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Posts posted by David13

  1. Talk about your 'nanny state'.

    I don't hate on it.  But I think it is wrong for there to be no such thing as a kid who cannot walk to school.

    When I was a kid, all the way thru' college, and law school, I walked to school, or rode my bike.

    It is ridiculous to see the high school here today, no kid could ever walk two blocks.

    You end up with fat lazy kids who can't waddle out of their SUV to get a McDonald's grease burger.  They have to use the drive thru'.

    I know people with 25 year old kids who never worked a day in their life, and don't have the ability to find an office building two blocks away.

    Are these kids ever going to get a job?  How will they be able to find the place.


  2. What does this term "homophobe" mean?  It means you are afraid of homosexuality.

    No, what it means is that this is a way to shame anyone into accepting the agenda that sin is not sin and should be "encouraged, taught to the children in school, embraced, supported" and all that nonsense.

    So, are we "afraid" of homosexuality?  No.  We don't approved of it.


  3. I don't "doo" fb so ...

    But, I have noticed a trend in recent years for parents to be overly obsessed with their kids. 

    They are adults (the parents).  Yet their whole life seems to be consumed by every little thing their kid does.

    And the real bad one as I see ... "I'm best friends with my kids".  

    Wrong.  You are supposed to be parents.  You are supposed to be leaders, teachers, correctors.  Not go along sycophants.

    When the kids do something wrong, you are not supposed to bend over backwards with every little excuse for them.

    That's where it goes wrong as I see it.

    Parents not being adult parents.  No discipline.

    Now.  I do not think this may apply to many on this forum or in the LDS church.  But in general society, here in Los Angeles at least, I have definitely seen way too much of it for way too many years, and seen the outcome of it.  Bad.


  4. Well, again "diversity" has been suggested to me.

    Let me say this, about that.

    Living in Los Angeles for more than 40 years has given me far more diversity of every type that I may ever need.  And then a nauseating some more.

    So it is not "diversity" I seek. 

    Quite the contrary.

    Georgia?  As in Atlanta? 

    Yes, I am sure there are those that think it to be heaven.  But like Pam I gasped.  Humidity?  High crime?  Politics?

    Just what I want to get away from in Los Angeles?

    My father retired to Florida.  I would not.

    Thankfully, nothing personal here, no one has suggested Detroit.  I 'll avoid that place also.


    The Bee Hive state.  Industry.  Small towns.  Rural areas.  Scenic scenery.  Red and beige mountains, hills and deserts.

    Curvy, well paved roads.  Up hill and down hill.  A motorcycling paradise.

    A bit of a winter.

    A lady in Torrey told me how nice the Mormons are (oh?) and that as to winter, just get a wood burning stove.  And I would get used to it.

    I pray that God will move me to southern Utah.

    Thanks for the replies.


  5. Revan

    It takes time.  Give it time.  You are barely at your first baby step.

    Also, look at those 12 steps.

    Work with a sponsor thru' them.  Each one.  From one to twelve.  You cannot do it alone.  You must have a sponsor.

    And you will find that both you and your sponsor will need help on the way thru'.  You will see it there when you get there.

    A twelve step program is not a magic wand.  It is a long term process that requires a great deal of work on your part.


  6. Well, I tried searching in there.  It came back that I was not related to anyone.  I guess they just have no information on me.  But all is not unknown to me, as my uncle had tried to trace our ancestors back some, but he didn't get far.

    I know back to my fathers grandfather and have photos going back to 1870 or so, so I have some knowledge, but I do not believe we had any contact with the COJCOLDS or Utah.

    Other than I do want to move to Utah.


  7. I'm new to that also, and a little confused, tho' it is getting clearer.

    I also understand that iced coffee or tea are ok.

    Some would like to add soda to that.  But that has never officially been added.

    Did Brigham Young or Joseph Smith ever give any further clarification about whether or not that is that we "should" avoid coffee and tea, or "must" avoid coffee and tea?

    I will add that from my point of view, at my old age, I say that if you want to avoid gross problems in your life and the lives around you, you will, must absolutely avoid alcohol abuse or use to excess or addition, any illegal drug use, and be extremely careful with prescription drugs, and avoid tobacco addiction or regular use.


