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Posts posted by David13

  1. I think each one has their own peculiar reason.  And I'm sure a lot of them don't even know the real reason they drop out.

    The bad example of most people today can lure the less faithful out. 

    I think one big reason is  pride, or more specifically they become convinced they know more about the gospel than anyone in the church, and more about how to run the church than anyone in the church, and that therefore the church is not doing it right and they have to leave.  Ego, pride, whatever.

    And each would need their own peculiar cure, or awakening, having thier blindness removed, etc., to return.

    In other words, not one reason and not one solution to bring them back.



    The worst part is that few of them seem to be able to just leave and let it go at that.

    So many of them have to take up their 'cause celebre' and go about a mission to get others to leave the church and I suppose follow them.  Messiah complex or whatever that is.

  2. Anatess

    I am happy to agree with you on that 100% with no question whatsoever, except one glaring obvious mountainous difference. 


    With which I certainly hope you agree as I do not want to roll around on the ground kicking my feet in the air in indignation.


    These are LDS missionaries.  Not scarm artists.

    Op did not say scam artists had him buying a new time share each week.

    Op said 'LDS missionaries.  Our beloved sons and daughters (and grandsons and granddaughters).  The good kids.  And we know for the most part how they operate, don't we.


    LDS missionaries from our beloved the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. 


    I think also it's clear that there's no overreaching mentioned here.  And there was no mention of "invalid" as someone else gratuitiously added.


    So my original question still stands.


  3. Whoa pkstpaul

    I don't know what your ward is like, or where your missionaries come from, but ours here can't find fancy enough restaurants for us to take them out to.

    I'm hard pressed to impress them.  Which is fine with me.

    Anyway, op, I love the missionaries and love their company.

    We only have males, and I wish we did have some females.

    They are polite, good manners, no profanity, talk of spiritual and scriptural matters, and are just good company.

    They know about the church, or all about the church, and can answer any questions you have, or, if I stump them on a theological question, I'm pleased to be able to educate them.

    Because I learn in the process.

    And, due to my age, I'm closer to the end than ever, so I need spiritual help for my preparation.


  4. We are not spokemen for the church.  Our responses are our own belief.

    Missionaries don't get paid.  They serve without financial compensation.  In fact, they pay $400 a month to do their mission.  Some have money they earned.  Some parents pay.

    Some with no money, the missionary fund pays for them.

    Your father is like the Pied Piper.  Offering free food.  The missionaries salivate like Pavlov dogs when they hear 'free food'. 

    They are hungry.

    It's like offering a fish to a cat.


  5. Are you worried that your father is spending your inheritance?

    He has that right, you know, that perogative.

    We are requested to feed the missionaries.  We have lists to have them over for dinner.  I just take them out to dinner or lunch and let me tell you, they eat like horses.  And the more expensive it is, the more they like it.

    And your father, it sounds like, is now in a financial position where he can entertain them, like he recalls the older people doing when he was young, and now he is able to do that.

    Which he should be able to do to enjoy the later years of his life.

    Which is what I do myself being old and single.  We don't get any girls tho', just guys, but I'm happy to have them 'be my guest'.


  6. I'm praying for the gift of being able to sing in church myself. 

    I can sing.  It just takes me hours to learn a song.  I need lessons and to practice more.

    One sacrament meeting (in Utah) they had a professional singer in.  He goofed up one big note near the end something fierce.  Oh well, nobody's perfect.


  7. It sounds nice.

    I was fortunate to attend the Payson open house in May.  They had 400,000 visitors there.  Just watching the volunteers come and go was unbelievable.  Hundreds of volunteers.

    And the Temple is so beautiful.

    Now, Temple worker.  Well, first, shave your beard.  (If you have one).  Someone just looked at me last week and said "you'll have to shave that beard if you want to be a Temple worker."

    Maybe I won't be.  I'll just be happy if I live another year.

    I guess they forgot all about Brigham Young (he wore a beard).


  8. Sickening, isn't it.

    The other thing that bothers me is ... "men and women are equal". 




    Men and women are not equal and never will be.  They are complementary.  They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, to make one whole.

    They each have separate and independent roles that they use to work together as partners.

    Men are to be fatherly, and the woman is to be motherly, to the children.

    And together they are supposed to teach the child all of what he learns about life, not the school.


  9. We shall discern in the way we have always done, and the changing and 'fashionable' or trendy perversions will not be adopted by us.  Nor condoned, nor accepted, no matter how "normal" anyone declares them to be.


    Which is preferable?

    Don't we really mean which is the lesser of the two evils?


    I don't  know. 

    But it reminds me of a story about one of the apostles, perhaps true, perhaps not, but told about one known for his somewhat unconventional (but not abnormal) behavior at times.  Eccentric, perhaps.  A little rough on the edges.

    He on a mission had gone down to, maybe St George, or nearby and lost his companion.  Well, the companion finally caught up with him in a restaurant where he was eating, and had a cup of coffee ready.

    The companion said "Elder Apostle (perhaps Apostle later in life), I'd rather commit adultery than drink a cup of coffee".

    "Well, wouldn't everyone" remarked his companion.


  10. I have a great deal of respect for Brigham Young. 

    I wish I could have accomplished in my life one half of what he accomplished. 

    I still wear a beard.  And I have no intention of shaving.

    I think he was known as the American Moses outside the church.  I don't think they called him that in the church.

    Wasn't it Horace Greeley or some newspaper writer back east that titled him the American Moses?


  11. I can't see how someone is too "shy" to attend Sacrament meeting but not too "shy" to attend Temple.  That doesn't make sense.

    Also, I've never heard of the disease of "shyness".

    Sounds like saying oh yes, my psychiatrist says I suffer from a medical condition known as laziness and so I can't work and have to receive disability pay.

    I think the best cure would be "go to Sacrament meeting each and every week".


  12. As a child in the Catholic Church I had an idea of a pre-mortal life.  As a result, I was strapped into my chair and re-educated as to that belief.

    Sort of.

    So I like the idea here.

    The Catholics do pray.  But they recite approved prayers, over and over.  Ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers.  It is really more an empty chant than a prayer.

    Who was it that said prayer is meant to have more effect on the pray-er rather than God.

    When I was a child in the Catholic Church, word came down from on high, Rome, I guess, that the Holy Ghost would no longer be called the Holy Ghost, but now would be called the Holy Spirit.

    I also remember going to the public school and praying.  Until they ended that.

    I think what I see here is a distinction without a difference.  Don't all Christians see the same God, merely thru' different interpretations, like the bible?

    Who said that if we were all to look upon Jesus, we would each see a different person.
