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Posts posted by David13

  1. It has been said right there.  Unconditional unselfish love and acceptance is the key.

    Acceptance means you accept what you have in a marriage.

    Now, this is the internet where there are adages and idioms and old wives tales.  Some of the old wives tales are ... true!  Believe it or not.  But sometimes we don't realize it was true until later in life.

    When people are young and get married, sex can be the most important thing in the marriage or relationship.

    As those same people get older, the come to a point where sex is the least important thing in a marriage.

    Now, as to the young ones, a marriage based on sex and nothing else won't last.  There has to be a whole lot more to it, to the point that, if a young couple gets married, sex SHOULD BE a very unimportant part other than to have children.

    And I do not think that means they have to have a lot of common interests or they both like the same colors or something.

    They can be very different, after all one is male and one is female.  Which is very different.  But what is the same is that they both have a very well developed sense of acceptance to the differences.

    The differences and how they react to them will be the most important part.    The similarities will be of little import.

    So it come back to ... love and acceptance (of all of it) is the key.


  2. AMEN. The original show deals with Freudian thought (an obsession of mine), guilt, OCD, religion,  overreaching government, alienation, paranoia-I could go on. 

    Amen I say unto you also MG.

    Yes, it was thought provoking stuff for kids, as I was in those days.  And stuff that would have interested Anatess, as well, I think.  The later shows got watered down, or they just didn't have the cutting edge of the original.  There were some good ones amongst the newer but not like the original.  And Rod Serling.  His whole 'style' fit into it so well.

    I remember one where they didn't show the faces.  A woman was having facial surgery to correct her ugliness.  They took off the bandages, and she was beautiful (by our standards).  But the doctors and nurses gasped in horror at her.  They all had pig faces, and thus considered her an outcast, with her 'ugliness' to their standards.

    And plenty of Alfred Hitchcock drama leading up to it.  Remember, you started watching and had no idea where the story was going, until you got there.

    You must also be a big Hitchcock fan.  He also had some similar films, many more cryptic than Twilight Zone.

    And one of my favorites.

    Don't answer the question.  Don't answer the question.

    Remember that one?   (correction:  it was Hitchcock)


  3. I didn't look, but it's probably somewhere on the world wide internet web.

    I remember only one hero song.

    Billy Don't Be a Hero

    I think that's the title.  It was from the Vietnam war era.  Advice to a young soldier to keep his head down, I think.

    It's probably out there still, also.


  4. I watched Twilight Zone on TV in the 80's - in the Philippines.  I couldn't remember a single episode.  I only remember the intro with the baby head spinning around the earth.


    That was the later show.  The original really had some good memorable plots.  The plots posed some very interesting questions.  Not like the mindless pablum and propaganda (of the left and the 'agenda') that you see on tv today.


  5. Hero is way too much overused today.

    I have no heroes.

    They had a guy that landed an airplane in New York harbor.  They all fell all over themselves saying he was a hero.  I don't agree.  First, you are not supposed to run the plane into birds.  Second, in any case, you are not supposed to land in the harbor.  You are supposed to land at the airport.  Third, who knows if he was "so cool and calm under pressure"?  He may have been squealing like a banshee all the way down.  His job, in any case, is to land the plane safely.  He was just doing his job.

    I think if someone does their job, they are not a hero.  They are doing their job.

    A soldiers job is NOT to get killed.  It's to kill the other guy.

    I guess the American or world wide public is so lazy and incompetent, that, if anyone actually does their job, then they have to be hailed far and wide as a "hero".  I don't agree.

    If an ordinary citizen not on the payroll saves someone's life, that is what they SHOULD do.  I don't think someone is a hero if they do what they SHOULD do. 

    If any of us has the opportunity to save someone's life, reasonably, without endangering anyone else, that is what they should do, and not heroic.



  6. Well, it seems like a good idea, but maybe a little too too.

    So I guess I'm against it, but on the other hand ...

