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Posts posted by David13

  1. This is really nothing new.  The policy has always been, that, if parents who are not members of the church have children who want to be baptized, they must have parental consent. 

    Why?  Because otherwise there would be a possible wedge driven between the parents and child baptized.  And the church cares enough about children to respect the wishes of the parents.

    This policy shows the same respect for the family by not driving a wedge between the parents and the child who would encounter teachings in the church that would directly contradict what the homosexual parents were doing.


  2. They are all unique.

    And what's in Tijuana, perhaps all of Mexico is unique. 

    I'm tentatively planning on going.

    But I suspect that it resembles few other buildings in that area, other than generally, some other churches here and there.

    I mean, there is not another similar church there across the street.

    But it's kind of a Mexican style, like churches there, but still unique.

    Anyway, from what I see, it is quite beautiful. 

    And maybe it might be good to look at photos of all of the Temples, as none of them are the same.  Each one is unique.



    J a g

    To be more specific, I think your assessment is way off.  Unless you haven't spent much time in Mexico.

  3. I have to agree that it's perhaps 'weird and creepy' or at least off the wall. 

    It seems like she should be giving this certificate to her husband to be.  But even that seems like a bit too much.  He should already know, if he wants to know, and if he doesn't, then she shouldn't try to 'prove' anything to him.


    As for the permission from the father.  Is it really permission?  Or is it more like you mention that it is your intention to marry his daughter, and she has agreed to the marriage.

    And then ask, .. what does the father think?  You should already know what he will say.

    He may pull out a gun, and say "why you dirty little rat, I'll kill you before you will marry my daughter."

    Or he could say, "I am glad to hear it, I was hoping, etc." 

    But in either case you should already know what he is going to say.  But you are showing him the courtesy to voice his opinion.

    Allowing him to give his approval out of respect for his position as her father.



    More or less a formality.  Done more for show that for actual "permission."

  4. Yes, Jane Doe, but that's why I'm not into Family History work.

    First, my uncle did it all about 35 years ago, and what he has, which goes back to about 1820 is there in Salt Lake, and the Family History center.  I got a copy last month.  Then he hit dead end.  No way to go further back.

    I had seen all he had about 10 years ago.

    And there were only names.  No stories, no bios, nothing but the names.  Most of my ancestors had lives, but mundane as to not having left a written trail of any kind. 

    They lived and died.  They worked, they farmed and did other things, owned houses, and that's about it.

    Even questioning my grandparents when I was a child was like pulling teeth.  Impossible to get any more than a word or two out of any of them.

    Suffice it to say they got me here, and I'm happy.

    And have other hobbies or passtimes.


  5. Sockpuppet?  I had never thought of such a thing. 

    Eowyn, thanks for enlightening me. 

    What a thought. 

    I could have my own cheerleader. 

    "Oh, isn't that David13 a great guy, he's so smart.  And what a great avatar he has."  Etc.

    But my self-esteem is probably already too high, and bordering on pride.  So I'll put the idea out of my head.

    But thanks for the idea Eowyn.

    Just a brief fantasy.


  6. So many times, and in so many ways.

    But none of which were earth shaking enough, to be a good story.

    How about just making it to 66 years.  That seems like a miracle to me.

    Or motorcycle riding.

    People ask me, did you ever have a close call.  A lady asked that last week.

    Every day I ride.  Sometimes several a day, this is Los Angeles.  It's like a Kamikaze sea around here. 

    It's like the song said "I know why I believe".



    Looking back I may have been born with a testimony, I was raised by a Catholic mother, so I believed from a young age. 

  7. Well, I'm single (divorced) so I'd say, I love the church.  And I guess, I suppose the people in the church.  Well, most of the people in the church.  Maybe all the people, or most of the people in my ward.  I guess all of them, mostly.

    I don't know about the stake, tho'.  I'm getting the impression their are some weird people in the stake, so I'll have to reserve judgment on them.

    Well, not really judgment, assessment.  My assessment, that's it.


  8. Mormons do call themselves Saints.

    But not in a sense that they are perfect, or in any way exalted.

    They mean they are disciples of Christ.

    They also mean that they are called to be Saints, to perfect their life, to become more like Christ every day, and not just on Sunday.

    It does not mean they think they are perfect.

    It means their calling is to try to perfect themselves.


  9. PrisonChap

    Again I have to thank you.  I think you have a very good response to Halloween there.


    Folk Prophet

    You didn't mention how many families get together at Christmas, get drunk, ... and fight.  The big family fights.  Or at other holidays if they miss the fights too much.


    I think it's from an original Christian day, the day of All Souls Day, which I think is the first or second of November.

    How they got into the souls the night before and all that, don't know.


    Now, some of you, not around here, may not know of the great Mexican involvement here, which consists of going to the cemetary with food or candy offerings for the dead relatives.

    This is known as Day of the Dead, or actually night ot the dead, as I think they go at night, or Dia de los Muertos. 

    You will find at this time of year in all the stores candy or cookies in the form of a skeleton or skull, or such-like.  Those are for the offering to the dead.

    Which, of course, becomes another opportunity for the Mexicans, in some cases to get drunk and fight.


    Aren't holidays wonderful.



    I had never heard that the costumes had a purpose.  I think also there have been all kinds of pagan rituals and so forth to take advantage of All Souls Day in some way.

  10. PrisonChap

    Thanks for the recommend on the book.  I am getting it and reading and studying it, as it is available from the library here.

    I went online to order it and my card has expired so apparently I have to go to the library (branch) to renew, which I did but they were closed.  12 to 8 today, so I'll go back, renew, and order it over.

    I hope to report later as to how I see the book.


  11. I always make a lot of eye contact.

    And, with regard to a woman with whom I am involved, touch very much, including at the airport saying goodbye or hello.

    i don't hug men, tho' if I can escape it, unless it is one of my best buddies, and only then on special occasions.

    i also don't 'high five.'

    I know a guy white, with a black wife.  And I disagree with his wife on just about everything on this earth from the White House on down.  And she thinks that a part of every conversation is 'high five' several times.  I avoid this by telling them 'we are not supposed to do high five.'

    I think they think it's because I'm white, or they think I'm a jew, which is funny 'cause I'm not.


  12. The way we live our lives, and every aspect of our lives is indeed all relevant, as I see it.

    That's what the Words of Wisdom is all about, isn't it?

    And that's also why they ask (for fathers who are divorced) 'did you pay your child supprt', etc.  It's all relevant.


  13. I didn't click on the link after Neuro's admonition about it.


    I'll just answer the title question.


    I'm single, no I touch no one and no one touches me.



    Some of the guys will pat me on the back or the shoulder, you know, as men do in encouragement of one and another.


    And then there's shaking hands. Mostly that's ok.


    BUT, and that is a very large but.  I had 'pre-cancer' on the back of my hands.  It's now cancer in one spot.  And frequently in shaking hands, mostly with men, particularly if they have large hands, they tend to wrap their thumb around your hand and AGONY!  They manage to hit that cancer every time.

    Particularly one brother, way taller than me, and I'm tall, he grabs my hand, contacts the spot with the thumb and twists. 


    So this is my burden to bear, my cross.  Sort of minor, really, but that's the only touching that bothers me.

    I also have cancer, lymphoma, stage four, but that doesn't bother me.  Nor does the chemotherapy.  Just only the way some people shake hands.

    I'm seeing a surgeon Thursday to cut off the skin cancer.  Hopefully that will help.


  14. I can't relate.

    In my family the only way we would visit my father and his new wife was by staying near by (hotel, motel, condo), and then day visits.

    Different worlds.

    Different universes.