  8. I just watched last night.  Yes, I liked it.

    I did think her delivery, voice, intonation was just right.

    And yes, I do think that's an important part of it.

    Some of the sing song voices, which occur in other places as well, comes from talking to the children too much.  When talk to adults resumes the delivery should change.

    It's like speaking the language. 


    Not to get into a thing about tone, tho' I probably am.

    It's important not to use the rising inflection.

    The rising inflection is a device in speech to indicate questions. It occurs in many languages.  It's where, at the end of a question, the tone rises in pitch.  Some ladies use it to much, such as all the time.

    It just makes the speaker sound quite unsure of what they are saying.


    The other real issue is the speaker who intersperses their speech with "uh". 


  9. Are you bragging or confessing, Cappy?  Or just passing time?

    I will read these links.  History was my college major, in particular American History and 'the old days' have always interested me.

    We visit Torrey Utah every May and Sept and there are any number of old houses out there, including a Mormon pioneer house still in use in Fruita which sells various items that the settlers that far from Salt Lake City would have prepared, and perhaps sold.

    I can't see any of the history without imagining what it must have been like to settlers over 100 years ago coming out to those areas and farming, etc.

    There is a Mormon settlers house at least 120 years old, which has been for sale in Torrey.  I have considered buying it for a few years.  A lady in Torrey said "well, your name is on that house".

    I would like to see that some day.


  10. Yes, I think that makes sense.

    It's like being British.  Once British always British, even I think if you become a citizen of another country.

    I think.

    Which is probably the best way to do it.

    Just leave it at that.  No resignation or anything. 

    Catholics never come to visit you or anything, at least none have with me.  And it's basically been 50 years, except for a few attendances at Mass every few years.


  11. As some of you may recall, I have been talking to the missionaries for a few weeks.

    They have asked for a baptism date.  I have responded that I need to get ready for this, to know, to make it stick, as it were, rather than rush in, then drop out.  So I don't know my date yet.

    I began life in the Catholic church.  However, as an adult I attended Mass maybe 10 times.  That's all there is to being a Catholic.  Attend Mass.

    I don't know if I need to resign, or just leave it at that.

    I have heard that if I resign I can't have a Catholic funeral.  I don't know if I want one, what one is, and I'm not dead yet.

    Are there Mormon funerals?

    The missionaries have no idea, they have heard of Catholicism but have no ideas about it.

    Does anyone know what the procedure is or how this should be handled?



  12. I think the movie did a great job at what it presented itself as. Meeting mormons. For a further in depth look at doctrine , to start I recommend finding a local lds chapel or contacting the missionaries :P

    I'm on it, Crypto, I'm on it.

    I think I'll skip the film, though.

    I've seen Mormons before.  They are all over Utah, well, I have to presume that a lot of them are Mormons, as I haven't learned the Mormon sign yet, no one has showed me that yet.

    Some have told me they are Mormons.  One lady was pointing at everyone and asking "Did you pay your tithe?, did you pay your tithe?"  Since they were all answering yes, I have to assume they were Mormons (I was already having nice conversation with them).

    I know the Catholic sign.  Sign of the Cross. 

    40 years ago I daily drove past the Los Angeles LDS Temple.  I was always compelled to make the sign of the cross as I drove past.


  13. Horse

    Or lack thereof

    I think those 12 step programs talk about a higher power.  They can use the ocean as a higher power, if they don't want to acknowledge God as the higher power.

    In terms of psychologists and psychiatrists, they like to complicate things.  And listen, rather than offer solutions.

    Why not, they are paid by the hour.

    As to real solutions, I think there are only 3 problems in the whole world.  Only 3 problems that any person can ever have.

    Their relationship with thyself, their relationship with other people, and their relationship with their maker, or creator (God).

    That's the way I see it.

    So, yes, it's ironic that everyone wants to leave out one essential part of the solution.

    And still expect to get anywhere.

    But this is the agenda today, the revisionist history, the revisionist solution.


  14. I think a lot of people detest guns because they fear guns.  And they fear guns because they know nothing about guns.  So even if anyone doesn't buy a gun, they can rent a gun at a gun range, usually only with another person.  And I would encourage them to do so, to get out and find out what it really is.  And isn't.

