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Posts posted by David13

  1. Palerider

    I'm studying scripture daily.  Looking up things, etc.  Of course, I'm still way behind others who have been doing that for years.

    As to the questions, as to #1 I would have thought because of pc.  It's not pc to talk about the evil ones in Wash DC and all that. 

    But I'm glad Eowyn enlightened me on the scripture on that.

    #2 In my ward the women and men seem to be happy with their division of labor.  I haven't heard any complaints. 

    #3  There are missing chapters in the E T Benson book.  No one will talk about it. I have heard that there are wards where it is too controversial so they avoid it.

    In my ward we frequently touch on the subject in Priesthood, but not to any real depth.  I suppose we realize the futility of it.  And that these are the latter days.

    I'm glad to see it all come up.  I'm new to the church and need the education.


  2. The competition in school is not against the other students, it's with yourself.  Are you learning.  Are you going to be able to get a job and lead a productive life in some way.

    You don't go to public school to learn to be more Christ-like.

    You should go to learn how to get a job, trade, skill or profession.  So you can lead a productive life. 

    Not so you can waste your time.


  3. “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man... It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone.”― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


    The entire point of awards - 1st, 2nd, 3rd - is competition and pride (not esteem). 


    Giving everyone an award is telling everyone that this is not a competition, this is not about some people trying to be better than others, that the activity is about building relationships and having a good time.


    Which is just about the worst life lesson you can teach kids.  When reality strikes, and they have to get out into the world and get a job, what good will that do for them?  None.

    They are supposed to be going to school to learn how to be productive citizens, who can do a job, not kumbaya singers.


    The other way the schools have ruined kids is putting forth the idea that learning is "fun".  Learning is not fun.  It is work.  It is blood, sweat, and tears.  It is studying long and late hours even if you are working your way thru' school, which is a good further lesson to learn.  How to use your time wisely and productively. 

    The other foolish fallacy is that all the students are "equal".  They are not.

    Again when it comes time to get a job, earn a living, pay off those student loans, buy a house to have a place to live and support a wife who may or may not work and kids, do the hire any student?  Any student because they are equal?  No.  They hire the ones who worked and earned the best grades.



  4. What specific example in schools have you observed that causes you to say that they promote a false self esteem in their students?


    They give awards to any kid that shows up.  They don't fail any students.  They give good grades to all the students.  Etc.


    Respect and self esteem has to be earned.  Otherwise it's false.


  5. Let me give you a different definition of self esteem.  True and lasting self esteem comes from knowing that the life one is pursuing is pleasing to God.  One can and should seek revelation and receive confirmation that their life is one that pleases God.  When they receive that revelation, they understand their worth to God and experience true self esteem.


    The article in the OP is discussing different types of worldly self esteem.  Worldly self esteem is always transient and is never permanent.


    That really isn't a different definition.  It is a description of a different sphere. 

    The article refers to a flaw that was consciously put forth in the school system nationwide with a very disfuntional result. 


    The fact that our mortality is temporary, transient, and not permanent is a different issue.


  6. He also wants us to forget our worth. So how do you differentiate the two?


    Quite easily Eowyn, quite easily.

    Self esteem must be earned. 

    If little Johnny shows up in school and earns an award and accomplishes something, then the award is valid.

    If little Johnny shows up in school with his usual bad attitude and the teacher wants to give him an award for this false pride, it's wrong and harmful.

    So it's blatantly obvious between the two.


    As to Mormon Gator, no, no I'm better than you attitude.  That would be wrong. 

    But there is a qualitative difference, which must not be ignored, and if you are side tracked by the I'm better than you issue, you miss the recognition, the important recognition of the qualitative difference.  Students go to school to advance and learn and better themselves, not to just remain the same.  And that is what must not be lost, tho' has been with this false pride promotion.


  7. I have to agree with you on that one as well.  But again it's the big city politicians and police chiefs and sheriffs (big city) that put into effect the no guns for law abiding citizens, only for law breaking criminals policies.

    I'm sure you have seen the photos of Korean business owners lined up on their roofs during the riots here.  Their business were the ones that were not looted and burned, oddly enough.

    There is also a video in Baltimore of some liquor store owners, fairly well armed what, again did not have their store looted and burned.

    And the vast majority of law enforcement are in favor of legal citizens owning and carrying guns.  It's the politicians disease that comes from the top down.

    As to the drug laws, do you think rank and file cops are responsible for that?


    All of the sheriffs of all of the Utah counties signed a pledge to uphold the Constitution.  Oh.  Except one.  Guess.


    So let's look at the real problem, which is not the rank and file.  Not the tail.  Which doesn't set the mindset for the top.  It's the dog at the top.


  8. Well

    . . .Americans honestly do not comprehend what has happened over the past 20-30 years as we have morphed more and more towards a police state.


    This 'morph' is a result of the politicians.



    Also, what do you have, some 'personal thing' about the drug war?  Some 'personal involvement'?  What about the war on other crime.  You just ignore that?

    What about the rioting in Ferguson.  Or Baltimore.  We as citizens are supposed to appreciate that, according to you.  Where was the war against that.


  9. The attitude change happened first in the police not the public.


    100% wrong.

    The tail does not wag the dog. 

