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Posts posted by David13

  1. Here in California no fault divorce has been the rule since about 1971. 

    And as Just a Guy states there the law here is roughly the same.  Remember when you are out there and hear some guy lamenting about his divorce you are hearing less than 1/2 the story.  The kids could also tell you a lot that he won't tell as well.

    At the peak, the divorce rate here was 50% of marriages.  I think it's less than that now.

    That means that there are out there millions, and I have known dozens of happily married men and women.

    It takes two to make it work.  Not one. 

    And it can work for you if you believe that.  If you believe what you say in your post you won't be able to do it or make it work.

    It's known as the self fulfilling prophecy.


  2. Ha ha. I've never heard that "duty" before.

    This is the perfect example why women don't like to give honest answers.  Because they know men.  Because there are men that think that women have to go out with them out of duty.  Or that anger will obtain what niceness won't.



    It all goes back to the famous song of the 50's I think, Another Saturday Night.  Sam Cooke


    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody ...

    I got some money 'cause I just got paid ...


    Another fella told me he had a sister that looked just fine ...

    Instead a bein' my deliverance she had a strange resemblence to a cat named Frankenstein.



    Remember be careful what you wish for, what youpray for, you might get it.  But it might not be what you thought it would be.  I know I've met any number of the wrong woman for me.

  3. Well, I'm LDS but only by 1 month, officially.

    So I must opine, or relate.

    I was raised as a Catholic so I learned about the bible and the theology.  And we prayed, mostly in strictly prescribed prayers, recited by rote.

    As life progressed, I learned others prayed ad hoc, ad lib, so I started.

    As an adult I had no church membership.  I wandered aimlessly thru' the desert for 45 years.

    However, I did continue to pray.

    To know what to do in certain situations, for guidance in school exams, to deal with challenges, etc.

    I thought it was out of love of God.  I didn't think I feared God.  Now I realize I do.  And maybe I should.

    As I got older, I said daily prayers of gratitude for life (at this age).

    I prayed in my desert wanderings in front of the Los Angeles Temple, since it was on the way.  I prayed in front of other churches, looking for some sign.  I prayed in circles with others, since they were doing that.

    I got a book of Mormon in 1985. 

    Finally, this year Utah inspired me to walk in the (LDS) door. 

    Now I had to learn a new way to pray.

    Which for the first time includes is the bible true, is the Church true, and is the Book of Mormon true.

    Why did I pray?  For all reasons and because I/we just always did.



    A Doctrine that's a good quote there, I like it.

    Someone (maybe a Catholic, William F Buckley Jr maybe quoting someone else) once said, prayer does more for the person praying than it does for God.

  4. I don't know where Roxbury is.  But I want to say I usually catch some good trout down here at California Fish Grill over on Artesia Blvd.

    And that there is nothing more pleasurable than casting a line into that little creek somewhere and catching trout from the creek.  And then building a fire by the side of the water and cooking them up to eat.

    A most honest way to eat fish.


  5. Change your attitude.

    Those things are poisen and should be avoided.  They are a waste of money.  Take the right attitude toward smoking, and you will soon want to avoid them.

    It is one of the worst health deficits you could suffer.  They smell horrible, and leave a horrible smell anywhere you smoke, and on your clothes.

    You will be very happy, and your health will improve greatly when you get those things out of your life.

    Not smoking is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.


  6. You need friends for 100 different reasons.

    So various friends fill or take certain needs.  You do something for them, or they do something for you.

    Or, it is mutual backscratching.  Quid pro quo.  It can be equal, or not.

    God is God and your friends are not God.

    Sometimes you need a friend to set a fire under your butt to get you going, motivated, so you don't feel like a failure.  To tell you the truth.  To let you know things about you that no one else has the familiarity, the audacity and the sense to tell you.


  7. Yeah.

    Interfaith conversations, like interpolitical conversations are not productive.  Seldom is any mind changed.  Frequently heated disagreements break out, fights if you will, hard feelings, unhappiness, etc.

    Now if somebody has questions, maybe.

    But certainly in politics the questions are frequently loaded.  And again unnecessary in that no one changes their mind.


  8. It should be the same voice, at least at times.

    When we remember the words that were given to us to deal with a situation or something, then it is that person of great inspiration to us. 

    My father was only a role model to me when I was quite young;  in later life I had to adopt myself out to older wiser men who became inspiration or 'mentor' to me. 

    And from whom I learned slogans, words of wisdom, concepts of faith, etc.

    At appropriate times those words come back to me in the same voice of that wiser man.

    But sometimes it's just the mother.  What would the mother say or think or how would she approach this situation.


  9. There are coincidences.

    But certain coincidence has a divine nature to it, perhaps, on some occasions.

    Thus, I'm still alive.  There were people who came into my life and kept me alive.  People who did things that saved my life.

    And just general influence and faith and activity that kept me going.

    I never knew I would live to this age.  My mother and brother didn't.  And I suppose I have known many others who didn't.