    They can come out to an event like we had yesterday.   BBQ and all day shooting at the outdoor range.  Free instruction available, and everyone is willing to let you try their gun, in fact many offer.

    All under very controlled conditions.  Most of the people there are well experienced with guns, ex military, NRA Range Security Officers, or Instructors.  And everyone able to watch others to be sure that they are safe for themselves and for their neighbor.

    But also some young people who were able to have some fun trying various guns.

    And conquering any fears they may have had.



    But if you do buy a gun, get training, and practice.

  15. For many years I have gone to gun ranges.  I'm going this Saturday.  Just on our private range there will be 50 people of all ages.  And several hundred guns.  We will each shoot many dozen rounds.  We will stop for lunch and bbq.  Then back to shooting.

    At the canyon range will be several hundred people shooting many many guns.  Like there is every day. 

    There are several dozen ranges all around Los Angeles where the same will occur.

    I have gone to ranges all over the western states, and basically it's the same.

    There are probably 100 million gun owners in the USA and more shooters, and far more guns.

    And yet thru' all of this nobody gets shot.

    And you equate that to going to a "gun free" cinema where some psycho comes in and starts shooting 5 or 10 or 20 people, and the cops show up, what 15, 20, 30 minutes later.

    And this is the same thing?

    Not quite.


  16. Bini

    I don't think there is anything new about that.

    Obesity has for a long time been a big problem, especially where there is a primarily high fat, high carbohydrate diet.

    I notice a lot of fat people all over Los Angeles.  But also in my travels thru' all the western states. 

    I think one thing that makes me reasonably slim is genetics, but also diet, and small portions.  We never ate platefuls and platefuls of food like a lot of people like to do.

    A lot of these restaurants serve huge meals.  In many cases I go with someone else so we can split an order.


    At one time I thought the perfect breakfast was one orange, one apple and one banana.


  17. Vort

    Thanks, but no thanks.  I got over Led Zeppelin long ago.

    I had one of the, I guess the one with Stairway on it, and I played it over and over for a while, way back when, and then I realized it was going to drive me insane, so out it went.

    I'm long over all that now.

    Today it's Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Bartok, and plenty of Chopin to spice it up.

    Not on the record box, just on KUSC which is the only thing I will listen to.



    Khachaturian, Wagner, whatever they put on.

  18. I don't eat any breakfast.

    Just a glass of orange juice. 

    Maybe mid morning a Krispy Kreme donut, jelly filled.

    Today I did have two English muffins.

    I eat a good lunch and a light dinner. 

    Wait, how did this get started?  Oh, eggs.  Egg allergy.

    So have something else.  I used to have grapefruit juice.  Too much acid.  So I now go with orange juice.


  19. To me it's much simpler.  I seek truth.  It may seem like contention if someone doesn't agree, but I know there are certain truths, that are, as has been said, self evident.

    Self defense, defense of home and family and possessions is just that.  An entirely different thing.

    I think the concept is avoid contention in our daily affairs, in our relationships with others.

    But it doesn't mean we change our beliefs.


  20. unixknight

    Two things I take issue with.

    "They are innocent until proven guilty".  Not quite.  If they were innocent why would the police be after them?  They have probable cause to believe that a crime was committed and that the suspect was the one what committed the crime.  The idea or concept that they are to be considered innocent until proven guilty is a presumption.  They are 'presumed' to be innocent until proven guilty as a procedure in a court of law.  And you do know what a presumption is, don't you?  Yes, a fiction.

    Before we go to court, we have evidence that we believe a trier of fact will use to conclude that they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

    As to your 'statistic' that we are 55 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist, I ask you?

    When you say "we" that all important word, do you mean an armed robber, an ex con, a prison escapee, a "thug", a gangster, a dope dealer, or do you mean "we" like you probably have on this forum, law abiding, background passed, conscientious, tax paying, wage or salary earning citizen? 

    I'll say that would make a 100 to 1 difference in your 'statistic'.



    I do think you are right;  we should all get far more involved with our local law enforcement.  But that also means being in favor of law enforcement.