our Stake Presidency sent out an email to everyone with a schedule of what days and times each organization should go.



    Response to the theatrical release of "Meet the Mormons" has significantly exceeded expectations, a Church spokesman said today.

    In the opening 24 hours, the documentary-style movie that portrays the personal stories of six diverse Latter-day Saints and their families was shown in 317 theaters across the nation and attracted capacity audiences, ranking No. 10 nationwide in total box office sales.

    "Meet the Mormons" was the number one film in over 100 locations, with sold out showings reported across the country, including New York City, Detroit, Miami, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Dallas, Phoenix, and various locations in California.

    Wow, this is awesome!

  4. The way it was taught to me is that we don't talk about Her much because Her name is extremely sacred, and Heavenly Father does not want Her name dragged through the mud and abused like His is. Therefore it is out of great respect and reverence that we spare Her name. She understands this, so She is not hurt because we don't use Her name much.

    Beyond this, I would venture to say that She is well-pleased that we respect Her so very much. What I do is reverently ask Heavenly Father during private prayer that He would make known to Her my great love for her. Some would say that's corny, but it comforts me.

    I see no reason to be sorrowful about the Church not mentioning Her much. She feels our devoted love, just like Heavenly Father does.

  5. *munches on popcorn* This is a series of trials and tribulations for you. It's clear that this is something you are struggling with intently, and a cursory glance can see how passionately you feel about this.

    Know that you cannot fake the repentence process. You really, really have to know how you feel, and that you cannot fake what you feel inside.

    However, you can basically ignore anything but the bolded stuff.


  6. I guess I'm going whether I really want to or not. My VT just called, and asked if I would go on Friday with her and two other ladies from Church. She has everything all planned out and was very excited, so I hated to be a downer.

    I'll have to work on my attitude about it the next couple of days, and get into the mindset that I'm going to enjoy it.

  7. I'm still bouncing from one temporary address to another these days, but I'll end up somewhere in the "Green Valley" stake.

    I'm glad the Church picks pleasant geographical names for wards and doesn't use names from Scripture. I'd hate to belong to the Gadianton Ward.

    LOL another ward that meets in our building is the Hidden Lake ward. Beautiful names...

  8. Haven't read through the whole if this has been said...sorry...

    The scriptures seem pretty clear that we will take up our bodies again, that it is a reuniting of body and spirit, etc... We are taught that the graves opened and bodies came forth, and thus will the resurrection be.

    Moreover, the church has long held a variety of traditions and practices that very clearly respect the idea that the body we die with will be taken up again.

    I dunno. Seems to me that whoever gave you the idea that we are done with our bodies upon death may not have been very well versed in these things...respectfully...bless their hearts. :)

    I just always pictured it that my husband would stand at the foot of my grave and say, "So and So, come forth," and then the grave would burst open and I would just step out. Someone I believe mentioned that our spirit would not rejoin with our body while our body was in the grave, but I have always pictured it that way when the time has come for us to come out. Where I got that idea from I don't just made sense to me that it would happen that way.