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Posts posted by David13

  1. As some of you may know, I plan to attend General Conference in Salt Lake City this coming October.

    I know in history, at some time, people came to General Conference with a clean white handkerchief.

    Is that still the case?

    I am trying to prepare across the board, and I would like to know about that.

    I suppose it is a bygone issue, but might that come back into the Conference?



  2. What about right here?

    The main reason, how much participation will you get from your ward.

    I know of many a forum where generally they get 10 or 20 posts a year.  That means some topics 2 or 3 posts per year.

    There just isn't that much participation.

    And a few forums where there are posts every few seconds, many per minute.

    So I think you will get a lot more participation here, not with everyone in your ward, you will have to bring in others from your ward, but everyone here has experience with your lesson, etc.

    So post it here.


  3. I don't know so much hate, as insanity.  I don't mean insanity he didn't know it was wrong.  I mean demented as to think he could do that.

    Twisted thinking.

    They say he was taking some type of 'psychotropic' prescription drug, I suppose for his head being out of whack.  Little did they know how far out of whack it was.


  4. The Catholic church isn't going to miss me.

    And I'm not worried about the funeral.

    When I was 13 I told the missionary girls in Salt Lake City that yes, I would come back later and join the church.  I also told my parents that. 

    And I have to keep my word.  Even if it takes a long time.

    blueskye you might read some of my other threads.  I'm already in far far over my head.  And that's the way I want it.

    There are so many things that just fit right for me.



    I don't remember my own birth, but I definitely existed.



    That is somewhat my problem right there Jane Doe.  I always sort of felt that I knew things from the past, or brought something with me to this world when I came.  More of a feeling than a knowing.  I guess another aspect of it is feeling like you were born too late.  Maybe it's just that I know and appreciate things of the past.  But it always felt like more than that.

    I did used to have memories of my birth, dreams about it.



  6. That crowd shouldn't bother me.

    I can walk.  I will just look funny with a suit and tie, and tennis shoes.  I can't walk much distance in dress shoes. 

    The walk will be about 2 blocks or 4 blocks from the hotel.  (I have 2 reservations in)  I suppose I could take a taxi, but still, I may have to walk a mile or two.  And I'll have to walk for lunch and dinner, so I think the only thing I can do is wear the tennis shoes.

    What about the restaurants?  Will Nauvoo cafe and Lion House restaurant be packed for lunch and dinner, long lines and long waits?


  7. That makes a lot of sense dear woman.  I would be happy to be married to someone like you.

    However, that might not work with me.  Sometimes I will spend the most time looking at something like that and thinking how do they make that, not that I want it, or, how do they get away with making that and selling it and actually getting people to buy that.

    That I don't want the thing at all.

    I always like it when no one gets me anything.  That way I don't have to sit there thinking "why on earth did they get me that?"

    We think differently.


    His and hers diary from the same day:



  8. I've only been a member for 2 months, so I don't know why I would have advice, but ...

    Talk to people.  Introduce yourself.  Shake hands.

    I visited two other wards, both in Utah.  I shook hands and talked to everybody.  But in one they approached me first.  In the second a large family spread word I was visiting and invited me over and all talked to me.

    I suppose if you mention moving in, they will refer you to the appropriate people to get the records and all.

    As to advice, don't fight over the seating.  That doesn't seem to turn out well.  (I just read about an incident 2 years ago in Park City)


  9. I was raised as a Catholic from birth by my mother.  My father would take us to church, but only to take us, not because he had any interest in going.

    And I attended some Catholic school for a few years.

    So by the time I was old enough to begin to understand the different between right and wrong, I began to believe I was sent here, or brought here to choose the right path.  And my parents strongly reinforced that.

    However, as an adult I had no involvement with the church, and as I say wandered aimlessly for 40 years, til I got into this Church.

    I had found it as a young man, 13 or so.  One of the missionary sisters told me "why don't you come back later and join the church".  I finally did 52 years later.

    I stood for years in Utah looking at the meeting houses and admiring the whole scene.  But it took a long time for me to actually walk in the door.

    As an adult I got involved in alcohol, sex, and an inappropriate marriage.  But no children.

    I got rid of the alcohol and cigarettes and sex long ago.

    So I have been worthy for a long time.  Or at least ready for the baptism.

    (I acknowledge my unworthiness before God at all times)

    I just regret that I didn't walk in the door 20 or 30 years ago.

    I had the chance.  They brought me a Book of Mormon 30 years ago.  I just didn't do anything with it.


  10. Bini

    You are far too insecure.

    You made a decision and nothing was wrong with it.

    Just because somebody says BOO! to you, or gets mad at you is not reason to reconsider your decision.

    You just have to do your job. 

    The fact that they get angry means they know you made the right decision.  And they got no better argument.

    Like NightSG says the real indication is there is something wrong with that lady, not you.  She doesn't have any respect for your decision and the fact that you have to do your job.


  11. While I think I might not disagree explicitly with what you wrote above, my point is that condemning a young man and recent Church convert because he has some attitudes and opinions that might not be healthy is not itself a good or Christlike thing to do.


    It is unfortunate to see anyone treated wrongly, perhaps moreso when we recognize that the mistreatment is coming from ourselves. But it is particularly galling to see a man savaged wrongly in a condition where a woman would be treated more gently and even sympathized with. Men are just as human as women, just as wonderful and potentially divine, and just as valued before God -- though there are those (perhaps even on this very list) who disbelieve it.



    I have to disagree with all that.

    First, he was not condemned, he was chagrined.  Like Christ would do. 

    Second, we all agree, his attitude is not healthy.

    Third, he wasn't treated wrongly.  He was treated appropriately.  He was not savaged at all.  That's an exaggeration. 

    Women are generally treated more gently and sympathetically than men.  Because they are more gentle and sympathetic. 

    Men are supposed to be able to take it.  Christ didn't mince words with anyone.

    We all value men and women.  All of us here.  Even the humorists.

    The op reminds me of a whiny little boy, who cries and whines "I don't want to go to school.  I don't want to go to school".

    And Mommy has to come and say, firmly, not savagely, "Get dressed!  You are going to school."

    Just like Jesus would do in that circumstance.


  12. My thought is I learned a lot. 

    And you have helped my testimony.

    Thanks for your post.

    What comments do you have about the comments that I see below the article?  I don't know if those show on your link to your link.

    One comment is that they want the LDS church to be different, otherwise there would be no reason for the church to exist.

    The other is that Dr Peterson and the Church are trying to be more "mainstream". 

    The second comment concerns me.  I don't like the idea that the chuch would sacrifice principle to be popular.


  13. You are just not doing it right at all.

    You have to get out there more and make friends.

    Months before my birth birthdate comes up, I start making regular reminders of the date to friends, and repeat the date and the age several times, and make some comments about what I want as presents, etc.

    Then I ask about their birthdate which if I already know, I comment about.

    I then talk about the best birthday gifts and what I might, might I say like as a present.

    Just as a suggestion.  No real request, you have to be real subtle here, just a hint, you see.

    I then regularly repeat all that perhaps weekly and then the day or two before my birthday.

    I always get what I want and have a party or not as I have requested.

    Don't forget to be all surprised and act like you had no idea they would go to all the trouble and thank them profusely.

    Also, very important, be there for the other birthdays (of the other people), ask them what they want, ask them if they want a party, ask them who to invite, etc.


    I have to comment about my baptism.  Where did all those people come from?  It was packed.  It seems like half the stake was there.  Refreshments of a dozen varieties, beverages I couldn't believe it.