    Was this your idea or did you get this from someone or somewhere else?

    Would all this be done in public?  You know, like the British used to do, on the public streets, with the drawing and quartering.

    I suppose it would have to be done in public ...

    I don't know.

    I'm sure somebody will say "it's over the top".


  7. They have everything backward.  Bizarro, the backward world they are creating, where good is bad, and bad is good, like they have intolerance for the sake of tolerance, and blatant racism for the sake of phony equality, or whatever.

    A great impetus for all this perversion has come from the White House.

    Black Lives Matter as a statement is racism in and of itself.  It clearly indicates that, to them police lives, white lives, Asian lives do not matter.  It's racist and exclusionary.

    Just more of how everything in the temporal world is going 100% wrong.


  8. It's not me you're disagreeing with, it's people who have researched the brain. 





    Well, at least you didn't say "scientists".  You said "researched".  I guess your idea of "research" is a little different than mine.

    Then again I don't place much reliance on the so called "experts".  At least that chirpy little teen didn't try to identify herself as an "expert".

    I don't believe in astrology, either.

    As to the home teacher, I collar him at the chapel, or call him to meet me there.  That way I do get my home teaching, just not at home.  He laughed about that.  He says he never had anyone call for home teaching before.

    Let me mention also, I don't believe in "vaccines", either, even tho' the "scientific experts" and the government says they are good and we "must" get them.

    I remember the widely touted polio vaccine from the '50s.  And I don't agree they have much improved since then.


  9. Inv.

    I was of the opinion also that you were of the male persuasion.  I don't know why I thought that, I guess I just always assume someone is unless they specify otherwise.


    I am going to disagree with zil here.  I do not agree that someone is born or genetically an introvert or extrovert.  It's all learned behavior. 

    I also don't believe homosexuals are not 'born that way' either.  It's funny how certain people say well, gender identifications are not fixed, so transgender, trans this and trans that is "okay" but homos are 'born that way'.  And can't change.

    I'm probably a lot more bookish than you.  I have an advanced graduate degree, after 4 years of 'higher education' and thus have done a lot of book reading.

    But that book learning goes to waste unless I developed social skills to put my knowledge to work.  So I have.

    And it is easy, just like anything else you have never done before is easy once you muster up the courage and get out there and do it, and learn how to do it.  Suit up and show up, they say.  In your case I guess that would be dress up and do it.

    I can guarantee you that when I am not being extroverted, I am more introverted than you.

    Zil, or zil.

    I don't mean ht or vt.  I haven't had any of that yet.  I mean they say, hey, let's go visit that guy.  Even the Stake President and one visiting of the Seventies.


  10. I think there's more to this church than show up at the last minute and then be the first to leave.

    There is the fellowship, and then the classes.  And the dinners, and the other various events, and home teaching and a dozen or more other things.

    So if you are looking for a go on Sunday in and out, then maybe this is not the right church for you.

    I was a Catholic as  child, and that's kind of how they do it.  One hour mass on Sunday, in and out and nothing more.

    I like this church because it is far more than that.

    They have told me it's a family, and they take care of each other, and thus they need to get to know each other.  And that includes me.  They also drop by to visit me a lot. 

    Maybe you are looking in the wrong place.



    I will admit tho', that I think I may be an extrovert.  In church or even visiting another ward, I arrive early and stand by the door to meet and greet everyone that comes in.

  11. I got rid of it this year.  I never watched anything but Sportsman and Outdoor.  And even that was getting boring and repetitive.

    I never watch football.  I don't consider "sports" as watching tv.

    As to the shows or programs I have long realized them to be garbage.  Propaganda for the left, the "new morality", the agenda, a lot of cheap and tawdry sex titulation, and commercial after commercial.

    So I had not watched any of that for years.

    Even the so called news is not news, but a finely selected and specific slant for the 'agenda'.