    Here's a video (there are 3 segments of it) from 1980.  This video shows what the police in 1980 began to realize they were up against.  That is, undermanned and outgunned by a long shot.

    And thus you see the militarization of the police, due to the fact that the criminals have so militarized themselves. 

    Prior to this time, and you see it there, cops were risking their lives on revolvers.



    ...  make police aware of a changing culture.   ...


    Just what is this "changing culture" you are posting about?  Do you mean a culture that thinks that crime is perfectly all right and ok?  And acceptible because people are "oppressed" and "poor"?

    Because that's the "culture" that embodies a total lack of morality that you see today.

    And it thinks some lives matter but not cop lives.

    And it's fostered from the White House on down today. 

    And thus we live in a society where there is no morality, no difference between right and wrong.

    Or in some cases where wrong is right and right is wrong.

    20 years ago when there were cops that weren't alert on a traffic stop there were cops that got killed.  It still happens today but today they know the rule, there is no such thing as a "routine" traffic stop.

    I have had one cop tell me she arrested 5 murder suspects on "routine" traffic stops.


  11. The simple logic is - the less the institution can insure peace the more we must take upon ourselves to preserve it for our selves, our families and our communities.  I have long feared that there may be a time when individuals will believe it safer to carry a gun than to rely on our institutions. It is more scary to me than a Zombie apocalypse - zombies don't look like me and everybody else.



    There is an old saying 'when seconds count, the police or sheriff is only minutes away'.  Or, in Los Angeles, or how about the rural areas, half an hour, or an hour, or an hour and a half away.


  12. Anatess

    Plaid cargo shorts?  He sounds like some type of 'Hippie'.

    Thank the lord we don't have any hippies in our ward. 

    I think we do have a few 'hipsters', you know, young guys with a beard.

    However, both of them spend most of their time walking around trying to keep a baby in their arms quiet. 

    So I guess without regard to the 'hipsterism' they at least are parents.


  13. Respect for law and order. 

    Which of course is long gone.  We have today vast communities of those who believe they should be able to supplement thier government welfare checks, subsidies and give-aways with crime.  And they believe they should not have any interference from law enforcement while they carry out their crimes.

    I doubt that it will change, particularly with the ilk in the white house and ags office (both present and former) and the poitical bent of most large cities where these communities thrive on their crimes (and 'government assistance').

    And it won't change as long as there are viscious rabid racists like Al 'Fat Boy' Sharpton, and Jessie 'Bug Eyes' Jackson stirring up further racial hatred and disrespect for law and order.

    You know their motto after any crime:  "Mah bebby din do nuffin".


  14. I have noticed we do not have this problem in our ward.  The dress is very modest, nothing 'tight' or 'revealing'.

    In Anatess's two photos, the immodesty of the first is the bare midrif.  The open belly should not be exposed there, the skirt is okay, only with some type of shirt that covers the gut.  Please.

    How about some of these poor young men.  Who wear a suit that fit one or two or three years ago, and now looks like they are poured into it.  But that's a big money issue.

    A lot of the missionaries (male ones) have that problem.  Outgrown their suit.  It's not a modesty issue, but a budget matter.  It just makes me feel like saying to them, ok, I'm taking you down to the men's store and I'm going to buy you a new suit.  That fits you now.

    Which they probably would all like but I would soon be broke.

    How about a man in a skirt at church last week?

    No, not one of the anti Prop 8 ilk.

    We have a lot of Samoans, and I'm told also Tongans.  And he was in a Samoan (I think) tribal skirt and, well I didn't look him over much, you know, you have to pretend not to notice.  A colorful shirt and skirt.   He was leaving the church and I forget what time, so he might not have gone to sacrament meeting in that outfit, it might have been some type of well, maybe a Samoan baptism?


  15. Well, Str8Shooter, maybe your wife just has a louder and more penetrating voice than you realize.  You know, some of these women, you could be way down on the lower 40 and she could just yell "Str8Shooter, you git yer butt back to the house I need something", and you'd be like, "yes, dear" and starting hiking back, because you could hear her, maybe that's what it was.

    Ha ha.

    In High Priests this week they were talking about how people have helped us. I was going to say nobody ever helped me, which wasn't true so I didn't.  Then I realized the wife helped me.

    And several others mentioned how the wife had helped them.

    Well, I was swimming and my wife took action to save me.  I would have drowned years ago but for some reason she just sensed that something was going to go wrong and saved my life.
    I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that.

    So maybe it would be a good idea if I got married again, if I find the right woman.  That's not easy.

    I'm not alone, I have two cats.  But they don't help much.



    We knew a lady 5 years ago, she was about 40 and she died at night.  She had a diabetic coma or something, and like someone said, she didn't have a husband or anyone to help her so she just ended up dying in the middle of the night.

  16. I don't understand why we think Pa can't make his own decisions.  He is of legal age you know, and there is no evidence of any impairment of any kind.

    Pa was a member of the church before.  He knows what a Bishop is, he can go to see the Bishop and ask for anything he wants. 

    In fact, I suspect the missionaries have already spoken to him about returning to Sacrament meeting and active membership, that is, if he is not already attending Sacrament meeting.



    You know, I'm in a somewhat similar position, only to a lesser extent and I know I sure wouldn't want anybody complaining about it behind my back, or taking action about it behind my back.