    So every day is a miracle to me.


  10. I heard of a supposed miracle today.

    A woman living near, in sight of the Los Angeles Temple had stated that she would not be interested in the LDS church as long as the Angel Moroni atop the Temple faced away from her.

    Meanwhile, David McKay visited the Temple and noticed that the Angel Moroni faced southeast as does the Temple.  He ordered Moroni to be rotated to face directly to the east.

    So one morning this neighbor woman awoke and looked up to see the Angel Moroni now facing directly toward her house, which was to the east of the Temple.

    Imagine her surprise.  I suppose today she is a member in good standing.


  11. It varies from time to time.  It may be my mother, usually, it may be a teacher or moral influence I once had;  an older wiser man, the Holy Ghost, maybe God or Jesus, but seldom my father.

    In all, it is my conscience.  Not my conscious which is my awareness of my existence and surroundings, but the morality, the ethics, the knowledge of right and wrong, the CTR that steers me.

    It could not be my father as he was moral except to one factor.  But misinformed about guns and motorcycles.


  12. I was reading today on another forum about a possible connection with the BoM and the Olmec civilization. 

    Now here we see Mayan.

    I tried to find information on the Los Angeles Temple.  They have a Mayan theme in the architecture, I think it's Mayan.

    I know that temple builders lived for many years around Mexico, central and south American many years ago.

    And there were mound builders, or crude temple builders along the Mississippi river in the very distant past.

    What the connection is may never be known, or "proved".


  13. I too went thru' on the 13th of May.  I will say I did see that one, I think, well, I know I saw them all.

    My first favorite was the poplar wood or forest on the way into the Baptistry.  Then the valley forest scenes from around the Temple, complete with a good supply of deer.

    Those were my favorites, as they showed the natural beauty of the surrounding area to the Temple, but without all the development and strip malls and gas stations throughout the valley (not that I'm against gas stations, I'm not, I like to get gas to enable the motorcycle to take me further).

    The one you have here, yes, beautiful with the history and the theme and all.


  14. In a sense you sound like me.

    Except for the part about shunning and all that.

    I'm older and a former Catholic and all alone.  No family, all dead, divorced long ago, no children.

    But most people, good people see me as a good person. 

    I smile, look directly at them, eagerly say good morning, etc.  If they respond I'm ready with a handshake.

    I'm modestly but cleanly and neatly dressed with short hair and a trimmed beard.  I walk and talk like a man, which I am.

    I don't appear to have any drug or alcohol impairment and I don't smoke.

    And most people around California, and all in Utah and Idaho and other areas are quite friendly to me.

    But yes, I have, as a 1 month member of the LDS church found that at least in Utah the LDS church is the most open, welcoming and friendly church I have ever gone to.

    But you might say I seem like 'one of them' except for the beard.

    Here they were more suspicious.  But once it seemed clear I was serious about joining the church they all shook my hand, patted me on the back, and talked as a friend.

    Look at those words of wisdom.

    But I think you will find a fellowship here in LDS that Catholic church doesn't even consider.


  15. Let's start with Genesis 3.  The serpent, Lucifer.

    1 Peter 5;  8

    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Revelation 12;  9

    And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    2 Corinthians 11;  14

    And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


  16. What troubles me, with my limited knowledge is the idea that Satan does not have a body.  He is an evil spirit and can take many forms.

    In the Garden of Eden he takes the form of a serpent.

    I think it's common belief that Satan can take a form or appear in a form very different. 

    But the most recognizable form is the beast.

    I guess the answer to the op is that in Moses 1: 22 Satan takes a form or appears in such a form to have teeth.  I thnk it's clear that Moses recognizes who he is from the start, tho' he does say "Who art thou?".  Why is that (that he recognizes Satan")?

    God told Moses "Thou art after the similitude of mine Only Begotten." in reference to Satan.  Here Satan has taken the form or appearance of Jesus, no? 

    So he has no particular body, but can appear in many forms.


  17. I suppose I am far too judgmental, suspicious and paranoid to believe the best with all people.

    But there certainly are those I look at and feel that way.

    And others less so.

    I guess it gives me something to think about, and work on.


  18. The topic came up recently are there still miracles?

    Or have they ceased?

    I raised the issue today with 4 others and at first they said no, no miracles.

    I shared that I consider each new day of life for me to be a miracle, in that I never knew I would live to be as old as I now am.

    Then they started to remember things that could of late be considered a miracle.

    I just returned from Utah and saw a miracle.  Posters advertising (in Manti and Fairview) "An Evening with Porter Rockwell". 

    Which is a miracle as he's been dead for 138 years.

    But it reminded me of lectures I attended as a child.  Mark Twain lectures.  Not actually Mark Twain but old men that looked like and could memorize Mark Twain lectures and give them in various civic auditoriums.

    Those were the days when there was decent entertainment for young people tho' I think the minimum age for the Mark Twain lectures was 12 or 14 as there were adult themes.

    What miracles have you seen with your own eyes lately?