    So why spend $140 a month.  I'll use the money elsewhere.


  12. I wouldn't watch the Twilight Zone marathon even if I did still have cable.  I had seen every episode when they originally aired, then again and again in reruns.  So it would just be too boring for me.  But you are right, they were mostly really good.

    In those days, there wasn't much else to watch, so if there was one good show, I watched it.

    I got rid of my cable totally this year.

    $140 a month for junk?  And left wing propaganda?  No thanks.

    All I ever watched was Sportsman Channel and Outdoor Channel anyway.

    And I do not get anything out of watching SOMEBODY ELSE play football, or baseball or hockey.  If you got the football, I'll get out there and throw it around with you, tho'.

    So my idea of "sports" is NOT watching tv.


  13. Nope. 


    What I am saying is we should be very careful about closing the door. The person we excommunicate today might be the leader of the church tomorrow. You don't know what you might be missing because you can't see into the future. 


    What we might be missing?  Like, maybe we might be missing 'the New Morality'? 

    There are easy churches out there, that don't care what sins you continue to commit.


  14. My toddler wouldn't stay in bed.   ...   


    My grandmother handed out 2 grand to everyone.



    Are you talking about 2 grand as in $2,000.00 two thousand American (non counterfeit) US of A Dollars?

    Do you think I could pose as a distant cousin of yours visiting from, say, Australia and have dinner with you and the family and Grannie next Christmas?


  15. Anatess

    Sounds nice.  Money is a good gift.  That way they can get what they want.

    But the Teddy bears sounds nice too, particularly with the Pres. Monson quotes.

    Your mother reminds me of my grandmother.  My mothers mother.  Whenever she came over, she immediately started cleaning the house.  Not, I think because it was dirty, just she was an obsessive cleaner.

    All the family are dead now, and I don't have any friends (nobody likes me) so Christmas for me was myself and my two cats.  And work on my motorcycle.

    I did recently buy an iPad Air 2 and a gun for myself, so basically I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas.

    I usually tell anyone don't get me a present, and I usually don't get anything for anyone.  That way nobody gets something they don't want.


    I'm glad to hear you got that dining room table.  That can be an important part of any holiday get together, or for any time of the year.

    In the Church, in the workplace and certainly at home, eating together is an important part of the festivities and socializing.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  16. An atheist and a Mormon walk into a bar ...

    What is it in your 'Mormonism' that attracts you to an atheist?

    You know, a couple of my LDS friends recently tried to set me up with a nice lady ... a nice Catholic lady.  No thanks.  I mean what kind of relationship could I have with a Catholic woman?

    We would go our separate ways on Sunday? 

    No thanks.

    The best way in the world to enter into a relationship that will fail is to start out with two diametrically opposed people.  Now, mind you, you are female (I hope) and he is male.  So that is a big tremendous difference right there.  After that one, you should try to find someone with whom you have something in common.

    Please note that I gave thanks to two above who had advice as to how to avoid mistakes.

    From you post, it seems the only thing you have in common with this guy is sex, and that is the worst thing to base a relationship on, particularly with your religious affiliation.


  17. No, I think you call them Bishop or President forever.

    At Sacrament meeting the other week, in front of the door an old timer said to the Bishop, "oh, hi, Ken, I mean Bishop Bradley".

    But even in each others house, they all say Bishop, President, etc., forever.

    Mark Twain had written about it.  His brother was Secretary of the State of Nevada for a year or two, and filled in as acting Governor for one weekend when all the others, Gov, Lt. Gov and all the others were out of state.

    For the rest of his life his valet at least called him Governor.

    I think that's the way to do it.


    I had a friend a lawyer, Conservative, he always wore a white shirt and tie, and usually the jacket was near by, even at home, and any time I ever heard he or his wife, it was always Mr. ----- and Mrs. -----.  And I was around them a lot.

    Very formal.


    It's protocol.  It doesn't matter how old they are.
